Im baaaaaack!

Thank you :) It all just seems to much at the moment.

Yes the time will fly by, doesn't help that everything is so baby orientated at the moment with everyone we know - 3 of our best friends are pregnant, some of our other friends have just had babies etc. and we've been going around seeing them all these past couple of weeks.

That 6 months gives me time to shift the last few lbs I want to lose as well and I might need 6 months to do it as I seem to be really struggling with that recently - again just too many events on and my will power while out seems to have gone out of the window.
Oh Donna, I’m with you on that one, no willpower! I only went to the shop for milk and got a Creme egg :roll: I miss the sugar in my tea and chocolate at the end of the day. Aarrgggg

I had a letter to call the referrals and book an appointment, ring them up and they said, no we send you one :roll: deary me!

Dreading with weather we’re suppose to be having. And I’m traveling to Manchester on the train on Friday morning when there is suppose to be a ‘snowstorm’ not a happy bunny.

Hubby took today off work and we’ve had a nice day and I’ve had a good driving lesson. Also booked my theory! Yay!
Yeah I'm not enjoying the weather, wouldn't mind it so much if it were so bad we didn't have to go into work but it's just going to be bad enough that the drive in is horrible and some people call in sick or can't make it due to where they live. But it's never that bad, just enough to make the travelling awful.

I'm so ready for it to start warming up and be sunny and warm. Oh yes please come on weather.

Nice that you've had a good day and how exciting about your theory. Good luck
I'm due on this week and feel extremely bloated and uncomfortable - really hoping I come on early and not late as I just want this feeling gone.
I’ve taken my last pill today and should come in on Saturday but have been having ovulation symptoms today. Wait and see I suppose. Trying for a baby tablets tomorrow! Eeek!
Had a leaking gas pipe removed from Aria’s room so DH can make way with that whilst we’re away this weekend. Finally moving forward!

Day at home tomorrow so it can snow all it wants so Aria and I can play in the garden. Snow doesn’t bother me, but then I’ve never driven in it. People just need to be careful. Only in work 2 days this week, I feel very lucky!
Ahh sounds perfect for you then Ellie; luckily my drive into work is mainly main roads so they're kept clear. I'm just a bit wary with it being a new car so I'm not used to all its quirks yet; but like you say I'll just have to be careful.

Exciting that it's your last pill :)

Is it wrong that I get excited about when I have my periods as it's another cycle down before we start trying haha.

Have my hospital appointment today; dreading it. My son said it was really uncomfortable when they did his. I'd rather just go into work haha but best that I get checked out just in case I do have the same issue as my mum (I think I might do to be honest as I can always feel a bit of pressure in my heart and sometimes have sudden high or low blood pressure)
Best of luck for today Donna, I hope it's good news!

You're on it with the driving Ellie! are you enjoying it?

I'm planning on starting my folic acid (although I think I may actually go for the active form of folate) next week! Seems to have come round super fast.

I feel like I should paint a red cross on the door of this house. Cameron got put on antibiotics yesterday for an ear infection, I"m still on mine for tonsillitis and although I'm not in pain anymore I'm still just full of yack. I'm getting really fed up with myself and I don't think I'll be ready to go back to work on Friday, I'm just drained :cry: it was a pretty horrible infection by all accounts and I think it was working on me for a long time.
and I just got the call to say my kitten's ashes are ready for collection :cry: she was the most stunning girl. I am heartbroken.


Wow she really was a gorgeous cat! I’m so sorry again :( such a sad thing to have happened.

Sounds like you had Quincy princess, I had that over Christmas, same as you as well, must have been setting in for a while and then when you go to relax with time off it hits you like a brick wall :( nasty!

I am enjoying driving, wish it would cost so much though, and my car has gone flat from lack of use :roll:

Hope your appt went well Donna.

My hospital appt is Thursday morning, don’t think my manager was too impressed but oh well.

I’m excited about getting mine this time too, and I know what you mean, enjoy that feeling for now, we’ll soon be hating the :witch: haha
Aw princess what a gorgeous kitty!!! So sorry again:-( I'd be fuming with the breeder!!!

How did hospital go Donna? Hope you're ok.
Best of luck for Thursday Ellie. Keeping everything crossed it's nothing to worry about!
Big hugs to you both!

The past couple of months I've not been able to tell when my period has come (I have the coil) which has been annoying as I want to time getting it out just right. But I came on on Friday and can finally track it properly until June when I'll get the coil out:dance: I'm usually 28 days (ish) so if this continues I should come on 3rd July which, according to BabyCentre, would mean due date of 9th April 2019. Yes, I am sad looking at future due dates:rofl:
haha babymaker I’m the same. When I was trying for my daughter if I had conceived the following month, I would have conceived on my birthday and been due on Valentine’s Day hahaha

I’ve also looked at when I would be due if my periods stay the same too but it may change coming off the pill. Told hubby I’m starting ‘trying for a baby’ tablets today and he turn round and said no. Evause they’ll make me more fertile :roll: no I am taking them because I need the folic acid ha

Thank you babymaker x
Best of luck for Thursday Ellie :)
My coil is coming out in June too :yay:

I’m gutted but my vet was very clear that the breeder couldn’t have known she was carrying the illness. I inspected the entire Cattery before I committed to the kitten and she had very high standards, the cats were all immaculate and the pedigree was well documented. Just one of those things. But I’m serverely out of pocket with insurance excesses and cremation. I think o/h will contact her to see if she will refund me at least some of the cost of the kitten for a goodwill gesture. I’m too upset to discuss it with her.
Urgh it could’ve well been quinsy :sick: it’s grim whatever it is. Xx
So sorry again about your gorgeous kitten Princess :(

Appointment went well, won't get my results for a few weeks but she said she didn't see anything she was worried about and even said I had lovely clear pictures and a beautiful heart haha. So I think I will be given the all clear.

I've been on the folic acid for ages now, but we were planning on starting earlier than we are now - husband is going to start his supplements in April I think. I also check potential due dates - every time I have a period I will work out what my due date will be if we get pregnant the first couple of months of trying. At the moment if we get pregnant in the second month we will be due on my Birthday. Chances are that won't happen then as my periods although they're not all over the place aren't regular as clockwork like they used to be. I hope they don't change too much though as at the moment it will work out well for not being due on while on the cruise.
Oh Donna that’s great news! Fingers crossed you get officially signed off :)

I currently feel very laid back about ttc.... I don’t know if that’s because I have the wedding to think about first, all I know is I’ll hopwdully get a spring babe
Donna, that's great. Fingers crossed it's good news.
Princess, I'm feeling quite laid back about ttc too. Last time I was alot more obsessed. I think because I know it's going to be the last one I'm trying to enjoy every second - including the preparation and anticipation part. Remind me when the wedding is? Exciting!!
Ellie, any news hun??? Thinking of you.
Thank you - I think that's what will happen to be honest. So feeling a lot better about that :)

Also feeling really chilled about TTC over here - I realised today that this is the start of the cycle we were considering starting to try in when my brother first said he was getting married in February. As it's the first cycle where if we got pregnant we would still be okay to sail, but although that was kind of exciting it was more in a - ooo not long until we do start trying as opposed to a maybe we could have a couple of risky months. It would mean a December baby and being pregnant on the cruise. Better to just wait 5 months.
Sorry I didn’t update you ladies yesterday but all in good, just had a scan and they couldn’t see anything ‘sinister’ so ive got an appointment in 7 weeks as I had jury service in 5-6 weeks ha. The whole process was fab, all staff were lovely and was encouraged to go back if I wanted/needed to. So YAY

Haven’t gone to Manchester because of the weather so making headway on Aria’s room. DH hasn’t gone to work today either so he’s getting under my feet ha!

I’ve started taking my BBT and ordered some ovulation strips so I can monitor my cycles and avoid conception for the next few months then should know exactly when to DTD when needed hahaha

Hope you all have a good weekend! Up to much? X
I’m glad to hear it went well Ellie, and that you were seen so fast, great news.

I’m signed off for another week, this tonsillitis has kicked my ass! Therefore not doing anything all weekend but try to rest. I haven’t had this long off work sick in the 20years I’ve been working :cry: I’m doing my own head in.

Babymaker I’m getting married in July (21st) , coil is coming out after fertile time in June has passed x
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