I hate my pregnancy body :o(


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Is anyone else feeling completely depressed about how they look??

I am so insecure and feel like my hubby must look at me in disgust. Anything I try on I feel gross in.... I dont feel energetic enough to excerise either (which I am used to doing)....

Moan moan moan.. sob sob xx
This is actually one time I feel fairly confident in myself, I dont care if people look at me strange now, I know its just because im pregnant, and im proud of my growing baby.

I do understand the clothes thing though.. I wish I could go outside in sweats and a tank top all the time. Anything else makes me look short and wide.
iv got greasy hair pregnancy acne and have gained 2 n half stone so far and im loving every second of it
I was fine with my pregnancy body but I feel the way you are feeling now.. It's horrible, but don't worry you will get your LO and get your body back and get back to feeling more like you xx
Thanks girls.... I know I should be so grateful for being pregnant which I am.. I am so lucky and I love my Lemon loads..... I think I am having a down day. Trying to find a dress for my husbands birthday and its just depressed me xx
Aw x big hugs x I have to admit I love love love my pregnancy body and even love my maternity clothes x however I have a hen night and a wedding in august so come back to me when I'm trying to find clothes for then and I'm sure it'll be a different story!
I also feel short ( which I am at 5ft 1) and wide and because I carried a liitle bit of weight before pregnancy I am only just showing now. Never mind- school hols start in 3 weeks and then I'm hibernating at home for the summer and it won't matter what I look like! :lol:
just enjoy it.... i would love to be preggers so would all the ladies in ttc!!!......
I love my bump but hate my rather big growing ass and boobs!!!!
Same here...I am really scared to see my ass every morning..seems its expanding on an hourly basis..:) i do hope what everyone say that this weight sheds later is true..:)
I am at that in between point where I have started to develop a baby bump but I still have a waist which prevents the baby bump from meeting the spare tyre at the top so just feel and probably look frumpy!! My usual jeans dont fit, my maternity trousers are the ones I have just for work so no good for the weekend and I just want to live in joggies but dont feel they are smart enough for shopping and stuff :(
I am so scared of putting on too much weight as I only put on 7lbs with DS but I was 3 stone heavier than I am now to begin with then so to lose the weight after the birth was a huge bonus but this time I have already put 7lbs on and so far to go yet. People keep scaring me with stories of having put on 4 stone...how on earth would I get rid of that!!!!
Hi, I totally understand how you feel, I am usually very thin and all of a sudden I have a belly. Sometimes I look down at it and feel like crying. That sounds awful but especially when going out anywhere I now end up wearing the same top as it is baggy!!

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