Im baaaaaack!

I remember you from last time. I was very inspired by how you made some serious decisions and changed your life a fair bit in a short space of time! Lovely to hear your wedding news and exciting for ttc this year!
Aw thanks that’s really kind :)
My life certainly was turned upside down for a few years, id say I’m looking forward to a bit of peace, but if I’m ttc that peace will be short lived - especially if any newborns are like my first ��. Definitely in a much better place x
Massive welcome back to you and Netty. Though why you had to leave it until I was halfway through my final pregnancy after all this time is beyond me :rofl:
Massive welcome back to you and Netty. Though why you had to leave it until I was halfway through my final pregnancy after all this time is beyond me :rofl:

:lol: that’s how long it’s taken us to find keepers
So according to my app AF is due in 5 days... I reckon 3 but it’ll probably be 4!
I have the worst pmt in the world today and just be in a general arsehole.
Hoping AF appears earlier than anticipated as I don’t want to be going round like this! Son is a germ factory too, so think I have his lurgy, everything hurts, just in time for 3 weeks off work :cry:
I feel your pain, I was in a right mood yesterday and then today I ended up in tears at work. I feel like a right fool now, like people will think I can't cope!

I hope you are feeling better soon
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Still no period, app iIs obviously more accurate than me! Still feeling groggy and just started my leave from work. Hoping it clears off and I can enjoy my time off
Well my af showed up this morning which I wasn’t expecting, bizarre! I’m a bit emotional too, keep feeling sad for myself that I’ve got no friends:( :roll: doesn’t help that a lot of coworkers are going out tonight to an old coworkers birthday drinks and I wasn’t invited by the birthday girl whom I thought we were friends. Not that I’d go if invited as hubby leaves tomorrow (I know, only for 5nights) and want to spend time with him, but that not the point! I also sent her birthday wishes and a video of my DD wishing her a happy birthday and she’s hasn’t responded. Sorry for moan princess, hope you’re feeling better for your time off xx
Oh that’s so mean of them!! Not surprised you’re hurt by it :(
Sending hugs! Try to put it to the back of your kind and enjoy your time with hubby. People are so heartless xx
Af still a no-show for me. Although a bit of pink on wiping so definitely in the pipe line so to speak :lol: been clearing out the garage today, strangely satisfying.
Oooo how therapeutic! Desperately need to do this, although we need a skip, we’ve been gutting our house and dumping it in the garden, utility, shed and storage, and to clear out my DDs room we need to remove all the built in furniture first and remove the carpet that’s been laid on top of another carpet! I do have a whole Instagram account for it haha hinton_home if you want to have a look.
Thank you for the hugs princess, nice to know I’m not being totally silly. Getting over it now, coming off fb has helped!
My af started like that last night, sucks it’s in full swing now though with last night with hubby for 5 night :roll:
Oh isn’t that always the way!! I’ll take a look on Instagram and take a look! I moved into my house 4.5 years ago and only now am I kind of thinking it’s reasonable. Although the spare room is a make shift dumping ground for all of my uni stuff, and that’ll be the nursery when the time comes so need to get it sorted, but the loft has to be done first which is hopefully happening this week.
My AF is still all talk and no action lol. Although getting cramps now and according to my app it’s due to arrive tomorrow. So we will see. Typical it’s the last night for you and AF has arrived! :roll:
AF had started at last.... back to my ray of sunshine self :lol:
Means some of us in WTT are nearly in cycle-sync :yay: now if the cramps and sore (.)(.) would clear off, that would be great!
Haha - that's quite funny how quite a few of us are almost in sync cycle wise, maybe by the time we start trying we will be properly in sync.

I'm not surprised that has upset you Ellie, I wonder why they did that. Sorry that's happening :( it's horrible when people we think are friends do things that hurt us
Messaging the ‘friend’ now better to just be straight and ask sometimes.

I had sore boobs as well, ergh and Donna, I know, can’t believe how close our cycles are!
I’ve eaten my weight in chocolate tonight :wall2: oh well will start being good when hubby is home
My boobs were awful this cycle, heaviest I've ever felt them. Finally down now though, although I still have some blood. If I'm still spotting tomorrow I will have been on for a week, my periods never last a week, up to 5 days usually including some spotting before and after
:witch: likes to keep us guessing eh! My PMS varies from
Cycle to cycle but I’ve been proper sore and miserable this time. Think feeling actually unwell hasn’t boded well either.
Anyway..... if my app is to be relied upon (it’s pretty accurate, but I’ve been tracking my cycles for 3 years so it should know me by now) I am due to ovulate on 15th July.... I get married on 21st.... can I hack being on a 2ww on my wedding day?! :think:
I think you could, it might be good as you'll be distracted by everything going on before and after the wedding so the 2ww will fly by <3

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