2nd IUI faliure


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Well, my second IUI has failed :mad:

What was I expecting, really? That i would get pregnant? Silly girl.

Strangely I'm not as cut up as I thought I would be but it still hurts all the same.

So far it has been a looooong 3 1/2 years. Recently my best friend had her 12 wk scan (another one of many getting their BFP's) and although I am so pleased everything is going well for her, I can't help feeling like I am under more pressure to conceive. At times, I feel so desperate and panic a little that it's just not happening for me!

But hey, honestly, what can I do about it? Nothing! I can only do what I can. Keep taking the hormone pills, keep having the procedures month after month with an IVF waiting for me in the future. That's all you can do in this situation. Some things are just out of our control and there is nothing we can do but keep trying.

Ok, so some people find it easier to conceive whoopy doo for them. For now it is indeed my friends turn to shine but I hold on to the fact that hopefully one day I too will shine and we will live happily ever after too!

My 3rd 50g clomid/IUI commences this month and i won't expect it to work because hey if it doesn't work i won't be disapointed and if it does, it will be a pleasent surprise.

My journey on the TTCing road continues......!
:hug: sorry to hear this Hun. Don't feel under pressure because of everyone else. Your time will come and when it does it will be very special xxx
So sorry hunni, it will be your time to shine, stay strong (easier said than done I know) xxx
what I am going through so mirrors yours when last Monday my 2nd IUI was cancelled because I had already ovulated and my lining had shrunk despite hormone injections that we thought would help it increase.

Two days later a god freind announced she was 12 weeks pregant and I just had to sit there and smile because for every time I try a friend seems to get pregnant and like you as much as you are pleased for them you wonder - will it ever by my turn.

I waited 12 years for my now husband to propose - I certainly hope that these past 2 and a but years won't stretch out for 12 or I think I may go insane.

I just have to keep hoping and believing because really what else is there

Thank you for your emails girls.

Sorry felt a bit low today. The thing is I'm so tired, tired of all of it. :wall2:

However, I won't give up, I wouldn't be putting my body and mind through all this if I thought it wasn't going to help me. Maybe it won't, maybe when I'm done in the end i might just conceive naturally!:dance: Only time will tell!

I hope I didn't sound too negative earlier, if i did I'm sorry. What I'm trying to say is that I need to get on with my life somehow? TTCing has been on top for so long. If i don't expect a BFP then one day I will be pleasantly surprised WHEN it does happen.

Keep smiling girls, I'm gonna try X :)
Big :hugs: hun

Just keep telling yourself 'when' I get pregnant not 'if', I know it's hard but things happen when they are meant to & unfortunately for some of us it's a long long road

You have amazing strength & your attitude is one that you should be proud of, you haven't lost faith & you keep going, all of this will keep you going

So sorry Kerri :(

I can understand you feeling pressured - when i started ttc all of my friends had just announced and i was so desparate to catch, but it didn't happen.

Now two of them have babies and one is due in a month or two. It's just the way it goes...

Now i'm hoping i can catch in time when they have their second :)

Good luck, third times a charm (apparently) ;)
Just think, when we all do eventually produce, everyone elses babies will have grown up a bit and they'll be all jealous that WE are the ones with the gorgeous brand new little bundles of loveliness :love: :smug:
Just think, when we all do eventually produce, everyone elses babies will have grown up a bit and they'll be all jealous that WE are the ones with the gorgeous brand new little bundles of loveliness :love: :smug:

Indeed :) They'll be dealing with the terrible 2's to 4's ;)

Then when our kids hit that age, we can let them let off steam with the older kids :good:
I've been crying all moring. Dam hormones!!!

But reading your emails above has cheered me up loads. I actually found myself laughing.

Thank you x

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