Im baaaaaack!

Sorry to hear you’re still ill princess. Keep your feet up as much as possible, can be boring and mind numbing but try and find a good box set and binge! Haha I’d suggest greys anatomy if you’ve not watched it yet haha fx I come on tomorrow so I know where I am in my cycle
Wishing you a speedy recovery princess. Seems like it hit you hard! Rest up and get well soon x
Great news Ellie!!! You must be so relieved:yay::dance:
Went out last night with some friends and had a few proseccos. Out again tonight with different friends which means more prosecco/wine... 2 nights in a row is unheard of lol! I'm not a spring chicken any more so next week might be payback time:oooo::dohh: i guess i need to enjoy all the wine i can for the next few months as (hopefully) after july there wont be any for a long time. Not that I mind, but will just enjoy every minute now;-)
Hope everyone's having a good weekend.
Sorry to hear your still ill Princess, hope you get better soon

and fantastic news Ellie glad to hear it all went well. Hope you make good head way on the room this weekend.

We went out last night to the cinema and for a meal and I was really proud because I went for a healthy option, it was lovely too - salmon with pesto veg and potatoes. The rest of the weekend I'm just doing work... boring.

Ordered a dress that I may or may not wear for one of the weddings I'm going to in October, it's a tight fitting one so it will depend on whether I have a bump by then or not, I ordered it in a 10 rather than an 8 so hopefully I should be okay. If not I'll be taking it on the cruise anyway so will have some wear out of it then.
Thank you ladies, yes very relieved!

I haven’t touched Arias bedroom, been eating rubbish and watching movies all weekend :roll:

Still not come on and we’re doing the withdrawal method until I can be more certain where I am in my cycle. Hubby is scared as hell to fall pregant sooner :rotfl:

Aria was playing with her dolls today and went upstairs with one, I followed her up and asked what she was doing and got ‘shh baby sleep’ and she’d put the baby in her bed and tucked it up and closed the door. Made me so broody ha
Awww that's so sweet.

Haha well it wouldn't be the end of the world if you were - we're using that method too and we're finally at the point where we can really say it wouldn't be the end of the world if we fell pregnant, although I'd still rather wait until Summer. If we got pregnant this cycle it would be a December baby, my 30th pregnant, a cruise at 23 weeks pregnant and 2 weddings and a drive up to Scotland while I'm about ready to burst... hmm - not the best timing haha.

It's probably just your periods regulating themselves, although I'd never recommend the withdrawal method to anyone who desperately didn't want to get pregnant if it's done right it seems fairly reliable (we've been doing it for years and never had any issues, so either it is fairly reliable done right or we're going to have a nasty shock when we do start trying and find out we have a problem :/)
No it would be the end of the world, that’s why we are only doing withdrawal haha I’ve started the app natural cycles and you can either do ‘avoid pregnancy’ or ‘get pregnant’ so at the moment it’s constantly telling me to use protection as it hasn’t enough data to say otherwise.

You’ve obviously perfected it Donna, I’m trying to getting use to it ha

Just mentioned to hubby about keeping hydrated for his swimmers and he said he’ll keep it in mind WHEN we start trying and I mentioned that it can take 3 months to come to effect (he was playing a game at the same time and lost) and he started getting arsey at me saying I was putting pressure on him and that he know I want to start trying ASAP and I had to remind him that June is only 3 months away and walked off :roll: he’s so infuriating. Sick of him now ha glad he’s going to work tomorrow, I might try and venture out too, go swimming with Aria hopefully.
Mine was funny about staying hydrated as well. I told him he should start drinking more water (bearing in mind he's all up for cutting down on caffeine and even beer if he has to) and his response was I drink a bottle of water every day when I'm at work!

We don't risk it, okay we very rarely risk it - we did over new years but I was pretty sure it wasn't my ovulation time and that was when we'd decided we were going to start waiting to try as well. Even if I'm not in my fertile period he withdraws and then we stick a condom on to finish. Not the most romantic or sexy was to end the encounter but it's better than when I was all over the place hormones wise with the pill and better than risking the depo injection again and not knowing when we'd be able to start trying if we ever wanted to.
I did point to the cruise dates the other day and said we need to try and make sure we have sex either these days or these days - his response was I thought we'd be having sex all of the days... it's like well we're going to have my mum, her partner and our 10 year old with us so even ignoring the fact that they say every day can reduce sperm quality I think that's being a bit ambitious haha.
It's literally going to be as and when we can, if we feel like it whether we have a chance of making a baby or not. I'll be honest I doubt we will manage to ''try'' as such while on the cruise.
Haha oh bless him, thought he was going to have the cruise of a lifetime haha

I&#8217;m getting a bit excited about starting to try, I can&#8217;t wait to tell Aria, not that she&#8217;ll fully understand but when she can feel the baby kick I can just imagine her <3

I&#8217;ve had the idea in my head that we&#8217;ll take her for a private scan once I&#8217;ve had the 20 week scan so we know everything is ok and she can see the baby and by then ask questions. I know I&#8217;m jumping ahead a bit but I&#8217;m so excited thinking about it.

Do you guys find out what you&#8217;re having or keep it a surprise for DD? I&#8217;m team yellow all the way!!
Thank you all for your well wishes :) the tonsils are improving but feels like it&#8217;s going to my chest. I have a constant supply of boiling lemonade with oranges, lemon and honey in it.

I love that you&#8217;re all on the pull out and pray method :lol:
My coil is firmly in situ! I already have a mission to fit into my wedding dress :blush:

My o/h is alright with staying hydrated, it&#8217;s reigning him in on the beer that&#8217;s the issue!
Haha suppose that&#8217;s something I should be thankful for, hubby rarely drinks and if he does it&#8217;s the odd whiskey! Haha well when my cycle sorts itself out I&#8217;ll know when to avoid haha you have a very white (or which ever colour your dress is) reason to keep that coil in until the day comes haha that was something I was terrified about, I lost so much weight for my wedding, then put it back on with the honeymoon, pregnancy and mat leave! Ha x
I have probably 16lbs to shed.... I&#8217;ll be a skinny Minnie for a bit but I need to get my arse in gear and sort it :lol: sadly illness has not helped!
I bet, even if you haven&#8217;t eaten much, when you get your appetite back you just EAT haha I&#8217;m getting my walk on tomorrow, fed up of this fat that is taking hold of my body!

You can do it princess, the stress of it all too helps ha x
Not me, I&#8217;m a stress eater :rofl: might just get my jaw wired!
So in exciting news I've purchased some folate to start with - got it from amazon so hopefully will come soon. Just need to remember to take it.
Also need to try to start eating plenty of leafy greens (both of us) and (me) staying well hydrated.
Miraculously I am starting to feel significantly better, I still have a stuffy nose but actually not in any pain of any form for the first time in weeks. Fingers crossed I can go to work for my shift on Friday!
Glad you're feeling better.

I've thought through what we'll do with my son as well, I think it's natural once you decide you're going to start trying - even if the starting is in the future. I think we'll find out what we're having, my husband would want to find out and I'm on the fence, I can see pro's and con's to both finding out and waiting.
100% team yellow for me. Consultant slipped up and told me 3 weeks before my son was born that he was a boy! I categorically don&#8217;t want to know. One of the few mysteries left in life :love:
I didn&#8217;t find out with Aria, our families told me we were having a girl but I referred to bump as he/him haha and when she was born the midwife referred to her as a he and I was shocked saying &#8216;it&#8217;s a boy?&#8217; And she turned around and said &#8216;oh I haven&#8217;t checked&#8217; ha

If I had known though I would have brought lots of little girly clothes as there was a onesie in next that I did get but in the biggest size possible and half the stuff I would have brought she wouldn&#8217;t have fit in!

Still no af *sigh* changed the bedsheets, that should get me started in the night haha

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