**********january 2016 mummies**********

Oh Ellie :( You never know, the sweep may work and if not, look at the induction date as an end sign! What date did she give you?

I have such a feeling that today's sweep is going to be even more painful than last week, I can just tell by the way I already feel down there! Absolutely dreading it.

All I can suggest is cleaning, as I know that's broken people's waters before, and being on your feet as much as possible. Why not do some baking to keep you upright? You could just swivel your hips on the spot as you do it. Or maybe do some light dancing with OH round the living room?
Mine wasn't as painful, but she did say she wasn't as experienced as the midwife who did it last week and it's separating the membrane from the cervix (or something like that) so don't think she did much more than last week. Just think if it did/does hurt that it's more likely to work xx

Edit: the 26th is my induction date think I did also cry knowing the end is in sight haha!
Good luck with yours SAHF x
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Oh wow, that's quite far! I am hoping I get a date for Friday or Saturday. Surely if it takes up to 3 days for induction to work, they would want you in before 42 weeks?! xo
My midwife did say ask earlier but don't think they had any space, it's a busy hospital now as the one near me will only have low risk, so think they've got more women to look after and not what they'd manned for! Hoping they'll be able to go straight to popping my waters as she said she can stretch my cervix to 2cm so hopefully will skip the pessary. Let us know how you get on, hope you get a sooner appointment then me xx
Oh I wnt to get rasberyy leaf yesterday too but then got told they don't sell it anymore only some shop called Holland&Barret something along them lines sells it now , xxx
Yeah, managed to get mine from tescos too!

How'd it go SAHF?? X
oh that sucks!! maybe it was just the store near ME that didn't then :(

how r use feeling after ur sweeps ?
I'm shattered after hubby dragging me out for a walk, not use to it nowadays hehe but not feeling any closer to baby coming out!

Hope you're ok SAHF xoxo
Sorry girls for going quiet, had a very long nap! Booked in to be induced on Sunday, although hopefully baby arrives before then. If not, I'm actually glad to have an end in sight and a little bit excited because I know it means at most baby could be here by Sunday (unless it takes me 3 days for it to work, yikes!).

My sweep wasn't as painful as last week but was just as uncomfortable. It made me wonder if midwife had done it properly? I'm still 1cm dilated (was a bit gutted it wasn't more!) but she said my cervix is now VERY soft and manipulative (possibly down to the Raspberry Leaf Tea?!) and my Bishop's Score is now 5. What was yours Ellie?

I had a student midwife do baby checks, heartbeat was super strong and measuring 1cm ahead from last week - now measuring 42.5cm. I was a little bit annoyed she didn't check how engaged baby was though, as I wanted to know if baby was more engaged than last week and didn't think to ask until I was already home!
Again I didn't have a bishops score, but she said she could stretch me to 2cm but still wrote down 1 and my cervix was more central then posterior, 3/5th engaged but said I won't be anymore engaged until in labour and no more effaced either! She said she wasn't going to measure me either cos they should leave 2weeks between each measurements but last one was 39!

Do you have to call up first thing as well or do you have an appointment? It's not long to go to be fair! Bit jel you got an earlier day than me hehe glad you're ok though x

Vindaloo was a bit hot, could only eat 3 pieces of chicken haha
There is a downside to it being Sunday - it's my step brothers birthday! I was really hoping she'd try to get me in this Friday but she didn't even consider a date earlier than Sunday. I'd check your notes for the Bishop's Score, it's like a box of numbers towards the middle of the book I think!

Good on you for trying. I adore my hot and spicy food but a vindaloo is not for me!

I have to call at 8am and see if they have room for us, they better bloody do else I'll have a breakdown!
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Glad you both now have an end in sight, though got my fingers crossed the babies decide to come sooner!
Thanks Beanie! I'm actually really excited and upbeat now :) At least this way there is a more definite date in mind, opposed to just waiting around each day hoping today might be the day!
Hubby has tortured me with the walk earlier, in so much pain!

Not found anything about bishops score :-/

Thanks beanie x
Why not have a warm bath before bed? It'll help ease away the aches and pains!
Hello ladies I woke up today around 4am with the back of my pyjama bottoms wet and underwear wet too! I thought I had pee'd myself, but the smell wasn't horrible then again I don't exactly know what they mean by a "sweet smell" however this smell wasn't horrible. I put on a pad and after an hour chexked and it slight wet with most of it covered in light pink blood like stains ... I have been a lot of severe cramping which is getting intense and then back to normal and lower back ache. when I am walking around or changing positions the cramp calms down but the aching is still obvious! tryin to call maternity unit but they aren't a answering , not sure if this is a false alarm or the real thing ! just want answers !
the maternity unit have told me to come in for around 10ish to confirm n check if Waters have gone ... am
really sharp period pains must be contractions but they r quite far apart yet but lasting 40-50 seconds . Very sore !
Hey ladies. Haven't been on here since the arrival of my baby boy on Saturday.. I went into spontaneous labour 6 hours after a 2nd sweep. Baby was born by forceps a few hours later. It was all very quick at the end but what a fantastic feeling to give birth after 2 previous sections. I was uncomfortable but never in any real pain throughout so only needed gas and air. Was out of hospitsal the same day. He is a wee star. Feeding well and his brother and sister just love him. Hope the rest of you don't have to wait too much longer.

PS. Hello, this sounds like it'll all happen now. Good luck. Gx

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