i think my water just broke *update* :x


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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ok,, i feel rediculous right now... i was sat at the laptop for a few mins and decided to get up and a huge gush of fluid came out of me... im really scared to tell my OH incase i peed myself or something but i had to mop it up with paper towels and it smelt like nothing at all now baby is going crazy and im all shaking as i dont have my hospital bag packed OMGGGG what if it was my waters ????? :eek:

Update page 2.. sorry girls :hug:
Sounds like your waters to me hun, how exciting !!!! Sounds like you need to get Oh busy with your hospital bag mrs !!! xxx :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
sounds like waters to me hun, go and get ur bag packed :rotfl:

good luck :hug: :hug: :cheer:
It does sound like your waters.

Go and get your bag packed and good luck!!

i wish i could tell if i have peed or not :oops: maybe baby had her head pushing on my bladder?? oh i really dont know what to think coz i have nothing coming out now :think:
When my water broke it was a straw sort of colour. It kept on leaking and leaking though.

Put a maternity pad on and check it again in 30mins if it's dry then put it back for another 30mins and if it's still dry then it is probably not your waters.

If you don't get anymore leaking tonight then it's still worth giving your midwife a ring tomorrow to check it definatly wasn't your waters.

Good luck :)
I think you'd be able to tell if it was pee hun, its smelly !! Get your bags sorted just incase and stay prepared eh, even if it wasnt your waters in that case at least your organised for when it is :) :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Best to get checked out - it sounds like when my waters went with DD - I felt like a pop and a big gush and that was it - I was worried too about having wee'd myself but the hospital said to get checked!

Good luck!
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Thats what it was like when my waters went. Mine didnt smell either. Ring labour ward and they can do an internal with some sort of paper stuff to test whether it was your waters (is it litmus paper?)
Get it checked hun.........then get yourself to the back of the que you naughty girl :shakehead: :wink: :lol:
Oooh hopefully you'll have rang the hospital by now, if not definatley get it checked out. My midwife has drilled it into me from the start to phone them if I'm worried about anything as that what they're there for.

Oh and get that hospital bag packed (**she says in a stern cyber voice even though she hasn't finished packing her own**)!!!! :lol:
how are things now? did you ring up? you always thought you'd be early didnt you, oooh exciting. Cant say im not jealous!!!

Have you got a text buddy?
oh my goodness! I wonder whether you are still with us or in labour or what?!!! Sending cuddles and good things to you through the air to Canada, hope it al is going okay and your little one is alright too, love and hugs and mugs of tea and buttery toast and more love and hugs and nice things to you!!!

Hayley xxxxxx
hennaly said:
Get it checked hun.........then get yourself to the back of the que you naughty girl :shakehead: :wink: :lol:

That was exactly what I was thinking!! :shakehead:
:talkhand: Jess! hahaha Good luck hunnie! Please let us know asap! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh wow hun! :shock:

I hope that your feeling ok and not too worried! All this queue jumping, hmmph :lol:

Did you manage to get hold of the labour ward? Any news? You can usually tell when its pee because it smells and plus its warm (TMI?). I would know this LO spends too much time squashing my bladder :lol: Good luck hun, I'm sure everything is fine.
oooooh any news? This is what i call a serious q jumper lol get back in line :rotfl:

Good luck hun hope all is well

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