Internal scan performed by male

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Ah that's good when you have a chap like that. I always end up with the miserable jealous and possessive ones. Hence why I am single and prefer that. :) xx
Ah that's good when you have a chap like that. I always end up with the miserable jealous and possessive ones. Hence why I am single and prefer that. :) xx

I had a very jealous and controlling ex husband, it eats away at the relationship until you hate them doesn't it. I just won't put up with that kind of thing! You're best to stay single than be with someone like that hunnie x
My o/h can be a bit jealous at times, but nothing serious. He thought it was hilarious when I had my operation and had five men surrounding my bits!!! I on the other hand was ready to die of shame.
My o/h can be a bit jealous at times, but nothing serious. He thought it was hilarious when I had my operation and had five men surrounding my bits!!! I on the other hand was ready to die of shame.

I think a touch of jealousy is normal, it's when it stops rational thinking, that's when it needs to be knocked on the head x
Think now I am so independant that they find that hard to deal with so I prefer being alone now. It's funny as a day after me and my ex split up (we weren't together long but he found my independance too intimidating I think) I said to a friend "I'd love a another baby just not the bloke" then found out 2 days later I was pregnant. He's due on the 1st anniversary of my dad's death too which is spooky so it was all meant to be I think. :). I am used to living alone now, it's been 5 odd years and at the moment I wouldn't want it any other way. The next person I meet will have to be VERY different and VERY Special for even a look in :)> I'm happy with my friends and family and the support I have. i wouod love to settle down one day but just not in the near future xxxxxx
Think now I am so independant that they find that hard to deal with so I prefer being alone now. It's funny as a day after me and my ex split up (we weren't together long but he found my independance too intimidating I think) I said to a friend "I'd love a another baby just not the bloke" then found out 2 days later I was pregnant. He's due on the 1st anniversary of my dad's death too which is spooky so it was all meant to be I think. :). I am used to living alone now, it's been 5 odd years and at the moment I wouldn't want it any other way. The next person I meet will have to be VERY different and VERY Special for even a look in :)> I'm happy with my friends and family and the support I have. i wouod love to settle down one day but just not in the near future xxxxxx

You sound like you have your head screwed on hunnie, respect to you for your strength and independence x
I've had Over 25 internals In my life so far. By men women black White Asian old young and even students. And I must say I've not enjoyed one of them. They aren't enjoyable things and if your gf is anything like me she would only be embarrassed by having a good looking doctor do it. But I'm sure she wouldn't even notice ! Just try to remember what it's all for and that the doctors aren't doing it out of enjoyment. And we don't get them done out of enjoyment either. Intact theyare rather painful and nothing like being sexual with a partner.
Bit harsh no ?No need to be so nasty ... :( I hope you have managed to work out your concerns with your OH and you are feeling better about the idea of an internal examination .
That's is really really offensive Callum :( the topic of conversation had moved on, girls chatting about their various experiences...cosmic was only replying to a post saying she had seen good looking doctors.. It's nothing to do with this being your thread, as this is a public forum and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Cosmic has always given really good advice to me and the other girls - if you can't be nice I don't think you should reply, because its not very nice for everyone else to have to read.

I hope I've not offended anyone with this either, but I felt I shoud stick up for cosmic there..I'm really sorry if I've broken any rules.
Thanks flugel. This guy is an idiot, ignore him. As rightly said, the conversation had moved on and this was general chit chat. Calling someone a "mong" is grossly offensive.
Your previous post telling me to "eat shit" also had to be removed, and I only agreed with the others! What is your problem?
No wonder he's worried about his girl looking elsewhere, he's an idiot
Don't rise to it Hun x :hug: xx let the mods sort it out xx
I've reported it Hun, thanks. I just don't want any of the other girls offended by his choice of language and getting wound up when pregnant x
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