Hi all

sorry I have been awol but have had a really awful time lately.
Found out that my gorgeous kitty that I paid an absolute fortune for had an infectious disease, which she passed to my other cat who I had put to sleep last month, had to get the kitten put to sleep yesterday. I am beyond heartbroken and really worried about my one remaining cat now.
I also have a really nasty throat infection and on a tonne of antibiotics and need to sign myself off work for a week - probably longer. I was a gibbering wreck in my clinic on Tuesday night and turns out thats why. So im feeling lousy anyway.
Its been a very difficult time for our little family
Anyway.... Donna your lease company sound like a right pain in the ass!! I can't believe they don't let you sign things online! I've got mine sorted and they accepted electronic signatures etc. Mine's not being delivered until 12 March, but means it will have an 18 plate

really looking forward to it. And now you'll be ttc the same month as me

we can all go there together
Ellie sorry to hear about the diaphragm saga, I dont blame you for going with condoms instead! Some people really shouldn't deal with members of the public if they are an arsehole by nature

. Hoping it all goes well for you at the doctors as well, I'm sure its a worrying time for you, especially with what your mum went through. Glad that you've been vigilant about it.
Babymaker, I wouldve suggested the purchase of a separate membership for baby, same as you've said