Internal scan performed by male

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Most women are more worried about if they have trimmed their downstairs so it dont look like a right growler!! Lol!!!
If my man behaved like this I'd tell him to grow up or get lost personally.
At my postnatal check I was more worried yhat I had a hole on the toe of my sock than that there was a man looking at my doo-dah :lol:
I think you need to think rationally a bit . If your wife needed a heart operation would you be bothered about weather the doctor was male of female .. A doctor or midwife really is not interested in your wife's vagina in a sexual way they are concerned about her health and the health of your child , What if during her labour the need should arise for males to be in the room , at one point I had a doctor and anaesthesiologist both in the room while my more intimate parts were on display for the world to see , the doctor saved mt daughters life .. what if I had decided i wanted a female and sent him away ? I can understand that you feel that your wife's intimate parts are just for you and not other men but believe me an internal is not plesant in any way and if the person preforming happened to be attractive it wouldn't matter as I would be more concerned about my baby
when i was being stitched up, it wasn't the male consultant poking my flaps that bothered me, it was the 4 mw's, 2 cleaners and the trolly lady that had me praying for the ground and swallow me up!
I agree, this topic is to say the least ridiculous, if it's not a windup however, then Callum you really need to Man up, grow a backbone and support your woman and be proud of what she is doing for you, carrying your child, pregnancy is not a sexual thing, it is a very serious matter, you insult every woman reading this with your extremely immature view, do yourself and your unborn child a favour and grow up
:lol: think you need to grow up a bit, you should be concerned about your babys health and wife to be rather than if some male midwife is getting a kick out of peeking on your lady. lol. If my other half acted that way he would be getting a swift kick in the balls.
I agree, this topic is to say the least ridiculous, if it's not a windup however, then Callum you really need to Man up, grow a backbone and support your woman and be proud of what she is doing for you, carrying your child, pregnancy is not a sexual thing, it is a very serious matter, you insult every woman reading this with your extremely immature view, do yourself and your unborn child a favour and grow up

Here here! It's worrying though that there could be men out there that think like this :( xx
I agree, this topic is to say the least ridiculous, if it's not a windup however, then Callum you really need to Man up, grow a backbone and support your woman and be proud of what she is doing for you, carrying your child, pregnancy is not a sexual thing, it is a very serious matter, you insult every woman reading this with your extremely immature view, do yourself and your unborn child a favour and grow up
Agree ! I really hope this is a wind up , my blood is boiling thinking about how I would react to my OH saying what you are saying .
My oh wouldn't dare! It reminds me of those really controlling men who say to their ohs "you're not wearing that, other men may look at you" x
I fell asleep whilst they were stitching me up 1st time! There were about 10 medical people in the room and I think one was a woman! 2nd time I had half the hospital come to see the woman that had given birth on the loo :rofl: and all the time I had my legs up in stirrups, numb from the waist down :lol:
I am furious .. Possibly the witch round the corner but still is this guy real? God for forbid this be true x
I expect we've scared him off now:whistle:

I hope his fiance finds this forum, she could do with some support...
I fell asleep whilst they were stitching me up 1st time! There were about 10 medical people in the room and I think one was a woman! 2nd time I had half the hospital come to see the woman that had given birth on the loo :rofl: and all the time I had my legs up in stirrups, numb from the waist down :lol:

Sounds a lot like my story, but that's for another time x
I fell asleep whilst they were stitching me up 1st time! There were about 10 medical people in the room and I think one was a woman! 2nd time I had half the hospital come to see the woman that had given birth on the loo :rofl: and all the time I had my legs up in stirrups, numb from the waist down :lol:

Still can't believe you gave birth on the loo!! That's amazing lol!!!
:shock:Gave birth on the loo :shock:

I'm off to find this birth story.....
It's a good'un nurse!! I still can't believe I did! If there's a next time, I'm petrified already!
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