So, here I am
As per my thread in First tri, it has been confirmed that I have miscarried.
I am finding it diffifcult to come to terms with.
I suppose my body wasn't a very healthy 'growing ground' for a baby. As most of you know my sister died in December after having been in intensive care for 10 days. A week before this I had an operation for ovarian drilling and a tumour removal from my left ovary.
So my body was recovering from the operation initially and after that I had to try to cope with 3 hours of travelling a day on the underground to get to hospital to see my sister and then a very poor diet and lack of sleep, which continued (and still continues). Also, probably necked a bottle of wine per night to try to sleep and slipped back onto cigarettes for a few days (of course the drinking/smoking stopped as soon as i found out about being pregnant). All this as well as my body and mind being torn with grief over the loss of my sister.
I suppose my poor baby didn't stand a chance. Last week I thought my life couldn't get any worse, over the past couple of days I have found out that it could and did get a lot worse.
Typing it out does seem to help actually, so maybe this can be my journal/diary to vent my feelings on. Usually I am crying so much that I can't speak. At least I can type and cry at the same time