Internal scan performed by male

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:rofl::rofl: and they don't even really look do they?! Just enough to stick the scanner in there and it's all covered up and they're looking at the screen after that! Well, from what I've heard anyway, I've never had one!
i had one but not when i was pregnant i horrified myself kept thinking OMG that looks like my vibrator!!!!!!!!!!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
ive never had and internal scan aka dildo cam either thankfully
I just giggled to myself imagining Callum's face (impressive seeing as I dont know what he looks like!) when he finds out about getting a 'sweep' :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: Poor Callum. I feel bad that were finding humour in his worrying situation (pfffft snigger)
I just giggled to myself imagining Callum's face (impressive seeing as I dont know what he looks like!) when he finds out about getting a 'sweep' :rofl:

and god help him if she needs any stitches its way more than a probe then they have special bright lights for that part :rofl:

ok jokes aside if you are serious in your little problem if your childs or fiances life was hanging in the balance would you only have a female do what ever is needed to save them?
I had the internal probe at my 12 wk scan, when she came towards me waving it around I was petrified they are huge and really long lol!! Even my oh blanched, but when she inserted it she didn't even really look, it took 2 secs then she was back to focussing on the screen, it wasnt as bad as I thought it doesn't actually go in very far, the worst bit was when she got so preoccupied with getting the baby to turn right for the nuchal measurement she seemed to forget where it was placed and started energetically waggling it around to make the baby move, I nearly hit the ceiling!!!!! Not something I'd repeat in a hurry lol!!!
The last thing on her mind while getting an internal will be the man and sex...its embarrassing more than anything!
No need to be rude - you're asking a bunch of mostly females for advice, you're going to get it. We told you there's nothing sexual about it... Grow up man!!
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I never encountered a male midwife or anything untill I was in labour, it was a consultant led labour due to health problems. The only consultant (doctor) that was available was a male. I wasn't asked if this would be ok, as the baby was in danger, I knew he was the only consultant available as the midwife had already said that. He basically got straight down to business, I was mortified after he left the room when my oh asked me if i enjoyed it - he was half joking but he did say he wasn't very happy about it. Tough luck, our babies life was in danger. He was a good looking guy but it definately wasn't pleasurable, having a male doctor with both his hands inside your lady parts is defo not enjoyable i can guarantee you. I had an internal scan at 8 weeks and it was the opposite to enjoyable.
I've had internal scans performed by both men & women and can assure you that there's nothing fun about them, didn't want to have them at all but had to grit teeth and get it over with.

The person performing it will be a complete professional and is probably completely bored with women's parts so I would just recommend not making it any harder for your partner than it already is - hope she is ok.
I've also had internal scans performed by men and women - not all while I was pregnant and with a baby to worry about - and I can definitely say that it is nothing sexual at all. These people are professionals who see these things every day at work and I'm not even sure they look at anything anyway - it's so dark in there and they're only looking at the screen
That's true. You are covered with a blanket and all they (and the patient) are focused on is the screen. It really is the opposite from sexy, honestly its just awkward but necessary.
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Who me? What have I done lol?
Have I missed some posts here or something? x
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