At my postnatal check I was more worried yhat I had a hole on the toe of my sock than that there was a man looking at my doo-dah
I agree, this topic is to say the least ridiculous, if it's not a windup however, then Callum you really need to Man up, grow a backbone and support your woman and be proud of what she is doing for you, carrying your child, pregnancy is not a sexual thing, it is a very serious matter, you insult every woman reading this with your extremely immature view, do yourself and your unborn child a favour and grow up
Agree ! I really hope this is a wind up , my blood is boiling thinking about how I would react to my OH saying what you are saying .I agree, this topic is to say the least ridiculous, if it's not a windup however, then Callum you really need to Man up, grow a backbone and support your woman and be proud of what she is doing for you, carrying your child, pregnancy is not a sexual thing, it is a very serious matter, you insult every woman reading this with your extremely immature view, do yourself and your unborn child a favour and grow up
I fell asleep whilst they were stitching me up 1st time! There were about 10 medical people in the room and I think one was a woman! 2nd time I had half the hospital come to see the woman that had given birth on the loo and all the time I had my legs up in stirrups, numb from the waist down
I fell asleep whilst they were stitching me up 1st time! There were about 10 medical people in the room and I think one was a woman! 2nd time I had half the hospital come to see the woman that had given birth on the loo and all the time I had my legs up in stirrups, numb from the waist down
I expect we've scared him off now
I hope his fiance finds this forum, she could do with some support...
me too wow !!Gave birth on the loo
I'm off to find this birth story.....