IUI booked!!

I really hope it works hun, take it nice and easy today and we will all be keeping our fingers crossed for you x x
You know, i was getting waaaaaaay confused then. You need to change your location lol

I'm glad it all seems to have gone well for you. IUI will cut out most of the nasties that might kill the sperm so fingers crossed for you :)

I really hope this is it xx
fingers crossed for you hunni - I hope you get lucky first time x x x
This will be one hell of a 2ww buggy!! Keep us posted, fx crossed for you.
OOOOohhhh I'm so excited - best of luck to you hunnie xx
Its driving me crazy this 2ww, I'm 8 dpiui and had cramping until yesterday. Now I have no symptoms at all but I'm hoping this is normal and that I'm still in with a chance!
I think no symptoms is definately the best symptom to hope for!

I can understand you going a bit crazy, just think "Royal Wedding" and by the time that comes around your 2ww will most certainly be over and you'll have your BFP :)
Really hoping this is it for you buggy!! Everything crossed xxx
Got everything crossed for you Buggy! Not long now :)
Cycle update___I've had a bit of pink watery stuff yesterday but nothing yet today although I do feel bloated and a bit like AF is on her way :( I've had spotting before but it's usually red, I'll be gutted it the witch gets me this month, I was really hoping this would be it!
Are you essentially 14 DPO today?

Have you thought to maybe do a test?

I really hope it isn't AF - when did they tell you to test?
hi i have just been reading your post and am currently going through this myself i hope everything turns out ok for you xx
Keeping everything crossed for you hunny xx

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