**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Haha the good old tooth dream, horrible isn't it! I had really bad dreams all through my pregnancy and until my LO was 8months I would wake up in the night digging at the sheets thinking I'd fallen asleep with him in the bed!x

Oh god I hated those and I had them for around 6 months. Sleepwalking to search for him and waking up to find him safe in his bed! :( I wonder if with number 2 you have that searching for both of them??!! Lol x
Was slightly concerned yesterday evening. Whenever I seem to stretch a little too far I get a tugging/pulled muscle pain in my lower right stomach near my hip. Read up on it on the internet and apparently it's all very common as your uterus is growing to allow room for baby. I'm ok today though. I have never got the pain unless reaching across the bed for instance, so I'm now just trying to be cautious of how much I am stretching as I don't want to harm anything.

Having the usual AF like feelings at least 1-2 times a day - stomach/back feels exactly how it does when I used to get my AF. But only lasts about 2 minutes and then disappears. Breasts are feeling so heavy when I'm wearing no bra. Having big bazoomas are clearly not beneficial right now, haha. They ache so much all over!! Although I somewhat don't mind as it makes me feel pregnant. Just strange that wearing a bra is more comfier now than setting them free... Oh well! Lol.

Hope you're all doing well xxx
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Was slightly concerned yesterday evening. Whenever I seem to stretch a little too far I get a tugging/pulled muscle pain in my lower right stomach near my hip. Read up on it on the internet and apparently it's all very common as your uterus is growing to allow room for baby. I'm ok today though. I have never got the pain unless reaching across the bed for instance, so I'm now just trying to be cautious of how much I am stretching as I don't want to harm anything.

Having the usual AF like feelings at least 1-2 times a day - stomach/back feels exactly how it does when I used to get my AF. But only lasts about 2 minutes and then disappears. Breasts are feeling so heavy when I'm wearing no bra. Having big bazoomas are clearly not beneficial right now, haha. They ache so much all over!! Although I somewhat don't mind as it makes me feel pregnant. Just strange that wearing a bra is more comfier now than setting them free... Oh well! Lol.

Hope you're all doing well xxx
I'm so glad I'm not the only one with these pulling feelings lol I have the af like cramps too keeps making me run to the loo to check for blood I feel paranoid but can't help it lmao
I keep running to check too, my boobs are only achey if I press on them a bit, but it's not normal for me, so I'm assuming it's a preg symtom. I get that odd pulling feeling if I overstretch in a certain direction too! This thread is great because we can compare things...and talk each other down off the ledge if we are panicking :)

I keep going to the loo to check too :)
I keep running to check too, my boobs are only achey if I press on them a bit, but it's not normal for me, so I'm assuming it's a preg symtom. I get that odd pulling feeling if I overstretch in a certain direction too! This thread is great because we can compare things...and talk each other down off the ledge if we are panicking :)

I keep going to the loo to check too :)

lol I agree I love that I can come on here and see that others at the same point as me feel the same things lol I have one more cheapy test left now 😂
I have four tests left and I'm definitely going to use them. My husband doesn't get it, he rolls his eyes when I take another. Honestly, men....
Omg my oh is the same lol he doesn't understand why I want to keep testing
So I'm 7 weeks today and have been hit by a train by symptoms! Was up 4 times going to the loo last night and just couldn't sleep. I almost feel giddy but that might be because I have my early scan this week. Got a ridiculous early train to work and started to feel sick and literally got off the train just in time to get some fresh air. Sitting in work trying to get the courage to eat some yoghurt and sip my peppermint tea. For those still waiting on their symptoms to come, don't worry, they're on the way :lol: x
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I'm the same with testing! Got two cheap tests left but trying not to use them just yet. I agree about this thread bring great :) it's good to come here and read how everyone else is getting on. At the moment, I'm struggling with constipation and not quite sure how to deal with it. My diet is already reasonably healthy enough, and we are supposed to avoid laxatives. Am just having a mug of hot water now as someone told me that can help. Hope they're not having me on lol. Hope everyone has a good Monday x
I'm the same with testing! Got two cheap tests left but trying not to use them just yet. I agree about this thread bring great :) it's good to come here and read how everyone else is getting on. At the moment, I'm struggling with constipation and not quite sure how to deal with it. My diet is already reasonably healthy enough, and we are supposed to avoid laxatives. Am just having a mug of hot water now as someone told me that can help. Hope they're not having me on lol. Hope everyone has a good Monday x

I know you can get safe stool softeners from the pharmacy or the dr. Don't just suffer with constipation cause you are allowed to take things for it
Oh thanks for the advice ☺ I'll go to the pharmacy. I wasn't sure what I'm allowed to take and not take, but I definitely do need some help with it.
I'm having cramps in my back today that are similar to period cramps , they're making me feel nauseous :-( is this normal??
I'm having cramps in my back today that are similar to period cramps , they're making me feel nauseous :-( is this normal??

Yes I have af like cramps too just means baby is making room in there :)
Oh thanks for the advice ☺ I'll go to the pharmacy. I wasn't sure what I'm allowed to take and not take, but I definitely do need some help with it.

No need to be uncomfortable if we can help it lol and they can point you in the right direction
Add me to the list please! Mid January I expect! Can't believe I am posting here!!

Welcome to the gang Carly!

Still no nausea but I have suffered a bit with heartburn after a meal, not a huge meal, just a normal one. Strange not having loads of symptoms, but I'm only 5+2... booked my early scan for 8+6!
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