Im baaaaaack!

Yeah it makes so much sense to wait until July's period - if we caught on first cycle it would mean being due in April as well which would be lovely - if not then at least we could full on go for trying after then.
Donna, I'm exactly the same as you. I'm now thinking of waiting until after the July period. But if that arrives early in July I'd be inclined to wait until August. Although it means a longer wait it could mean a late April/early May baby which would be perfect. Then again, I might not fall straight away and I would've missed my spring window... Ah decisions decisions.
Ellie, sorry to hear you're having a crap time. If you feel like you need to unload here, we are all ears:hug:
I have a bit of a dilemma which I hope someone can help me with. My DH's 40th is coming up and my MIL called me today to say they want to buy him/us a lifetime National Trust family membership which is great! She asked me not to tell him. But, apparently the membership cards have the family members' names on them and you can't add names once purchased (this is what they told her on the phone). She asked them about it in case one of the kids wanted to take a friend and they said no. But all I can think is that we're adding to the family next year and that child wont be on the membership! So, do I tell her our little secret and ask her to wait before buying?? Or do I go with it and buy a separate membership for the child once they turn 5? It seems so stupid that they have this rule. Surely people must add to the brood all the time and need membership for the new family member. I know it's not a big problem but I suddenly had a panic as it costs over £2000 and I dont want her to waste her money but at the same time we do want the present. Just not yet... I've emailed National Trust and asked them to confirm this stupid rule (I didnt put it like that lol). We currently have an annual membership and I tried to tell her to wait until that expires in Nov (by then I should hopefully be pregnant and she'd surely be inclined to wait until the baby's born) but she said she didnt mind overlapping it so my husband has his present on his birthday:roll:
I really dont want to tell her our secret plans. She cannot keep secrets so it would defo come out. She accidentally announced both our previous pregnancies before our 12 scans which I was fuming about!!! What would you do? xx
Oh babymaker that is a hard one! Personally? Given the information, I wouldn’t tell her and buy the baby it’s own. Telling her, worst case, you don’t get pregnant for months and she keeps asking if you are yet, telling everyone, everyone asking if you’ve conceived yet, errgghhh, no!

I snapped at my manager today I’m in that bad of a mood :wall2:

I love a tiny baby cuddle Donna, have fun and any special plans for hubbys birthday?
I know what you mean about the holding off until July - it makes so much sense for us but then I keep thinking but what if we don't fall pregnant straight away. I suppose we need to remember that each month those chances kind of revert back to what they were, if we were trying for 3 months that doesn't increase the chances of getting pregnant on the fourth month. It will happen when it happens and holding off will just mean that we won't be getting pregnant too early and potentially sabotaging our own plans.

Oooo that is a dilemma, I would agree with Ellie just take the hit and end up buying another one for little one when they turn 5 (I mean that is 6 years away) it's a shame but when she's proven she can't keep a secret you really can't trust her with it. Unless you can convince her that he doesn't actually need the card on his Birthday but she could put together a scrap book, or a card that says what she's going to buy him? That way he would still get the surprise on his Birthday, he doesn't need the actual physical card.

I've bought him a couple of bits and we're probably going to be heading out for drinks pretty much all weekend - we're also going to Leeds to see some friends (also pregnant haha I'm surrounded at the moment) and go to one of our favourite places to eat on the Sunday for lunch. So it's a really busy weekend with lots of little bits. All not amazing for my diet but I will drive all weekend so at least I won't be tempted with drink as well as the bad food.

Also been on the pancakes today. I really need to kick myself into gear after the week. I have about 13lbs to lose and I would love to get there before we start trying - although that's still months away we have so many plans in between I need to do some damage control.
I’ve enjoyed pancakes too with chocolate sauce, coffee and teas with sugars, chocolates errgghh I don’t wonder why I’m fat, I just wonder how I can control myself.
I don’t have much self discipline:(

Everything I have done today has gone wrong grrr!

Aria fell running out the shower too :( glad she hasn’t hurt herself, which I’m surprised at as it wouldn’t be a normal 6 months without a trip to A&E :roll:
I had a day like that yesterday as well, I just couldn't seem to get anything done right. Other than my pancakes, first time I've ever made them from scratch myself and they were perfect (I know they're not really hard to make but I'd just never done them so it felt like a win haha)

I'm going to attempt to cut my sons hair today too... he's been too ill to go to the hairdressers and it's looking a mess. If I make an absolute pigs ear of it I will send him to the barbers on Saturday but I think I should manage okay (fingers crossed)
Thanks for your advise ladies. Totally makes sense and I've decided to just leave it and let her buy the membership. I can't risk her blabbing about our plans;-)
Ooh, snap Donna. Although I have made them before, they've never been very nice - too crispy and thin. Yesterday we had the inlaws over and I had a bit of pressure on me to get them right and they were perfect:dance: phew!

Sorry to hear you're having tough times at the moment. I have days/weeks like that where it seems the whole world is against me! You're owed some luck now so fingers crossed that comes in the shape of a little bean in a few months time:-)
Ooo, my pancakes weren’t bad either ladies! Get in!

How did the hair cut go Donna?

Got my second driving lesson tomorrow, I’m so excited, just want to be getting on with it, would be having 2 lessons a week if I could afford it!

Already come to a halt with doing Arias room, there’s a gas pipe stick out of the floor under the carpet and it needs capping off elsewhere as we think it’s leaking slightly :roll:

Can’t believe we’re half way through Feb! June will be here before we know it! X
I don't think it went too bad... but I might want to just trim a couple of more bits today. It was so much better than it was (He'd had it cut in a peaky blinders style last time but the back doesn't seem to have grown much whereas the top had so it was flopping over really oddly and just winding me up, so I didn't actually touch the back or sides and just trimmed the top) He likes having it long so I've told him I'll keep trimming it until it's at a point where it can kind of just grow itself into a style... if that makes sense haha.

OMG this week is turning out to be the worse. I've only managed to do one assignment so far (which is better than none I suppose) but I wanted to get through quite a few of them.

I'm having loads of issues with the car lease company - I just want my new car sent out the one I'm driving at the minute is falling apart but they don't accept online signatures so I'm having to print everything and then try and scan it and send it back, which wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't half term but because it is half term I'm using a rubbish home scanner rather than the work one. I'm waiting to hear whether my latest attempt is good enough or not.

I mean in all fairness husband did come home with some flowers and a card yesterday (plus another present) and we had a lovely evening in. But he's then annoyed me this morning because he forgot to take all the forms in to scan at work so instead I've spend an hour sat at the scanner doing it a sheet at a time when I could have been doing more uni work.

Bring on the weekend when we have some nice things planned with friends :)
Oh no Donna, it’s such a pain scanning and sending paper work, I remember it too well with buying my house :roll:
Hope the rest of today and tomorrow goes better before your weekend x
That's all sorted now but they've emailed me with the bombshell that they will only deliver it to my home address. I called and asked if I could either speed up the process so it comes tomorrow or have my husband sign for it and they said it will be 2 - 3 days before they even call be about delivery and then I will have to ask them if my husband can do it or not. With how they've been so far I'm going to take a guess at no he can't, it's just so frustrating as I've been off all week and they forgot to send me the paperwork when they should, if they had I would have done all the scanning and had it sent back in plenty of time for it to have been delivered to me this week while I've been off. It's been ridiculous service.

Anyway, I'm sure the weekend will be fine. I just need to knuckle down and get some more work done otherwise I'm going to have a few weeks of stress after work too.
Oh no, Donna, what a pain! We don't have a scanner so whenever someone needs a signature we always take a photo of the page with our phone, email it to ourselves and then forward to the company. So it becomes a photo copy. Could they not accept that? Might be much quicker for you.
So, National Trust emailed me back and said we CAN add a 3rd child to the membership when he/she turns 5:roll: So, either that's not true or the person my MIL spoke to was wrong. Either way, I'm beyond caring now lol! If it becomes an issue in the future I suppose i've got it in writing from them:lol:
Still not 100% sure when to ttc but looking like July. Just think, this time next year we will hopefully be in our last trimesters:dance: I'm sooo not looking forward to the 1st tri! All the nausea and worry about mc etc and not even a bump to show off. Still, gotta get through it to get to the best bits:):bump: x
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No they made a point of saying no photo's.
Next thing on the list is they've said they won't deliver it to work address, but they also won't deliver tomorrow so no idea what I'm going to do. I can't check if they'll let my husband sign for it or not until they call me to arrange a day either :( just all extra stress I could do without to be honest. I am having a bad mood day to be honest as well - just feeling right sorry for myself so none of this is helping, but I'll be okay. My life really isn't bad at all. I need to pick myself up and get over it.

You do right, what they've told you makes a lot more sense than what your MIL was told - maybe they just meant friends can't be added but having a baby is a different matter. Although I wonder what would happen if you adopted.

We're definitely waiting until my July period now, so don't know if that counts as trying in July or August haha. We couldn't try until June with the dates for the cruise and then my brothers wedding (maybe May depending on when my periods fell) but then that means like you say all that horrible first trimester stuff while we're on the boat. Trying at the end of July means I won't get loads of questions at the end of the school year too if I'm not drinking as there will be a couple of nights out planned to celebrate. Everyone's all on the lookout at the moment because a couple of people are pregnant so it's on everyone's mind.

It would be amazing if we all moved over to TTC and then onto pregnancy at around about the same time and yes brilliant to think this time next year how different things could be for us all. If we all end up with those Spring babies :)
I hope you get you paperwork sorted soon! It’s a pain when people don’t do their jobs! Haha and Donna don’t beat yourself up when you’re feeling down, even if your life isn’t that bad everyone is entitled to be grumpy now and again! Especially us woman and our hormones hahaha

I keep thinking that too babymaker ‘just think, this time next year...’ I had a naff 1st tri with Aria, it was the nausea all day and sickness every evening. Had to call in sick after not being able to keep ANYTHING down one weekend. It’s waiting for the 12 week scan too and not telling anyone (well telling only a few) and trying to hide symptoms. I was in pain walking in the 3rd tri, hip was horrific! It is worth it in the end! Hahaha

Had a good driving lesson today! Feeling like I’m doing well!

Called my doctors today to get a diaphragm for in between coming off pill and TTC and they said I’d have to go to family planning clinic. I finished work at 5 took Aria down with me and got there for 5:12 (appointments started at 5:15) and got told there was 5 people in front of me and that it’s be about an hours wait!!! WTF! So fuming, just walked out. Going to have to go back on Saturday morning now, I hate sitting in there, it was so awkward as well as the desk is in front of everyone and I asked if I was in the family planning clinic as they move it round more then I have hot dinners, and she just said yes and started blankly at me. I felt like being rude and going ‘well I’m obviously here to see someone!’ :roll: *sigh* I hate what the government is doing to the NHS :(

Turned round to my SIL today as well and that hubby (her brother) didn’t want us trying until I’d passed my test and she said ‘you’ll be waiting a while’ I thought cheeky b**** :lol: I’m not having another one though and not being able to drive.
Donna, what a pain! some people/companies are so unhelpful and inconsiderate in their requirements.

Ellie, Sorry to hear about your family planning clinic experience. What a b*tch! When are you coming off the pill? Glad your driving lesson went well. Keep up the good work!!

Aghhh that's so frustrating isn't it, I hate how they make us jump through hoops for nothing really. Not to do with family planning but I needed to be referred to the hospital as my mum had a heart problem and they requested we were all tested for it, because I'm at a different doctor I rang them and told them what she'd been sent and said I could forward the letter. They insisted that I had to be put on the triage list so I could speak to a doctor. So a couple of days later because obviously it wasn't high priority as I'm not ill and I speak to one who just says, yes I'll put the referral through then. It's a joke.

Wow - that comment was a bit out of order too, I'm sure you won't be waiting that long - just keep getting your lessons in and you'll be passed in no time :) I know what you mean though I said to my husband that I need to have a proper car before we have another as mine is falling apart and I wouldn't just get rid of it on maternity as I'd be lost without a car. Not that I plan on going out loads with a little one but just having the option of not going on public transport is a life saver.
I'm feeling much more positive today anyway, I'm not worrying about the car - will have to just wait and see what they say about delivery and worse case I may have to either have some time off work or wait until the Easter break (if they'll hold onto it for 5 weeks) that might be a better option anyway as it means the lease won't start until then which will give us a bit of a break between the two leases coming up for renewal in 4 years time.
I’ve been in a better mood today too, very tired from a busy day though, hopefully I will sleep well.

I have about 10 pills left babymaker so end of the month.

I would love to be passed by July so I can get Aria and I to my mums myself for our week stay there. If not it’s not biggie, but I’m going to be having my lessons and getting hubby to take me out driving after next weeks lesson.

I’ve been speaking to other people to who are doing lessons/recently passed and they saying I’m doing a lot in my first lessons. Think it helps that I’m a bit older, determined and have only stalled once haha
Talk about jumping through hoops Donna, went to the family planning clinic today and I’ve got an appointment with a doctor on Tuesday and then they’ll have to order in the correct size and I’ll have to pick it up at another date :roll: geeez
I got the whole, ‘it’s not an effective as some of other contraceptives’ and I said that it was the fact I want to try to conceive later in the year, but come of hormone pills! Will be having the coil after next one.

Hope you’re all having lovely weekends girlies xxx
I understand that some people don't really think about their contraceptive choices but it's annoying when you've done all the research and know what you want.

I'm so tired today; we're still out got husbands birthday but it's just us and little one now and they're playing on Mario cart haha. I could well just have a nap if we weren't in a bar. Can't believe I'm back at work tomorrow.

Feeling very broody this weekend with meeting the baby and then meeting our pregnant friend. I'm not convinced we'll make it to July before starting to try :/ need to hold off until at least May or June though as we've only booked a hotel that can cater for 3 people for my brothers wedding so we wouldn't be able to add a baby to the mix �� it didn't show up when we did a search before with a potential little one.

I suppose that's good as we're much more likely to just think about how comfortable we'll be on the cruise if it's only a one or two month wait though

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