Can't believe I'm here. *May be TMI*

Miss j.. I read the whole thing and I really want to cry :'( I'm so so sorry miss j, I know you wanted this so badly and it was taken away from you, I promise your get your chance one day and I so so hope its soon I can't imagine what your going through!
Your going to be an amazing mum one day sweetie, I'm just so shocked and feel so upset for you that this could happen to a sweet and lovely girl :( keep your chin up sweet, everyone on PF are thinking of you
Aw thanks everyone, the replies made me :cry:.

I have no doubt it will happen for us, I just can't shake the feeling of complete emptiness. :cry:

Going to get some Pregnacare and try that.

Hubby is doing better, ish.. He's occupied with work at the moment which I suppose is good really. Just want to start BDing again because we haven't for a while as I thought it felt strange to BD...Can't explain why though.

Going to lay low on PF for a while cos I feel like an emotional, blubbering wreck and need to focus my energies elsewhere. :cry:

Love to you all, you're all so so wonderful and I truely appreciate your support. Thank you all so much. :hugs:

x x
Hey Miss July,

Make sure you go to hospital won't you as you could end up with an infection or anything, not knowing how far along you were it could be dangerous, make sure you get that new GP and some proper care and advice too as the one you have at the moment hasn't been doing his job properly.

It's absolutely crazy that you haven't been helped with your long cycles and haven't had your bloods done, you need to get the correct help and that would take the pressure off your TTC journey.

If I were you I wouldn't even bother with the OPKs again as it is too hard to predict when you OV.

I have spoken to my friend's sister who is a GP and she told me-

In most cases a 60 day plus cycle is anovulatary- no OV, you can sometimes OV when you have a 60 day cycle but it is not likely you will OV every cycle, sometimes when you do OV late in the cycle the egg quality can be affected and M/C can occur, that could be what
happened to you.

If you have treatment for your long cycles you will OV earlier and your cycles will be shorter, you will be less stressed, and you will have the help and support you deserve from your doctors, when you get Clomid (See my post in LTTTC for more info) you get ultrasound checks on CD 10 to make sure it's working for you and then you get your womb lining checked around the time of implantation. Clomid not only makes you OV earlier giving you a shorter cycle it boosts all the different hormones in your cycle to help you become pregnant.

Hope you are ok, :hug:


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:thumbup: Great advice Maybebaby. Hope you get checked out soon MissJ!! xxxxxx
I have decided to send you a private message instead of on here. Hope you get it. x
Thanks for the messages everyone.

Maybe - Thanks hun, I have said to hubby we need to get checked out so we're ringing the ultrasound department to explain and hopefully bring the appt forward. With regards to the Clomid, we're having a break from TTC this cycle and going to relax about things, I want to give the Pregnacare a go though. I have Agnus Castus sitting in a cupboard ready for the next cycle if we have another one, hoping we won't but who knows? Do you need to see a fertility Dr to be prescribed Clomid?

x x
Anyone know if bleeding in your urine can affect a pregnancy test? x
Thanks Nurse.

My sister told me I should have waited til after I'd stopped bleeding cos the test would be invalid if I was. I thought it didn't matter cos all it's testing for is HCG right? Oh well. Clutching at straws again. :slap:

x x
Ye i think you are right its only testing for HGC, you could maybe try another to put your mind at rest incase you keep worrying about it but deffo get checked out as i would hate for anything to affect your chances in the future.

I know its a horrible time but it will def get better, i stayed in my bed for a whole week, sounds like you are being very strong. xxxx
Hey hun, wanted to say how sorry I am to read this. Hope you're ok and it's good to hear you and hubby are able to talk about it and not bottle things up. Stay strong x
I'm so sorry MissJ sending you lv & HUGE :hugs:I know its really had right now but it will get easier & you will get another bfp xx
This is EXACTLY like the post I put in a another forum I can still remember the day and even thought it was a sad day I went and bought myself something that will always remind me of it (which I kinda regret now) I bought some wellie boots as it's when it was al snowy but now every time I see someone wearing thrm or in a shop :( xx so sorry for ur loss Hun ur not alone I can't believe how alike our storys are xxx hope u grt ur bfp soon xxx

As soon as I told my parents I started bleeding and I looked at push chairs n cribs n everythin had them all fav on my tool bar n it was hard from goin our babys goin to back to our baby will :( xxx I cudnt believe I was pregnant I didn't think anythin that amazing would ever happen to me but when it sank in.....

Sorry to hijack ur post jus wanted u to know ur nt alone xxxx

sorry for the poohy spelling :(
Thanks ladies, so appreciative of your support. x x

Melimoo - Thank you hun, I'm exactly the same, I saved lots of stuff in my favourites so I could show hubby and my parents and you're right, it's so strange to look at it now after saying that what I'd saved was what my little baby was going to have. :(

I think I'm still finding it hard to come to terms with, which I feel silly about cos I think we were early on in the pregnancy and I find it hard to say "miscarriage" or "lost my baby". I feel like I have 1000 things going round my mind and nothing's sinking in properly. :(

Can't wait to go away for the weekend with my hubby, we so need a break. x x
Aw jeez! I've just seen this and I'm sobbing my eyes out for you. I know how much you wanted it and it doesnt matter how long it was there its still devastating isnt it. All I can say is that it does get easier. You will get pregnant again and people kept telling me its much easier to 'catch' after catching once and you get more fertile in the months immediately following a mc. I dont know how much of that is true, but its a slight comfort. Massive hugs and love xxxx
I could never say I'm pregnant out loud because I felt reali unlucky and didn't wanna jinx it I did a post on a forum sayin I'm 4week 4days or sumat and is it normal that me and my OH are expecting the worst it was the 1st time I was pregnant and I had no reason to think I was guns lose it I suppose I jus had a feeling and it was right :( x tbh Hun it doesn't reali sink in wud of bein 21week now n I still think about it every day but as odd as it sounds when u get preg again ul appreciate and love it all the more :) xxx since it happened to me nothing makes me cry anymore I used to cry at everythin but now iv kinda turned of it's toughened me up x fingers crossed for ur bfp soon Hun what cheered me up was googlin success stories of ppl concieving straight after mcs xxx

sorry for the poohy spelling :(
Thank you StarFish. I'm hoping it's true as we're BDing again and hoping for a December baby but with my cycles it could be more of a New Year or Valentine baby! :rolleyes: Hope you're ok my lovely. :hugs: x x

Melimoo - I'm definitely going to love and cherish my next little bean even more, definitely. That's so true. I reckon when we get our next BFP we're going to keep it under our hats til we're 12 weeks, I hated the fact I told my parents on the Wednesday and I started bleeding the very next day. :(

x x
im going to keep it under my hat this time too....def til after 12 weeks scan. will tell all you ladies of course xx
Same happened to me told them on the Saturday started cramps sunday n bleedin monday :( x next time il prob tel ppl when iv had a scan xx it gets me upset when ppl advertise ther preg on fb at 6week they think it won't happen to them it makes me cringe xx

sorry for the poohy spelling :(

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