How strict are you?

oh my! im quite good reading your replys but i thought i was bad! thank god! haha
BUT I do have about 3 fags A WEEK (not smoking daily), i just cant stop it completly.
I eat my 5 a day but the other food i eat is rubbish!
im carefull but i do have the odd runny egg yolk i cant do them any other way im anal about caffeine tho and sticking to limits i do miss rare meat and blue cheeses but can do without for another few months
I'm being very good. No coffee, no alchohol, no eggs, no nice things :(!!

But I just don't want anything to go wrong, and if it does I don't want to be able to blame myself.
i still eat eggs, but only my fresh chicken eggs (which really cant be much of a problem can it?)

i also eat very rare meat, peanuts and fish

i am the devil i really am :)
I'm veggie so obviously the meat and fish thing isn't an issue.

I don't drink coffee but am a tea fiend but have cut that down and have decaf sometimes too. I've also cut my coke right back - I'm allowing myself one a week. I know what that stuff does to bones so figured it's not great for a tiny baby who's trying to grow bones!

I'm eating eggs but not runny yolks. I had some spray can cream and someone told me that was a no-no...? I also wasn't sure about coleslaw and dips etc but if it's shop brought I think it's fine as it's made using pasteurised products.

Have had one glass of wine - on my birthday! :)
oooh yeah I forgot about peanuts. Ive been eating them sometimes too :rofl: I read an article that is wondering whether children's peanut allergies are on the up becuase we're all not eating them when pregnant so kids bodies just dont recognise them, and develop an immune reaction.

Also I was sterilising the 2nd hand baby stuff we've got yesterday and boil washing all the clothes etc and OH said not to go OTT with the sterilising, baby will have no immune system at all and will be allergic to everything. I told him to do one, youre supposed to clean everything, but then I started to wonder, we ARE told to make sure everything's sterile, we dont even give our babies tap water, so what on earth are we giving their immune systems to do?!
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I guess I am super strict. I don't drink any alcohol (but I didn't do that before I was pregnant anyway) I never ever smoke (never did) I don't eat any raw meats or raw eggs( or partially cooked) I don't eat any organ meat (or any meet high with vitamin D in it) I don't eat fish like salmon or other fish that are predators. I don't eat unwashed lettuce, or any other prepacked veggies unwashed. I don't eat anycheese that has raw milk in it.

To the people over here in this thread who said they eat brie: There are loads of different bries that are pasteurized and are not dangerous (the label always says if it is made with raw milk, if the label doens't tell you this is it Always safe).

oh forgot to write that I don't drink anything with cafeine in it (with my first pregnancy I did drink coffee about twice a week or so but now it tastes so horrible to me).
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oh my! im quite good reading your replys but i thought i was bad! thank god! haha
BUT I do have about 3 fags A WEEK (not smoking daily), i just cant stop it completly.
I eat my 5 a day but the other food i eat is rubbish!

I am just curious what you will do when the baby is born (with the smoking). Cigarette smoke is highly toxic (especially for babies) and people who smoke have these toxins in their skin. (since your skin is the biggest organ it always stays in your skin also when you wash yourself) and the fact that we can transfer 80% of toxins via our skin to someone else would make me feel very scared to give them to the baby.

I am not trying to scare you or try to say anything bad but I don't know if you are aware of this. This is one of the main reasons why babies are best of not being around smokers the first 3 months of their lifes not because smokers are not bad people but just the fact that the baby is still so immature compaired to adults and might have trouble dealing with harsh toxins.
what is caffeine ment to do? I am good with everything else eggs etc but still drink tea, coffee and coke. Before my 12wk scan I did stop as I read it can lead to m/c but after 12wks what is the problem with it??
Peanuts, according to the NHS book i was given by the doctor, said peanuts are allowed now.

UUUMM, we have chickens at home, so sod it, i going to have a dippy egg for lunch tomorrow, been craving it for ages.
Peanuts, according to the NHS book i was given by the doctor, said peanuts are allowed now.

UUUMM, we have chickens at home, so sod it, i going to have a dippy egg for lunch tomorrow, been craving it for ages.

My midwife totally agreed that the likelyhood of getting any nasties from your own chicken eggs was slim to none...
i wasn't too strict at all really, just made sure everything i ate was cooked right through and chicken wasn't reheated.. i think i may've even had a couple of runny eggs!! and Riley is fine so far so good :) hehe. i think they're just there as guidelines though rather than strict rules. and maybe it's for food companys to cover themselves just in case you try to sue them! xxx
I was really strict with myself to start with, partly because my OH would not let me have anything from the list of donts, but then his mum pointed out to him that when she was pregnant you could eat whatever you wanted too so I can now have the odd runny egg and glass of alcohol and if I am really lucky he will let me have a sip of his red bull when he has one!
aw i missed redbull so much when i was pregnant!! im BFing now though so probs still not allowed it :( xxxx
I wouldn't say I'm strict as such - I'm not drinking alcohol but if we're out at dinner and SO has a glass of red wine, I have a sip to see what I'm missing :lol: Not really a coffee / tea drinker but have had the odd coke. Been staying away from things that could give you listeria / salmonella (mainly raw products). I do like cheese savories though (cheese + coleslaw sarnies) but always make myself so can ensure they're made with pasteurised mayonnaise / coleslaw.
I feel so lucky as I don't like most of the dodgy stuff anyway.
I eat nuts and have done with previous pregnancies. I just believe the risk is over rated and you have to keep a sense of perspective.
interestingly when i had my first child in Japan there was none of this banned list! we were told to eat lots of fish and liver!!! Their rates of allergies etc are much lower than ours.
The list seems to change every few years anyway.

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