Im baaaaaack!

So another baby came into work today <3 he was gorgeous and so good. However the mum and our friend who is also pregnant were talking about how crap they felt in the first trimester and that just confirmed that I want to wait until the cruise to start trying :( Although I really don't haha... but yes we need to be sensible. Only 6 more cycles until we can start.
Aww I love baby cuddles! It’s good that you’re happy with your decision.

I don’t feel like I had a great lesson today but going to see if DH’s parents will have Aria for an hour whilst I drive Adam around a little hehe just to get my confidence up with the boring stopping starting, gear change, 3point turns and reversing round a corner :shock: haha wish him luck!!!

Computers were down with my appointment today so they couldn’t do anything, give up with this whole getting a diaphragm and just going bog standard with condoms, if it fails and we get pregnant quicker, oh well, not that much of a big issue, gave the hubby the option for me to stay on the pill as well and he said no! Was very surprised at that!

Hope you’re ok princess?
Yeah we're just on condoms with the same view that if we do get pregnant earlier it really isn't the end of the world, in fact it might even be nice haha. As long as I don't get pregnant before the end of March as that's when we wouldn't be allowed to cruise then.

Sorry to hear your lesson didn't go well but sounds a good idea to get some more practice just to get your confidence up in the car.

My new car is being delivered on Friday now :) I can't wait.
Ooo very nice, what car have you got?

Don&#8217;t think DH parents will have Aria as its the only other day FIL has off to have a day to themselves/do things and my MIL was getting upset saying they may no longer be able to have Aria every Wednesday much longer as her sight is deteriorating very quickly :( feel awful for her, can&#8217;t be nice.

I&#8217;ve got to go to the hospital next week as my boob has gone a funny shape underneath and my mum had breast cancer at 39 so.. need to get checked :roll:
Oh no; can't imagine how that's making you feel. I hope the tests all come back okay for you - I'm at the hospital next week too, but it's just a heart scan as my mum has some issues and they could be hereditary. Is your appointment early next week? I hope you aren't kept waiting too long.

Sorry to hear about MIL too

Getting a Peugeot 108. It'll be nice just to be driving something more reliable than what I have now.
Don’t know why I put hospital, I meant the doctors :roll: trying to concentrate on 2 things at once. Will obviously turn into a hospital appt, as I’m sure I’ll get the full works done haha but yeah something to worry about, I’m sure it’ll be fine but I can’t ignore it and let it be.
Might see if I can get anything around work tomorrow or Friday actually, can only ask. Will keep you posted.
Oh Ellie you poor thing:-( Keeping everything crossed it's nothing to worry about. What day is your appt?
And sorry to hear about your MIL.
Hi all :wave: sorry I have been awol but have had a really awful time lately.
Found out that my gorgeous kitty that I paid an absolute fortune for had an infectious disease, which she passed to my other cat who I had put to sleep last month, had to get the kitten put to sleep yesterday. I am beyond heartbroken and really worried about my one remaining cat now.
I also have a really nasty throat infection and on a tonne of antibiotics and need to sign myself off work for a week - probably longer. I was a gibbering wreck in my clinic on Tuesday night and turns out thats why. So im feeling lousy anyway.
Its been a very difficult time for our little family :(

Anyway.... Donna your lease company sound like a right pain in the ass!! I can't believe they don't let you sign things online! I've got mine sorted and they accepted electronic signatures etc. Mine's not being delivered until 12 March, but means it will have an 18 plate :lol: really looking forward to it. And now you'll be ttc the same month as me :yay: we can all go there together :yay:

Ellie sorry to hear about the diaphragm saga, I dont blame you for going with condoms instead! Some people really shouldn't deal with members of the public if they are an arsehole by nature :wink:. Hoping it all goes well for you at the doctors as well, I'm sure its a worrying time for you, especially with what your mum went through. Glad that you've been vigilant about it.

Babymaker, I wouldve suggested the purchase of a separate membership for baby, same as you've said :smile:
Aww princess I'm sooo sorry to hear about your cats:cry: that's awful! Have you contacted the people you got him from?? Pets are a part of the family and it's horrendous when they die.
And sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. Take good care of yourself and rest up whilst you have time off work:hugs:
Will be thinking of you Ellie, I hope it's nothing to worry about

So sorry to hear about your cats princess - that's awful :(

Yay for us all moving over at the same time, me and husband are going to have to make sure we get plenty of alone time on this cruise to be in with a good chance of falling first time ;)
Yeah I wouldn't have minded a new plate but not really bothered as it's more important for me to actually have a car right now haha - also we got it on a good deal.
Well yeh I would&#8217;ve been fine with a 17 plate too, just turned out that way tbh. My car runs ok, but whatever it sells for will go into the wedding fund.

Babymaker - I told the breeder about the cat, she said she was very sorry to hear it. She is going to get the parents neutered so it shouldn&#8217;t happen again. O/h thinks she should refund us as well seeing as the kitten didn&#8217;t even make it to a year old and effectively caused the death of my other cat too.
It&#8217;s a good job I had her insured I&#8217;d all I can say, she cost me £750! I can claim that back from my insurance.
The sea air might do his swimmers good Donna ;)

Hehe that made me giggle princess!

But I’m so sorry about your cats and illness :( that seriously sucks! Hope you feel better soon. Do you think you’ll get a new kitten?

I had a doctors appt today, was able to pop over during work. She could see what I was on about with the shape and said she could feel a lump where the boob is a funny shape and it was tender when she felt it :roll: obviously been referred to the hospital and will get an appointment within 2 weeks and will get the results on the day.

Oh gosh Ellie that&#8217;s worrying for you Hun. Glad they&#8217;re getting on with it quickly for you. Fingers crossed it&#8217;s a hormonal related change. Very stressful for you. :hug:
I&#8217;ve been pretty rough the past couple of days, today I&#8217;ve barely kept my eyes open. I&#8217;m hoping these antibiotics start kicking in soon. Absolutely dosed with painkillers and anything else I can think of.
I&#8217;ll probably get another kitten, but will wait til after we are married. Will hopefully aim for one that wants a home in September time. I have a few contacts in the breeding industry now so hopefully someone will sell me a kitten who is registered to breed. My one remaining girl looks everso lonely x
Oh Ellie, that's worrying for you:-( Sending you big hugs!!
I found a lump today "down below". No idea what it is but seemed to come over night... very strange. Will keep an eye on it over the weekend and if it grows or nothing's changed by next week I'll go to doc's. After extensive Googling it might be a clogged gland or cyst but best get checked.xx
So stressful for you Ellie but glad you're getting seen too quickly and won't be left waiting for the results.

Haha fingers crossed. I'd love to fall pregnant that first month - always fancied an April baby (that or an October one) for some reason.
Yeah, I&#8217;m trying to put it to the back of my head for now and enjoying working and spending time with Aria and hubby. Have haven&#8217;t done so many steps recently as I have the past 4 days hahaha fingers crossed the weight will come off too. Think I&#8217;m going for a hike somewhere at the weekend, just need to convince the hubby to be a bit more active.

Aria threw such a paddy yesterday at tea that DH said (very seriously) &#8216;I don&#8217;t want anymore children&#8217; he can&#8217;t block the screaming out where as I can. I just say &#8216;it&#8217;s only crying!&#8217; But she pushes away food he&#8217;s cooked and kicks off and wouldn&#8217;t stop until she was sitting on my lap :roll: I&#8217;m starting to give in more as I want her to feel heard. We have strong rules with somethings and other times I give in haha
Oh no :( it's not nice when they say things like that - at least you have a few months for him to forget about that comment before you want to start trying. I sometimes worry that mine is changing his mind as we don't really talk about it anymore and in the past we have talked about trying and then he's changed his mind before it's got to the point we said we would - but I asked him the other day and he said he still wanted it.

July just still seems like such a long way away to me, but it's only 5 months and time seems to be flying at the moment. I think it'd be easier if trying wasn't such an unknown thing as well - like if I could guarantee I'd be pregnant first month trying then 5 months wouldn't seem like such a long wait. It's more the not knowing.

I'm also starting to worry about my uni work as well, really struggling with this latest assessment. Got just over a week until it's due and I think I'm going to have to just answer what I can and I hope I scrape enough marks for a pass through on it :(
Ellie, I had the same with my hubby. Before we started ttc #2 he would stay stuff like "no way are we having more" when our DS threw a huge paddy and his comments would really upset me. I remember once in the car our DS was screaming (properly screaming in anger) and my hubby laughed to himself, shook his head and said "no way, absolutely no way". He was talking to himself but I knew what he meant and I thought that was it - we wouldn't have any more. But, we still went for it and here we are planning number 3 lol! And that's even after both of them sometimes throwing paddies at the same time (ah joy...) It's just in that moment it all seems impossible to manage a crying toddler and potentially a hungry newborn. But somehow you just manage and wouldnt change it for the world because the good times outweigh the hard times in my opinion.
Donna, I know July seems ages away! We've not even started the last term of school yet! But like you say, time flies. Next week is March and then it's "only" 4 months away. 4 months ago was my DS's birthday and that only seems like a few weeks ago. So if the next 4 months are just as quick then July will be here in no time lol! Sorry you're struggling with your assignment:-( Do the best you can - that's all you can do:hugs:

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