I'm back (again)

Well 2nd infertility is what I saw her write on my notes - she never actually said that as such to me.
But I saw it with my own eyes!

Well thats good to know that your sisters 2nd baby was ok.
Do you know if she tested positive for it at all through out the 2nd pregnancy?

No the appt wasnt at all stressful - I do have to keep going back though for various blood tests throughout my cycle,
scan, and also test to see if my tubes are blocked, plus OH has to have his spermies checked.
I have to go back in 4 mths to get all the results.

So 4 mths - Im just going to carry on as normal I think - Im not going to stop ttc!
I dont have the time!

Your time will come honey, I do agree I find the forum very helpful, esp after my 2nd MC - wpuildnt of been w/o it.
But now, its more I dont want to think or focus on ttc. It has all consumed me for the last year and half.
I just want to be grateful and appreciative of all I have - rather than just thinking i need something else if that makes sense.
But yes, dont lose hope.xxxxxx

Maybe when you go back you can mention what you saw on the notes and ask them to explain - it may not be as bad as you think sweetie?

Wowser - 4 months to get the results?? That is quite a long time!

I assume they'll do similar with me in Jan (I have already had several internal scans so already know I have a fibroid - last time they also said I had a small cycst on my right ovary too :shock:) but 4 months just seems like such a long time?

Maybe it will be a little different for you as I know it took you a while to conceive - at least by having regular blood tests / appointments you know they are monitoring you properly? I seem to get preggers just by looking at my OH but cannot stay pregnant so I assume for me they'll be looking for causes rather than needing to monitor me as such (I won't stress about it though as it's months away!)

As for Strep B, there was no mention of my sister having it at all through-out her second pregnancy but they did keep my 2nd nephew in for 48 hours and he was on a drip. He was cleared to go home by a blood test once he hit 48 as he showed no signs of having Strep B. My 1st nephew was in for a week and on a drip for most of that time as he did have it.

Thank you for sharing your experience though, even though 4 months may sound like a long time away at least you are getting yourself thoroughly checked out and hopefully this mean the next one stays put hun?

How does your OH feel about having his sperm checked? I broached it with my OH a while ago and whilst he wasn't keen he'll do what needs to be done!

I agree that stopping the focus on TTC is the best thing for me at the moment as well - prior to our appointment in Jan I don't realy want to get pregnant but we're NTNP (we'll avoid my fertile times) as it just seems so wasteful to go back to condoms?? :shock: :shock:

I only had one month of properly TTC (we've been NTNP mostly) and I hated it to be honest - found it very, very stressful. The 2ww was a nightmare! Not sure how ladies do it month after month?

Since May I have either been pregnant, been trying to get pregnant or been recovering from a miscarriage. I need a break LOL!

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Hey ladies,

How are you both? After I read your posts I feel miffed with my doctors , after 2 mc, endo and irregular cycles they still deemed me low risk and apart from my lap in 07 and blood tests in June they said to me in October give it another three months. I feel like when I speak to my doctor out loud I sound like I'm being over anxious about it but I don't think so! I pinned my hopes that AF was going to show after my acne at the beginning of the month and strong opks but nothing apart from dull cramps last 2 weeks.

Carnat I am exactly the same..it's wearing me down now. I'm not opk'ing or symptom spotting it's clearly pointless until I see the docs again. NTNP I think for me!xx
aww sunbeam i hope things work out for you soon hun, how have you been sweety xxx
Hey ladies,

How are you both? After I read your posts I feel miffed with my doctors , after 2 mc, endo and irregular cycles they still deemed me low risk and apart from my lap in 07 and blood tests in June they said to me in October give it another three months. I feel like when I speak to my doctor out loud I sound like I'm being over anxious about it but I don't think so! I pinned my hopes that AF was going to show after my acne at the beginning of the month and strong opks but nothing apart from dull cramps last 2 weeks.

Carnat I am exactly the same..it's wearing me down now. I'm not opk'ing or symptom spotting it's clearly pointless until I see the docs again. NTNP I think for me!xx

I am sorry yout Dr isn't very helpful Sunbeam - mine referred me without any qualms at all (she was actually lovely)

Are you part of a large GP practice? If so maybe you can ask to speak to the GP that deals with Gyno / fertitlity issues?

If not I would go back to your usual GP and state your case. Be forceful - have all your facts. Details of your losses, your cycles etc...

I really do not understand as all the GP has to do it refer you? Mine did it using an online booking system as I was sitting with her.

I am fine by the way and thank you for asking! Feeling relieved that this month we're having a break :)

Thanks Lynette, I'm good how are you?

My doc wants me to wait if AF doesn't show again then she will refer me to fertility specialist but I think I am evidence enough I should be seeing one already. I'm annoyed that my cycles don't seem to bother her because I conceived in august. I just think considering my average cycle is between 70-90 days I cant live like this waiting in hope that in the 4 times of the year I'm in with a chance. She doesn't think that the endo is a cause and my bloods are normal but I am in pain everyday. Sounds dramatic but I get cramps everyday, I just don't get their logic for making me wait.

I moved location in April so not sure if that has put me back but the last doctor advised I go back on the pill for 3 months to regulate it?!! Really?!! I don't think they read my notes at all...but I have written off 2011 as a crappy year and hope next year will get better. I will ttc next year but now it's NTNP :)

Anyway it's Friday thank god! Thanks to the bfn earlier this week I'm on the b.f.merlot!

Have a lovely weekend xxx
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Well 2nd infertility is what I saw her write on my notes - she never actually said that as such to me.
But I saw it with my own eyes!

Well thats good to know that your sisters 2nd baby was ok.
Do you know if she tested positive for it at all through out the 2nd pregnancy?

No the appt wasnt at all stressful - I do have to keep going back though for various blood tests throughout my cycle,
scan, and also test to see if my tubes are blocked, plus OH has to have his spermies checked.
I have to go back in 4 mths to get all the results.

So 4 mths - Im just going to carry on as normal I think - Im not going to stop ttc!
I dont have the time!

Your time will come honey, I do agree I find the forum very helpful, esp after my 2nd MC - wpuildnt of been w/o it.
But now, its more I dont want to think or focus on ttc. It has all consumed me for the last year and half.
I just want to be grateful and appreciative of all I have - rather than just thinking i need something else if that makes sense.
But yes, dont lose hope.xxxxxx

Maybe when you go back you can mention what you saw on the notes and ask them to explain - it may not be as bad as you think sweetie?

Wowser - 4 months to get the results?? That is quite a long time!

I assume they'll do similar with me in Jan (I have already had several internal scans so already know I have a fibroid - last time they also said I had a small cycst on my right ovary too :shock:) but 4 months just seems like such a long time?

Maybe it will be a little different for you as I know it took you a while to conceive - at least by having regular blood tests / appointments you know they are monitoring you properly? I seem to get preggers just by looking at my OH but cannot stay pregnant so I assume for me they'll be looking for causes rather than needing to monitor me as such (I won't stress about it though as it's months away!)

As for Strep B, there was no mention of my sister having it at all through-out her second pregnancy but they did keep my 2nd nephew in for 48 hours and he was on a drip. He was cleared to go home by a blood test once he hit 48 as he showed no signs of having Strep B. My 1st nephew was in for a week and on a drip for most of that time as he did have it.

Thank you for sharing your experience though, even though 4 months may sound like a long time away at least you are getting yourself thoroughly checked out and hopefully this mean the next one stays put hun?

How does your OH feel about having his sperm checked? I broached it with my OH a while ago and whilst he wasn't keen he'll do what needs to be done!

I agree that stopping the focus on TTC is the best thing for me at the moment as well - prior to our appointment in Jan I don't realy want to get pregnant but we're NTNP (we'll avoid my fertile times) as it just seems so wasteful to go back to condoms?? :shock: :shock:

I only had one month of properly TTC (we've been NTNP mostly) and I hated it to be honest - found it very, very stressful. The 2ww was a nightmare! Not sure how ladies do it month after month?

Since May I have either been pregnant, been trying to get pregnant or been recovering from a miscarriage. I need a break LOL!


yes i totally ttc is so stressful!! cant be going through all that again! NTNP all the way!!
Condoms horrible things arent they!!?

OH is not that happy about have to have a tommy tank in a hospital toliet!! Cant blame him really! His appt id 16th Dec so atm not bothering him too much, but nearer the time im sure he wont shut up about it!!! But he has said he will do it.

Im not too worried about the secondary infertility on my notes, im putting it down to tahts just how they can abbreviate - has a child before/having trouble now. Rather than I am infertile!!

Yes will good to see if something is still wrong, im still thinking it will prob be nothing and ive just been unlucky!!
Im hoping if I dont want it with such desperation and dont focus so much on it,just enjoy my life just as it is, then maybe one day it will just take me by surprise. Heres hoping hey!!!:lol:
oh yeah - and its 4 months to ensure that all the test results are back. But im trying to get all done asap and hoping to phone up and bring this date forward!!!
Hey ladies,

How are you both? After I read your posts I feel miffed with my doctors , after 2 mc, endo and irregular cycles they still deemed me low risk and apart from my lap in 07 and blood tests in June they said to me in October give it another three months. I feel like when I speak to my doctor out loud I sound like I'm being over anxious about it but I don't think so! I pinned my hopes that AF was going to show after my acne at the beginning of the month and strong opks but nothing apart from dull cramps last 2 weeks.

Carnat I am exactly the same..it's wearing me down now. I'm not opk'ing or symptom spotting it's clearly pointless until I see the docs again. NTNP I think for me!xx

Sorry to hear that Sunbeam.
I went down the route of - it is making me really depressed, causing issues in my relationship, affecting my life etc.
I also bought in to my doc a whole bag full of diff vitamin, herbal teas, aspirin and said will taking all this help?, should i not take anything? what do you suggest?
I think he felt so spun out by it that he refereed me!!!

So I would keep going back to your docs til he has no choice!! If you want this then push for it.You pay your taxes, you want answers its your right!!!

Good luck!!! xxx

P.s enjoy that merlot, im doing the same. ! xxx
yes i totally ttc is so stressful!! cant be going through all that again! NTNP all the way!!
Condoms horrible things arent they!!?

OH is not that happy about have to have a tommy tank in a hospital toliet!! Cant blame him really! His appt id 16th Dec so atm not bothering him too much, but nearer the time im sure he wont shut up about it!!! But he has said he will do it.

Im not too worried about the secondary infertility on my notes, im putting it down to tahts just how they can abbreviate - has a child before/having trouble now. Rather than I am infertile!!

Yes will good to see if something is still wrong, im still thinking it will prob be nothing and ive just been unlucky!!
Im hoping if I dont want it with such desperation and dont focus so much on it,just enjoy my life just as it is, then maybe one day it will just take me by surprise. Heres hoping hey!!!:lol:

That makes total sense hun, that they would have some kind of abbreviation to indicate you already have a child but are having trouble conceiving / staying pregnant with # 2.

Still you'd think that they would abbreviate it to something a little more postive :shock: As you say though it is just a term and doesn't mean anything.


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