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I think I have Jinxed it. :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2010
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Had a rubbish ending to a wonderful weekend, Got to 12 weeks on Sunday bought first thing for the Baby and now have got a brown discharge.:cry:

After freaking myself out all day at work finally called the Gp who examined me and found a little blood clot at the side of my cervix which she removed. she said it was very brown and therefore old blood which was good and the pregnancy test was still positive but now just got to wait for a scan to come through.

While she said that she wasnt worried I blooming am just the words " call immidiatly if there is any red blood or cramping" was enough to have me in floods of tears.

I feel like I have jinxed it by buying something and openly telling everyone I met at a christening I went to on Sunday.

I have seen the other posts on spotting and do feel reasured by them but it is the few sad stories that stay in the mind.

Dont even have a midwife yet as the hospital filed my referral before booking me any appointments so hopefully now that is sorted I will get booked in and as my 8 week scan was at a different hospital from the one I am booking in at I will get another scan soon.
Sorry for moaning on .

Really feel for you hun, I'm only 8 weeks but had brown spotting all last week and a bit of red too. Apparently if you've heard a heart beat that hugely reduces risk of miscarriage. And as your 12 weeks, this would usually be the time of your period and people have said to me that spotting around the time of your period is normal too. So try really hard not to worry. Thinking of you xx
Aww hope everything turns out ok, got my fingers crossed for you :) Keep us updated x
I hope everything will be ok! Brown spotting is a good thing though. Fingers tightly crossed for you x x x
Try not too worry too much, when I had a big problem it was a bright red wipe , and not brown spotting, thats normall quite normal and it you are 12 weeks, then you are about the time that you would have a period if you were not pregnant ,lots of ladies get spotting around the time of a period when pregnant.

Keep chirpy, hope you scan date comes soon x
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Hope all ok, thoughts with you x x
I wouldn't worry yourself too much, like JJ Mum has said when I had miscarriage I also didn't get any spotting, it was red blood when wiping from the start and it got worse very soon after.

Good luck, I'm sure all will be fine x
Try not to worry hun :hug:

I was told that spotting around this time can be down to the placenta taking over xxx
thanks everyone for the support, now the blood clot has gone there is much less spotting going on. Mamfy,my doc said much the same thing as you, she said that sometimes the bleeding that taked place at implantation stays under the placenta as a clot and then as the placenta gets bigger and stronger it more or less shoves the clot out of the way causing it to be expelled and a brown discharge to be seen. Cant say how worried I felt yesterday, I was paranoid with every little cramp.
Feeling much calmer today .(will still spent most of my time knicker checking though.)

Thanks again for the support, your all wonderful.:)
:hug: Glad you're feeling a bit better today. When I had a scan at 8 weeks with Sam the sonographer showed me a dark patch outside the sac which she said was a small pocket of blood and that I shouldn't worry if I experienced some bleeding when it worked its way out - sounds like it might have been the same sort of thing from what your doctor said x
I had spotting wen I was 17 weeks pregnant,started off just a brown smear,remember ringin Nhs direct and them telling me to rest,it carried on all day,went to bed and woke at 1am in a pool of blood! Went straight 2 a&e,then transferred to antenatal ward,at 11am they checked for heartbeat ( the most amazing sound!) was sent home but spotting continued for about a month afterwards....my baby is now a jumping,bouncing 3 1/2 year old!! Try not to worry,spotting happens in a lot of pregnancies xxx
Hope all is ok hon - I'm sure it is from what you have said. Big hugs to you xxx
Hi I all through my first pregnancy I bled constantly til I was 5 month pregnant and had a healthy baby at the end, hope all goes well xx
well the discharge has come back but there is much more this time. Called EPU and they said not to be worried but that is easier said than done. Explaned that I should have been having a scan this week but they cocked up with my referral after much argueing I can have a scan on thursday at 9.45, cant wait now just want to know that bubba is still there. Never thought I would be wishing the pregnancy symptoms would come back.
Fingers crossed everything is ok x I know it's hard to not worry so I won't tell you to! X glad you've managed to get a scan appt x if it gets worse I'd go to a&e hunny x x
Hi hon, hope ur ok - I know it's scary but try to relax as much as possible and take it easy - I know how hard that is. Got everything crossed for you xxx

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