I'm here already

I'm so sorry to hear of this xxx thinking of you hun xxx
Im so so sorry to read this :hugs:

Looking at your posts & other peoples responses, your a strong & inspirational person & although it may not seem it now, you will become even stronger

Take care

so sorry princess i really am. must be an awful time for you. take care of yourself xxxxx
Aww hunny, u are having such a hard time at the moment. Ur being a real trooper. I know my situation is no where near the same but I've experienced a mc the first time I got preg and I know how hard it is to cope. It will get better, it will ease over time. As for getting preg again we lost our pregnancy at 8 weeks (although measured 5) in april. We are now preg again and took 6-7 months. In a way I'm glad I waited to make sure my mind and body were in a good place. U will find your own path hun, don't give up just try look towards the future. Big hugs xxxxx
Thanks girls so much for the support. The mornings are the hardest for me, I HATE waking up. Its just like I get a twisted ball of nerves in my stomach and I wish I could just go back to sleep for the rest of the whole day :-( That's all to do with my sister really and not the mc so much. I am fully recovered from my op pretty much, maybe when i sneeze or something I feel a bit of a tug on my left side where the tumor was taken from. As I progress thru the day I do start to feel better. I've even bothered to do housework today which I can't be bothered with most of the time anyway so I'm getting a bit of enthusiasm back. I know it will all get easier with time and I'm starting to look forward to trying again xx
Oh Sweetie! Just seen this. Feel really really sad for you. What a shitty year its been (sorry for the swearing, I seem to be swearing more than usual at the moment, going through it all as well!).

Just think: when the next one comes he/she is going to get the VERY very best start in life.

I felt like you, I was like, oh feck, I've been drinking, smoking, lifting heavy boxes, I've wrecked it before its started....... then I had a misscarriage. This time I'm not smoking, I'm drinking loads less and I'm going to be much much more careful in the 2WW (I was never careful before because every month I wasnt pregnant and so it was a suprise when i was). You and me both are going to give the next baby the best care possible right from day 1! They will be much stronger....... (mine will need to be at full strength if it is going to cope with have me for a mama! lol)

Deal? xxxxx
*big hugs* you know we are all here for you xxx
Sending you huge hugs princess. I know no words can take the pain away, but we're all here for you. The pain will ease with time.
Be strong and look after yourself XxX
Thanks again for all your kind words girls, this forum is such a great support :hug:

I can't believe its been a week today since it all kicked off with the MC. Anyway the bleeding and cramping stopped after 3 days ish and now my body feels back to it's usual self. My mind is feeling glimmers of my usual self peeking thru for about 5 mins and then I get brought back down to earth with a bump because everything just reminds me of my sister. But it is progress of sorts I suppose.

The hospital phoned me today and told me that I don't need to go in for my blood tests tomorrow. They said that because my hormones dropped so drastically in 2 days that it rules out an ectopic.

They are still very concerned about my welfare I think and she offered to send out a midwife or a health visitor to me. I told her that I thought I'd be OK without really. She also said that I should phone them directly with any questions that I have or if I'm worried about anything. She said to expect AF within 4-6 weeks and that there is no problem with TTC immediately.

So all in all I feel very supported by everyone really. It's only o/h that doesn't talk about it much, typical!!

Just a wee update really and me noting down things xx
so sorry to hear of all the losses you have suffered losing loved ones no matter if a baby a fetus oran adult loved one is always a very hard and traumatic thing to go through and to go through this all at once is very very difficult for you use your freinds and partner for support and please feel free to post your feelings here thinking of you hugs x

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