I'm back

Oh Kedi, I don't know what to say other than you poor, poor thing.

I am in the midst of my 3rd loss since May so I do know how you feel.

I hope when you feel a bit stronger you can get to your Dr's and see if they will begin to investigate this for you?

I am hating my body too at the moment - I cannot seem to stay pregnant for love nor money and am on the verge of giving up!

We're all here for you

Kedi, so sorry hun, totally gutted for you. I would explain what's happened to you gp so he can refer you and give you some options.

:hugs: pm me anytime if you need to, thinking of you

Don't know what else to say as I know what it feels like and nothing can make it better at the moment. Xxxx
I rang the midwife this morning and she managed to get me an appointment at the hospital. I'm currently sitting in the car park.

Assume ill get another scan to confirm then given my options.

Secretly hoping the man last night was rubbish and got it all wrong!
:hug: this is so shit :cry: love to you sweetheart and we are all here for you xxxxxxxxxx
So so sorry :( I can't imagine what you are going through, you have done the right thing to go to hospital. I hope you get some answers x x
Hiya hun

I feel you and iam so sorry to hear your lost,i lost mine at 20 weeks but trust me girl its the same even if it was 4 weeks old the pain of loosing ababy that you are carrying is torture.if i were you i would go to the Gp and have it all sorted out.
Typical, the doctor talking over the options is pregnant. Great.
Decided to go for a D&C, got it booked for Monday
Just what you didn't need, a pregnant dr :hugs:

Thinking of you hun. Hope you get on ok on monday. Xxx
Just what you didn't need, a pregnant dr :hugs:

Thinking of you hun. Hope you get on ok on monday. Xxx

She was really nice though, which kind of helped. But bloody typical eh?

Thanks Nurse xx
Aww hun, I had a pregnant sonographer when I was having my mc too, just want u really need to see!! :hugs:

I will be thinking of u on Monday xxx
Thinking of you hun. So sorry you're going through this.x
Oh hunny iv only just seen this, i am so very sorry for u. Thinking of you babe xxx
Sorry to hear its gone wrong again. You are right lots of us here have been through similar stories of more than one loss sending you lots of love xx

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