Internal scan performed by male

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Alice I can't find your birth story, can u post a link :)
Wow! I was going to have a rant but you girls have pretty much said it all for me lol!

Ohhhhhh where is this birth story me myself and I?? I so want to nosey!!


:shock::shock: What an amazing story! :)

We have totally hijacked this thread :) :)
Imagine if we'd gone shopping a bit later and she's have been a handforth Dean baby?! :rofl: I often think about what would have happened had I not knocked the loo roll holder over! I'm not one to shout out when I need help, so I'd most probs have delivered her myself! :shock:
good lord...just read that birth xx
and also very upsetting that she wants to do that when we could just have a female instead.

I very very much doubt you will find a woman who WANTS to have an internal scan. There is absolutely no pleasure from it, at best its humiliating... having your OH kicking off about it as if it was a pleasurable sexual thing probably only makes the whole thing even more humiliating. Women in general see doctors a lot more than men, we get prodded a poked and hate every minute of it, if not, then we just tollerate it.

Has your OH actually said that she PREFERS a man to do it, or just that shes not bothered if its a man or a woman. There is a difference there... I wouldnt be bothered either way, but if the male was more qualified and going to give me the best care then Id go for that.
callum is very quiet i think his oh read our posts and whooped his ass lol
Also, if I'm not much mistaken, you don't tend to get internal scans unless there's complications with the pregnancy?! So surely you'd be far better off supporting your OH and hoping for the best at the scan then worrying that a man might see her downstairs region?!
LOL up.

I sent Callum a PM telling him all about the nice male midwife on OBEM :) He was loooovely and Id have no problem with a man poking my bits LOL! Theyve seen them before (well, now mine but lady bits in general

Me, My girls and I.... I agree. Internals are rarely done on a normal check I think his OH wont care as long as baby is ok and Callum is supporting her rather than worrying about a man looking at her foof.
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i think women look forward to an internal as much as you would having a camera shooved up ya arse

i suppose he would only like a man to check his bits if god forbid he needed checking and if it was a woman then he would rather wait im sure NOT

i had an internal by a man when i bled on my ds and the only thing i noticed was the lights on the ceiling
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