I just cant help but worry.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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Mainly because In 2004 I suffered an ectopic pregnancy. The baby was in my right fallopian tube and I had to have methatroxate to stop the cells multiplying and to end the pregnancy.

In May this year I suffered a horrible mc. I spotted on off for a week, then one night ended up in hospital because of the pain. they told me I had lost the pregnancy. which at the time confused me as i didnt bleed just the initial spotting.

Now i am pregnant again and i am terrorfied! Im trying to stay positive but it is hard.

With my mc in may i did about 5 CBD test which each time came up 1-2 weeks every time even though i was 4 -5 weeks pregnant so i kinda knew that something was up. plus i was doing first response tests and the lines were almost invisible every time.

This time round i have alot more symptoms and have done 1 CBD and it came up 2-3 weeks (4-5 weeks in real time) which is dead on what i thought. I have cheap ebay test strips that arnt exactly faint but i wouldnt mind them being brighter!!!

Im just soooo worrying, I really want this baby. I could not go through another loss.

am i being silly?
No you are not being silly, I Misscarried in June and am terrified now, even though I have had a scan and seen heartbeat, it doesn't reassure me that much as I saw a HB on an early scan last time , a few days later baby died , you just got to take each day as it comes and try not to stress, easier said than done!
Thanks Rosa.
Im sorry for your loss.

It is so hard isn't it. just constantly have to try to stay positive.
Yes , it hard at times, but this time for some reason I am feeling slightly more positive, plus it helps that i have gone two day past the last mc date, it will all be worth it in the end!
Are they offering you an early scan hun? I would definitely ring and enquire and explain your situation, good luck and I hope this one is a sticky :dust: xx
I know its easier said then done but try to relax x

I feel exactly the same, convinced that the lines are far too faint. My CBD yesterday only came up 1-2 weeks so now I'm worried as I'm only 2 days behind you according to our ticker thingies.

I think it is completely natural and would be much more worrying if you didn't worry at all but at the end of day, it's out of your hands now. All you can do is relax and give the little bean a nice warm space to chill out in for the next 8 months.

There are loads of us newbies in tri 1 and I'm guessing we all feel pretty much the same so any time your worried, there is bound to be someone there to chat to.

I don't think you're being silly at all, i'd feel exactly the same in your situation. Have you had the chance to speak to your gp about this? They may get a midwife to contact you early so you can have a chat with her (or him!). It's such a worrying time isn't it, when it's meant to be a happy time. My first pregnancy was horrific, I suffered with hyperemisis, being sick up to 20 times a day until 26 weeks. With this one there's a slight bit of nausea. Today i've woken up symptomless and i'm really worried something's wrong. I know it's easier said than done but try and be calm, visualise your beautiful teeny tiny baby and think positive. Sending you massive ((hugs)) x
Not silly at all, I am terrified every day. I miscarried a year ago and its taken me all this time to concieve again so the thought of it all been taken away again frightens me to death, The 1st 8 weeks are the scariest weeks ever!
Jody, are things a bit safer after 8 weeks then? I'm seriously so paranoid with my pregnancy, I worry about every tiny twinge!!! xx
I spoke to a midwife and she said that I cant have an early scan as there is nothing wrong with me, IE i have no bleeding or cramping.

Very late last night i went to the loo and i had one very small spot of brown discharge on the tissue but nothing since.
should i be worried??
zoziebubly - try not to worry

You can always have a private scan done for peace of mind. They are fairly pricey (£90 where I live) but can be done from 6 weeks so would give you 6 weeks peace of mind for just £15 a week! I sound like a sales person!

If I am not given an early scan I know that I will go down this route

Don't worry about the spotting - it's probably just your body saying it should have had a period by now so bleeding a bit. Brown blood is nothing to worry about.

Oooh, a private scan sounds so tempting..

Im still worrying like mad. I met some friends at a pub last night (no alcohol!), then walked into town, to another pub, where it was so busy, and because I had had quite a busy day, and had walked everywhere, I started to get a really bad stomach ache, and started to feel really uncomfatble about being out - very unlike me! Now im worrying that maybe I shudnt have gone out.....

God, its so stressful, lol! Am tempted to do another CBD, but im terrified it wont have moved from 1-2 weeks....got midwife this week, so hopefully that will calm me down!

But its nice to know everyone feels the same, and im not just being paranoid!

Yep! major paranoia!
Im doing my other CBD on wednesday when im 5 weeks 1 day and im crapping it that it wont come 3+
I did one two days ago and it still said 4-5 weeks so im guessing that is good.
Arrrrrr...way too stressful!!!
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