I hope you get you paperwork sorted soon! It’s a pain when people don’t do their jobs! Haha and Donna don’t beat yourself up when you’re feeling down, even if your life isn’t that bad everyone is entitled to be grumpy now and again! Especially us woman and our hormones hahaha
I keep thinking that too babymaker ‘just think, this time next year...’ I had a naff 1st tri with Aria, it was the nausea all day and sickness every evening. Had to call in sick after not being able to keep ANYTHING down one weekend. It’s waiting for the 12 week scan too and not telling anyone (well telling only a few) and trying to hide symptoms. I was in pain walking in the 3rd tri, hip was horrific! It is worth it in the end! Hahaha
Had a good driving lesson today! Feeling like I’m doing well!
Called my doctors today to get a diaphragm for in between coming off pill and TTC and they said I’d have to go to family planning clinic. I finished work at 5 took Aria down with me and got there for 5:12 (appointments started at 5:15) and got told there was 5 people in front of me and that it’s be about an hours wait!!! WTF! So fuming, just walked out. Going to have to go back on Saturday morning now, I hate sitting in there, it was so awkward as well as the desk is in front of everyone and I asked if I was in the family planning clinic as they move it round more then I have hot dinners, and she just said yes and started blankly at me. I felt like being rude and going ‘well I’m obviously here to see someone!’

*sigh* I hate what the government is doing to the NHS
Turned round to my SIL today as well and that hubby (her brother) didn’t want us trying until I’d passed my test and she said ‘you’ll be waiting a while’ I thought cheeky b****

I’m not having another one though and not being able to drive.