**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Yep I tend to be super hungry yet I look at everything like its trying to kill me... I still cant poop and my boobs hurt, but my nausea has subsided a bit :D Im stupidly forgetful too, Yesterday I threw a paddy becuase I couldn't turn the tv over becuase I had lost the remote,
Then about 30 mins later I turned the tv up and realised the remote had been in my hand the whole time lol!
also I was very emotional. Im happy to be getting symptoms...
Also I'm really bad at the pregnancy diet, Today I turned down a burger becuase I couldn't have blue cheese on it, and had a hotdog with chorizo instead... I didn't realise I wasn't allowed both of those things until I had eaten half... ( and I say half becuase i went from starving to feeling bloated in 0.6 seconds ) :lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Yep I tend to be super hungry yet I look at everything like its trying to kill me... I still cant poop and my boobs hurt, but my nausea has subsided a bit :D Im stupidly forgetful too, Yesterday I threw a paddy becuase I couldn't turn the tv over becuase I had lost the remote,
Then about 30 mins later I turned the tv up and realised the remote had been in my hand the whole time lol!
also I was very emotional. Im happy to be getting symptoms...
Also I'm really bad at the pregnancy diet, Today I turned down a burger becuase I couldn't have blue cheese on it, and had a hotdog with chorizo instead... I didn't realise I wasn't allowed both of those things until I had eaten half... ( and I say half becuase i went from starving to feeling bloated in 0.6 seconds ) :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I had to over cook my eggs this morning cause we can't eat runny yolks :( honestly the whole can and can't thing is stupid it's just because certain foods "could have harmful bacteria" in them that we "aren't allowed" to eat it lol well I'm just going to take the do and do not food advice with a grain of salt and stick with the common sense approach. Like Do not eat undercooked chicken :lol:
Mystery26 - My MW told me soft boiled eggs were fine as long as they were Lion Quality one...?

Just wanted some reassurance... as a first timer :)

My Ovia app tells me: "Vaginal spotting is common in the first trimester" and although it can sometimes be a sign of something bad, it's just as likely (if not more likely) to just be normal implantation bleeding.

I'm 5w on the nose, and I wish I'd read that before I got some bleeding this morning! TMI - I wiped and got some browny/pink stain on the tissue, a tiny bit of pink on a panty liner. I swapped panty liners, burst into tears and just assumed that this....was...the end. But now it's stopped entirely and it's been 3 hours, no sign of any more blood. So hopefully this is just normal spotting. I've not had any big painful cramps or any other symptoms.

What does everyone else think? Had similar symptoms?
Yeah I think the guidance on eggs has changed and it's okay as long as they're lion stamped.

Fela I think brown and light pink bleeding is okay x

Thanks Belfa... it's my first time and I think that I'm just worrying about absolutely everything....
It's my first time too so I'm panicking at everything lol I went and got a bunch of 88cent tests from Walmart just to reassure myself it's still going good in there pretty sure I'm all good for now lol


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It's my first time too and I'm the same - panicking about everything, but trying not to! You're definitely not alone. Hope you're both OK :)
It's my first time too so I'm panicking at everything lol I went and got a bunch of 88cent tests from Walmart just to reassure myself it's still going good in there pretty sure I'm all good for now lol

Haha, Ive prob done about 100 the last few weeks, But I'm going to stop now, If the hook effect starts to kick in and my lines get lighter ill panic too much!

Eurgh been at a friends tonight, we've decided not to tell him because he suffers with foot in mouth syndrome and cant STFU.
He never usually smokes weed, but tonight he decided to skin up sitting next to me and smoke two joints... I had my hoodie over my face to make it obvious, and he just said, oh hope you don't mind, But it is my house!
So I just replied with not at all, and left!! haha
I just got a txt saying ' You used to be fun'
yeah when I was 16!
I know he didn't know, and it was out choice to not tell him, But id never even smoke a ciggy next to someone that didn't smoke...
p.s i don't smoke anymore I quit a year ago :D
It's my first time too so I'm panicking at everything lol I went and got a bunch of 88cent tests from Walmart just to reassure myself it's still going good in there pretty sure I'm all good for now lol

Haha, Ive prob done about 100 the last few weeks, But I'm going to stop now, If the hook effect starts to kick in and my lines get lighter ill panic too much!

Eurgh been at a friends tonight, we've decided not to tell him because he suffers with foot in mouth syndrome and cant STFU.
He never usually smokes weed, but tonight he decided to skin up sitting next to me and smoke two joints... I had my hoodie over my face to make it obvious, and he just said, oh hope you don't mind, But it is my house!
So I just replied with not at all, and left!! haha
I just got a txt saying ' You used to be fun'
yeah when I was 16!
I know he didn't know, and it was out choice to not tell him, But id never even smoke a ciggy next to someone that didn't smoke...
p.s i don't smoke anymore I quit a year ago :D
I'd have left too lmao
JustMe2017 - Yeah I think I'm fine now. Not had any spotting or pink/brown blood since that one time... I can't believe how much it upset me. I think it's because I'm the sort of person who likes to a) be in control and b) At least be proactive and *doing* something... It's been awful all of this "You just have to wait this out"... 12 weeks feels like a lifetime away!

I'm going to book for an 8 or 9 week scan at my local Nuffield hospital... I know I get my free scan at 12 weeks, but we are planning on telling parents at 10 weeks (because conveniently we are visiting them all over a weekend so it makes sense).. and if we've had a scan beforehand I'm hoping we can show them something :)
Fela , I am high risk so I'm going to have a booking appointment at 6 week and see if they suggest an early scan, if not we are looking to book one privately. For reassurance. It's a long wait until 12 weeks isn't it. Glad you're spotting has cleared. It's hard in the beginning isn't it! I'll have to tell work also, as I have a physical job. So I will have to for safety reasons. So I'd like an early scan first for reassurance. Xx
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Sugar10 we've been quoted £125 for a consultation and a scan with Nuffield Health
I know what you mean about it feeling a life time away! Does it feel like the time is dragging for you guys? It deffo is dragging here. Good luck for the private scans <3 Hope it helps to reassure you both. I might look in to how much it will be where I am. I'm not sure yet.
Congratulations and Welcome to all the new Ladies!

I'm starting to feel pregnant now.. I feel just wiped out! And bad nausea..I always feel hungry but never fancy anything! The thought of some foods make me feel so sick...
One week to my scan, it can't come quick enough!

Hope everyone else is doing ok! x

Well so far today the cramping has stopped so hopefully that's a good thing lol I just don't feel pregnant this time, with the one I lost I felt everything till I didn't then I started bleeding

So glad you said this! I'm feeling the same, I had a mc last time and felt more symptoms than this time around! So worried things will go wrong again but trying to stay positive :-) I've got a horrible cold the last two days :-/
I looked at Babybond and they're £89 for a early scan. I'll have a booking appointment in a weeks time so see what they say. Time does drag, part of me wishes I never tested so early now!! &#55357;&#56873;
Congratulations and Welcome to all the new Ladies!

I'm starting to feel pregnant now.. I feel just wiped out! And bad nausea..I always feel hungry but never fancy anything! The thought of some foods make me feel so sick...
One week to my scan, it can't come quick enough!

Hope everyone else is doing ok! x

Well so far today the cramping has stopped so hopefully that's a good thing lol I just don't feel pregnant this time, with the one I lost I felt everything till I didn't then I started bleeding

So glad you said this! I'm feeling the same, I had a mc last time and felt more symptoms than this time around! So worried things will go wrong again but trying to stay positive :-) I've got a horrible cold the last two days :-/
Well so far I'm still pregnant just taking it day by day lol I'll be happy when I hit 6 weeks
I had the freakiest dream I've ever had last night, my teeth fell out one by one. Ever time I lost one the next got loose omg I swear this kid hates me already :lol: :lol:
The tooth loss dream is really common! You should google it, I've had it before.

No real cramping but having to dash to the loo alot. I'm not sure whats worse, having no cramps and worrying why....or agonising over every twinge!
Haha the good old tooth dream, horrible isn't it! I had really bad dreams all through my pregnancy and until my LO was 8months I would wake up in the night digging at the sheets thinking I'd fallen asleep with him in the bed!x

Oh god I hate the crazy dreams!! I've shouted and cried in my sleep so far! So emotional:oooo: haha. I've got terrible cramps :( xx

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