How to get him going longer through the night?

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I know he'll sleep through when he's ready but it's really upsetting when I see babies the same week age as charley who are going most of the night when Charleys still having 2-3 feeds a night!
He's brill the 1st half, I don't dream feed him anymore so he goes to bed at 7pm then wakes for his 1st feed at 12.30am which is brill but then wakes every 2.5-3 hours after! Last night it was 12.30, 3.20 then 5.45!!! The 1st 2 feeds he took most of his bottle but he hardly ever takes his 5-6 feed so I don't think he's hungry but I try the dummy trick but it doesn't work! He just keeps spitting it out!
He's on hungry baby for his night feeds, is there anything else I can try?
Oh and I've tried water but he then wakes a hour later for milk!!
Charley sounds similar to Oscar but Oscar sleeps in my bed so I don't really notice him waking so much as I'll put him on my boob and fall asleep. Id be interested to hear responses as my kids have woken for bottles till they are 2 lol x
Try waking him up at 11 for a feed then again at 12 it will stuff him and he might sleep longer xx
Not sure if it will work for charley but with Drake he has his hungry baby formula at 9.30-10pm and I'll wrap him up in a blanket. I then put him on his side in his Moses basket. He sleeps so much better as he's not waking and thrashing his arms about on the sides of te basket. He hasnt had a feed in the middle of the night for about a week.. He tends to stir around 4am but where I've wrapped him up in his blanket I tuck his dummy in to stop it falling out. I'm going to try and bring his bedtime routine a little bit earlier each night now.
ever since my LO has been on bottles as he was ill for about a week so i had to leave him just one bottles an drop his solids i think hes wakes twice in the night for a feed and when he was on solids he wud only wake up once i soooo cant wait to get him back on solids im so worn out gettin up an doing the feeds an usin so many bottles lol x
Can you up the oz on the night time feeds just to keep him going through a little longer? Id up the 12.30 one ... then hopefully ride it out until 4ish, up that feed and then that should see you through untl 7ish at least. Then that will effectivley be cutting out that 5.45 one.
He's being really fussy with his feeds ATM and won't take more than 4oz's!
I've just dozed off on the sofa but Laceys just woken me up after 10mins sleep and now Charleys awake! I'm so tierd but when OH is home he says he doesn't hear him crying at night! He's 2meters away from him! I think I'd handle these night feeds better if I had some support from him!
Lee is the same chaz, he doesn't even stir when the baby wakes up. I don't mind him not doing night feeds as long as he helps me out in other ways and look after the kids if I'm knackered and want to go to bed for a bit.

Is charley in normal clothes in the day now? Might help him recognise that sleepsuits are for bedtime?
Hi Hun,

We havent put Campbell on an exact routine but he has fallen into one. I would definately say to feed him up as much as possible during the day. Babies need to eat lots in the day to make it through the night. Their tummies are so small they cant go a whole night without feeding. Campbell now only wakes once at 4am and not again until 8. The biggest key for us was to start feeding him at 5pm and again soon after at 7pm. Bathing in between the two bottles is the best time to get it in but we dont do it every night. He then is set for bed and settles himself in his crib. Give it a go xxxx
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I gave him hungry baby with every feed last night and he slept much better!
Went to bed at 7.30 and didn't need settling at all, feed at 11.45 then 3.45 then up at 6.40!
Doesn't seem like much sleep but he never goes 4 hours after his midnight feed so really chuffed!!
thats a shame chaz sounds like ur having a hard time. What time do you put him to bed at? Your best bet would be stop giving him hungry baby milk put him back on the other milk and try increasing it gradually. I gave keyan the hungry milk and it didnt make any difference i just increased his milk and he seems to go a little longer now....
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herbie is the only one of mine I have swaddled and I sure he know's it bedtime once he's wrapped up, he still has his last bottle at 10pm then wake up between 7am and 8am but sometimes he is still tried after his morning bottle and I have even put him in the bed cos I'm awake anyway and the other two normally are and he will not go back to sleep,
but as soon as I swaddle him and put him back in his basket he sleeps again and I get up with the other two.
He might not like it at first but I think him having his arms and that in keeps him alseep.

When I started wanting herbie to sleep I just give him as many bottles as he wanted in the day one day he drank 48oz lol and is still on 7oz bottles now so get as much as you can into him,
I found hungry baby ok but they drank less oz of it so never really got any more milk
I know this might not sound like it will work but it did for us: ella wouldn't take the orthadontic dummy in the night so I got some tommee tipper cherry dummies and she does take them- prob because they are more like a bottle - worth a try perhaps? X
Swaddling works for me too. He didn't like it when he was newborn but thought I'd try it last week but leaving his hands kinda free at the's worked for me so far!
I know this might not sound like it will work but it did for us: ella wouldn't take the orthadontic dummy in the night so I got some tommee tipper cherry dummies and she does take them- prob because they are more like a bottle - worth a try perhaps? X

I got them too, Drake loves them!
i dont put daisy down for night till i go about 11 she usually has a feed in bedroom in the dark dim nightlight only she somtetimes wakes at 3 for feed has a few ounzes again in dark and she put straght down again to settle herself she also like ella only likes cherry teat dummys is it def hunger waking him?
I use cherry dummies! Someone suggested MAM dummies cos they grip better. Anyone used them?
He goes to bed between 7-7.30 every night and is fine with that and even when he does wake through the night he settles straight after a feed. I've tried swaddling but he likes his arms free.
I think I'm gonna have to wait it out and hope it doesn't take 6 months like Lacey to sleep through! He's getting longer just not long enough! Lol
Your all have to help me when I'm feeling like a zombie and feeling down due to lack of sleep :)
Noa sleeps 4-7 hours but after that hes up every 2 hours to feed..
i was advised by mw to feed her as much as i could during the day without making her sick.... she slept thru from that night .... she was 6 weeksd xx
He's being really fussy ATM! He was taking a full 5oz bottle but since Xmas eve he's only been taking 3-4oz's. Normally I'll burp him half way through and he'll finish the bottle but atm he's taking as much as he can then when I burp him he doesn't want anymore! He was taking around 35oz's a day but the past few days it's only 28-30oz's!
I'm going to bed in a min to try to get afew hours sleep before his midnight bottle!

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