Night feeds

Really hope charley sleeps better for you soon Hun, you must be exhausted! Tegan slept from 8.45pm till 7.30am again. i hope it continues! x
Isla was up after 3 hours, 2 hours and then 3 hours and she's 11 weeks old. Must be a growth spurt. Not impressed as I'm trying to get her up earlier so she goes to bed earlier, we only just got up. No way was I getting up at half 6 with 3 hours sleep :(
Drake was up at 5.10! Gave him a bottle down here and we had a kip together. I don't mind early wake ups if he goes back to sleep after.
Charley was awake every 2 hours!! I seriously don't know what to do anymore!! I'm sure this isn't "normal" for a 12 week old like my hv said!

Oh Hun, I'm not sure what to suggest. I know you say Charley hates being swaddled and so does drake but I loosely wrap him up in a blanket and lay him on his side making sure his hands are free. Since I've done that he sleeps for longer as I was pretty sure he was waking up a liittle cold (no radiators in the bedrooms..silly ex houseowners!) and used to thrash his arms about.
i cant get H's routine earlier than 10.30-11pm but he sleeps through to 7.30-8.30! i think its them and they suddenly click into sleeping as we dont do anything different!!
I can't put charley to bed any later than 7.30 otherwise he moans until he's in his cot. The other night I got him changed and just finished feeding him and thought I'd give him a cuddle before putting him down, he started screaming a really high pitched scream like a girl. I'd never heard him do it before but as soon as I put him in his cot he stopped and went to sleep!! He's so easy to get off to sleep he just won't stay asleep until he's been fed!
How many oz's does everyones babies have in 24hours? Charley has loads so he shouldn't be hungry but he still needs milk during the night!
He has on average 30-34oz's a day then during growth spurts it's up to 40oz's! I'm sure that's loads!
Drake has about 36oz's..sometimes more sometimes less!
Oh and that's without the middle of the night feed as he doesn't really have one anymore.
herbie has 6x 7oz bottles a day so about 42oz give or take a few and now has breakfast and supper I thought the bottles might of cut down a little now he is weaning but done think he's eat that much yet,
I took him to my dad's yesterday and forgot to take hi anything for his tea as I didnt think we could be there that long so my dad's wife had a 4 month jar in the cupboard so I tried him with that he eat every bit the whole jar,
I think Charley sound like he is starting to need a little bit more then milk.
it theses hungry boys cant keep up with them lol
herbie has 6x 7oz bottles a day so about 42oz give or take a few and now has breakfast and supper I thought the bottles might of cut down a little now he is weaning but done think he's eat that much yet,
I took him to my dad's yesterday and forgot to take hi anything for his tea as I didnt think we could be there that long so my dad's wife had a 4 month jar in the cupboard so I tried him with that he eat every bit the whole jar,
I think Charley sound like he is starting to need a little bit more then milk.
it theses hungry boys cant keep up with them lol

Wow that's a lot of bottles considering he sleeps through!

Ella is having 4x8oz per day plus a bit of baby rice with her last bottle and she sleeps 11-12 hours per night. 32oz isn't much but she is only 12lbs 12oz at the moment. I am starting with the weaning to prevent her waking in the night.
I know that's why started weaning but up to now he hasn't cut any out, he has 7-8am bottle then breakfast 10-11am bottle then 1pm bottle then 4pm bottle then his supper then 7pm then 10pm bottles haha I never stop feeding him no wonder he's 17lb 10oz, want to cut the 10pm bottle out but think he will only do it when he's eating more food.
he sleeps from about 8pm down stairs but when I carry him up I still give him the bottle he prob don't need but I dont want to change anything.
Leo is now on 6x7oz feeds a day but sometimes only takes 6oz. So he is on roughly 42oz of milk a day. x

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