I'm back (again)

just sending more hugs, i dont know how i would cope having to go through a 3rd loss, im desperatly trying to find ways to prevent it for the future for me and at least i know whats caused mine (as iv had to terminate rather than natrual loss both times) its so so damn hard to deal with something like this all i can say is that give yourself time and a chance for your body to recover the first few weeks of pregnancy are draining on any woman and going through a mc as well is hard both hormonally physically and emotionally. its bound to be a trying time for you as a couple. i think that taking time out away from each other is a good thing even if its just for a day trip, or possibly spending a few days away together focusing on something other than pregnancys (once the mc is over and you feel up to it) i do think there are good and bad days, and nothing will change that. men dont know how to cope as they dont cope the same way with grief or with hormones. the only thing you can do is look after yourself and try and keep going. you really will be a mummy some day im sure of it alll my support and love at such a difficult time xxx
Been referred to the recurrent Miscarriage clinic, appointment not until 6th jan 2012 though.

I will see if I can get an earlier appointment, although the plan was to hold off TTC until January anyway!

I've spent the last six month either pregnant, trying to get prenant or getting over a miscarriage. I think I deserve a few months off.

It's a shame as I kind of feel like I've wasted 6 months of my life? I know that's not the case... If anything I have changed my life for the better since all this began BUT it is very frustrating.

I guess being a mother is all about patience and I am certainly learning the art of patience.
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i feel like i have lost from july to october with being pregnant and MC, the time has just dissapeared and it makes me mad too hun. its not a waste though sweety, although i can see why you would feel that way
i feel like i have lost from july to october with being pregnant and MC, the time has just dissapeared and it makes me mad too hun. its not a waste though sweety, although i can see why you would feel that way

I've lost from May to ..... Who knows? Who knows when I'll ever start feeling normal again.

But I feel better today, at least I am doing something positive!

good to hear and and I am glad you got your appt with the recurrant MC peeps, you really need answers hun.

I hope we get our BFPs soon xx
good to hear and and I am glad you got your appt with the recurrant MC peeps, you really need answers hun.

I hope we get our BFPs soon xx

GP said it is most likely something simple (of course she did point out that she cannot say for sure until I have had all my tests) so fingers crossed for a 2012 baby :)

yey! i cant wait to see you have your bubs hunny, i have only had 1 MC and i cant imagine how you must feel hunny my heart really goes out to you
Note to self - do not watch nature programmes where little cute baby animals die :shock: :shock:

Ended up in tears watching some Meerkat programme (the runt of the litter got seperated from her pack and after much pitful yelping / looking for her family she died)

My OH scrambled for the remote to fast forward but it was too late.. I was all like "Why do they have to show us little babies dying" sob, sob :shock:

Needless to say emotions are running high with me at the moment!
God I can't watch nature programs "normally" let alone at a time like this hugs. Great news re the appointment there is at least a date to work towards now. I think in a way having the wait till Jan is good as you can focus on you for a bit hope that. You get answers soon xx xxx xx
God I can't watch nature programs "normally" let alone at a time like this hugs. Great news re the appointment there is at least a date to work towards now. I think in a way having the wait till Jan is good as you can focus on you for a bit hope that. You get answers soon xx xxx xx

It's going to be a long few months LOL!

I know that emotionally and physically I need to wait, I also know that I do not want anothr M/c so concieving before my appointment will be reckless BUT I just want to be pregnant again...

I have to keep reminding mysels that in order to have a viable pregnancy my body needs a break and I need some medical help so getting pregnant again now will just defeat the object.

It's very sad though.

I am literally surrounded by Mum's to be and babies.

Even coming on here is hard at times - I'd never wish this heartache on anyone but I see healthy pregnancies progressing and it just makes me feel even worse about the fact I cannot stay pregnant!

i have a lot of mates with kids and preggo mates and it upsets me too hun :-( i dont begrude them ut i am super jealous i always get that little twang in my heart when i see pregnant ladies
Hi Carnat,
How old are you hun, are you 22 as in your username? If so you have plenty of time.
I know how desperately you feel you want it now ( i think all of us on here understand that feeling).
But i think it really will do you the world of good to give your body a little break, give your mind, your relationship, your life a little break from it all.
You want to be healthy and ready in all ways for this next pregnancy and you need to know exactly how the docs can support you in tat too. As the next one will be for keeps.
Do ring up and see if there is any chance to move your appt forward though , I did and they moved it for me. (was in Feb - its this MOnday now). You will get there xxxx
Hi Carnat,
How old are you hun, are you 22 as in your username? If so you have plenty of time.
I know how desperately you feel you want it now ( i think all of us on here understand that feeling).
But i think it really will do you the world of good to give your body a little break, give your mind, your relationship, your life a little break from it all.
You want to be healthy and ready in all ways for this next pregnancy and you need to know exactly how the docs can support you in tat too. As the next one will be for keeps.
Do ring up and see if there is any chance to move your appt forward though , I did and they moved it for me. (was in Feb - its this MOnday now). You will get there xxxx

I wish I was 22 hun - I am 32 next June :shock: :shock: I just love the number 22 ! So that doesn't leave me quite as much time LOL.

I recall your appointment date as it is my OH's Birthday on Monday. I am glad you got it moved forward.

If you don't mind I'd be interested to hear how it goes? If and when you feel up to talking about it of course. I appreciate you may want to keep it private.

I'll give it a week or so [my company is moving into a new office on Monday, halving my commute time Whoop!] and then I'll see if I can get an earlier appointment. I'll badger them every day if I have to LOL!

The intention was not to start TTC until Jan anyway and I don't want to end up preggers and miscarrying again before my appointment!

I am doing OK until it hits me every now and then that I have a huge problem staying pregnant. I am glad I am being taken seriously but it also kind of hurts to now 'offically' have a problem if that makes sense?

Gah - I know they say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger but man this is frustrating!

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Oh Hun, Ive just seen this, soo sorry this happened again - big hugs X

Wishing you lots of anwers , glad you got it on your records with docs , just incase and glad they think it's just something small - good luck hun X
Hi Carnat,
How old are you hun, are you 22 as in your username? If so you have plenty of time.
I know how desperately you feel you want it now ( i think all of us on here understand that feeling).
But i think it really will do you the world of good to give your body a little break, give your mind, your relationship, your life a little break from it all.
You want to be healthy and ready in all ways for this next pregnancy and you need to know exactly how the docs can support you in tat too. As the next one will be for keeps.
Do ring up and see if there is any chance to move your appt forward though , I did and they moved it for me. (was in Feb - its this MOnday now). You will get there xxxx

I wish I was 22 hun - I am 32 next June :shock: :shock: I just love the number 22 ! So that doesn't leave me quite as much time LOL.

I recall your appointment date as it is my OH's Birthday on Monday. I am glad you got it moved forward.

If you don't mind I'd be interested to hear how it goes? If and when you feel up to talking about it of course. I appreciate you may want to keep it private.

I'll give it a week or so [my company is moving into a new office on Monday, halving my commute time Whoop!] and then I'll see if I can get an earlier appointment. I'll badger them every day if I have to LOL!

The intention was not to start TTC until Jan anyway and I don't want to end up preggers and miscarrying again before my appointment!

I am doing OK until it hits me every now and then that I have a huge problem staying pregnant. I am glad I am being taken seriously but it also kind of hurts to now 'offically' have a problem if that makes sense?

Gah - I know they say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger but man this is frustrating!


You still have plenty of time honey, 32 is nothing it really isnt!!! Im 38 in Jan so I can say that! Will def lt you know what the doc says. Hope your doing ok. xxxx
You still have plenty of time honey, 32 is nothing it really isnt!!! Im 38 in Jan so I can say that! Will def lt you know what the doc says. Hope your doing ok. xxxx

Thanks sweetie!

Best of luck for today :)

Hi Carnat,
(does carnat stand for anything?)
I have posted a link in ttc, not sure if i should of posted it in the coping section or lttc!!
To say what happened at my appt.
The doc put me down as secondary infertility :cry::cry:
Really upsets me to think that. Feel quite down today.
Hope your doing ok and everyone else who has suffered a loss recently.
Im sorry Ive not been on here much to offer support,
I just feel recently that although I love this forum,because of the stage that
I am right now, I just feel logging on makes me think of what Im missing, what Ive not got,
I dont want to feel like that , just enjoy my life and sex life and see what happens.
Does anyone else feel like that? xx
Hi Carnat,
(does carnat stand for anything?)
I have posted a link in ttc, not sure if i should of posted it in the coping section or lttc!!
To say what happened at my appt.
The doc put me down as secondary infertility :cry::cry:
Really upsets me to think that. Feel quite down today.
Hope your doing ok and everyone else who has suffered a loss recently.
Im sorry Ive not been on here much to offer support,
I just feel recently that although I love this forum,because of the stage that
I am right now, I just feel logging on makes me think of what Im missing, what Ive not got,
I dont want to feel like that , just enjoy my life and sex life and see what happens.
Does anyone else feel like that? xx


I am actually Natalie and so nope Canat doesn't stand for anything really (Nat is fine LOL!)

So they said it's 2nd infertility? Really.

I read your Strep B thread and have no experience other than my nephew had strep B when born so with my sisters 2nd bub they had to keep an eye on her and hook her up to antibiotics during labour for as long as possible [she had my 2nd nephew in about 90 minutes LOL so the anti-bios didn't even come into effect]

I hope the appointment wasn't too stressful? Other than the outcome.

Jeez - I dread to think what they'll find with me!!

I still find being on this forum is a very helpful outlet but I have to avoid Tri 1, BFP announcements - and TTC now for a bit! So I only really come on this part... I get so sad when I hear more bad news! But I am glad for the support network too.

I think you need to do what is best for you hun, if being on here isn't "right" at the moment then have a break?

I don't begrudge anyone else thier baby BUT I try to avoid being reminded that I don't have mine if that makes sense? Hence avioding a lot of sub-foums LOL!

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Well 2nd infertility is what I saw her write on my notes - she never actually said that as such to me.
But I saw it with my own eyes!

Well thats good to know that your sisters 2nd baby was ok.
Do you know if she tested positive for it at all through out the 2nd pregnancy?

No the appt wasnt at all stressful - I do have to keep going back though for various blood tests throughout my cycle,
scan, and also test to see if my tubes are blocked, plus OH has to have his spermies checked.
I have to go back in 4 mths to get all the results.

So 4 mths - Im just going to carry on as normal I think - Im not going to stop ttc!
I dont have the time!

Your time will come honey, I do agree I find the forum very helpful, esp after my 2nd MC - wpuildnt of been w/o it.
But now, its more I dont want to think or focus on ttc. It has all consumed me for the last year and half.
I just want to be grateful and appreciative of all I have - rather than just thinking i need something else if that makes sense.
But yes, dont lose hope.xxxxxx
i agree this forum is my sanctuary, i come on here all day ( i will end up getting told off by work if i carry on lol )

carnat i also try and avoid the BFP's and Trimester sections unless i am stalking kanga or someone i know lol. It upsets me after a while though tri1 especially.

I hope we all get our very much deserved sticky beans soon :dust:

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