I'm here already

oohhh noo.. im so sorry this happend to you.. You deserve the best in life, not kick after kick and battle after battle. How you can go trough all this and still be so suportive to everyone else is amazing and you deserve all the best in life for being such a lovely person.


:hug: I'm so, so sorry :hug: Please don't blame yourself at all though :( Thinking of you lots and lots x x
I am so sorry this has happened to you, nobody deserves this but especially not you, you have been through so much. My heart really does go out to you.

As you say hun, it wasnt the right time but your time will come.

Thanks everyone. I'm so glad I found this forum because I find it such a great form of support for all of my lifes trials and tribulations.
Today I'm not quite so sad, I've just decided to look aftermyself and get my body sorted for when we try again for a baby.
When I got pregnant this time, we weren't trying as such, and we only bd'd a couple of times in December because of everything that was going on so we obviously just got it at the right time.
The nurses at the hospital said that it was good that I was able to get pregnant so quickly after surgery, so hopefully with a bit of luck it will happen again fairly quickly.
I'm making sure I take all of the vitamins that I need and getting plenty of rest. On the other hand I am also getting out in the fresh air. Went for a 7 mile walk with my nieghbours today which was refreshing, apart from when we were nearly home my shoelace came undone and I went flat on my face, literally!! I can't even go on a flippin walk without it going wrong!
So now I'm just sat in front of the fire looking outside at the weather which has turned ghastly!!
Anyway, I think I'll take up swimming again and I'll make walking a regular thing. I tend to go running when I'm well but I just want to give my body and soul time to get all the strength back after everything that has gone on, hopefully by the time I get pregnant next time my body will be back to normal and I'll have a healthy pregnancy xx
So sorry hon - u take care of urself and we're all here for u x x x
My goodness you've been through the mill hun.......

Sending you lots of love and hugs xx
So, here I am :-(

As per my thread in First tri, it has been confirmed that I have miscarried.

I am finding it diffifcult to come to terms with.

I suppose my body wasn't a very healthy 'growing ground' for a baby. As most of you know my sister died in December after having been in intensive care for 10 days. A week before this I had an operation for ovarian drilling and a tumour removal from my left ovary.

So my body was recovering from the operation initially and after that I had to try to cope with 3 hours of travelling a day on the underground to get to hospital to see my sister and then a very poor diet and lack of sleep, which continued (and still continues). Also, probably necked a bottle of wine per night to try to sleep and slipped back onto cigarettes for a few days (of course the drinking/smoking stopped as soon as i found out about being pregnant). All this as well as my body and mind being torn with grief over the loss of my sister.

I suppose my poor baby didn't stand a chance. Last week I thought my life couldn't get any worse, over the past couple of days I have found out that it could and did get a lot worse.

Typing it out does seem to help actually, so maybe this can be my journal/diary to vent my feelings on. Usually I am crying so much that I can't speak. At least I can type and cry at the same time :cry:

Oh No Princess,

I'm just catching up, I completely missed this thread, I just looked at my other thread and wondered where your ticker was.

I'm so so sorry for both your losses Hun...:hugs::hugs:

I hope you feel better soon.

I am so so sorry hon big hugs to you and you know us ladies are all here for you if you need us x x x
I'm so sorry this has all happened to you. Life does seem to throw the roughest deal at the nicest people.

I pray for a better end to this year for you. Xx
I am so sorry to read this, The only thing I can say that my console you is that my uncle and aunt had a baby 21 years ago, he died after 2 days, it gets easier, although you remember the baby every day of your life and he/she will always be with you, the pain gets easier to deal with and things become more rationale.

I really do hope your ok, PM any of us if you need to talk xxx
Hey, I'm fairly new to the forum and only read snippets of your threads. Just caught up and wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss and let you know i'm thinking of you. Wishing you all the best for the next few months (and beyond, of course!).

Sometimes life throws bad things in your direction and although it takes some time to recover, once you have you will be a stronger person. You've been through an awful lot in the passed few months and no one would expect you to just get over it. You just need some support to get you there and here are some special :hugs: to get you started.

From what I've seen of this forum, you're in good hands. Everyone is here if you need to vent etc..

oh princess, im sorry.
Just think, you have had a hell of a lot of trauma over the last 2 months, and it just wasnt meant to be this time. youve been amazing support for me so ill try returning the favour :) at least you know your operation worked, and when youre feeling better youll be all healthy and be able to provide a good base for your baby to grow in. youre an extremely strong person and i really do admire you. :hugs: xxxx

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