Ellie, huge congratulations again! I'm so chuffed it worked first month for you. And considering you went away during O I'm impressed
princess, hope your wedding day was the perfect day for you
Congratulations! I look forward to seeing more of your tests - eeek keeping everything crossed for you!!
Kanga, it's so nice to hear from you! Sorry to hear you had a depression wobble
Look after yourself! Good to hear you don't feel ready to ttc yet as that'll keep the broodiness at bay. A year will fly by and I have everything crossed hubby will come round to the idea. When the time comes point out to him that by the time the new baby comes along your youngest will be starting school
I have changed my ttc start month to October. Hubby's not ready yet and in hind sight I'm glad we didnt start this month because I just don't feel ready either. It's been a stressful few months financially but with some more income FINALLY coming in I hope we are both ready in October. I would say Sept but we have 5 family birthdays in June (incl me, hubby and DD...) and although hubby said he doesn't care about stuff like that, I do. I'm ok with waiting 4 more weeks if it means no birthday clashes lol! So, fingers crossed I'll get the coil out end of Sept and all systems go and fingers crossed for a July 2019 baby