What are your mealtime rules?

Jack has only just started weaning but I always make sure I feed him (in is bouncy chair at the mo) in the kitchen. He has a highchair but he slides down in it at the moment but within the next month he should be strong enough to keep himself upright so thats where he'll eat. OH and I are naughty and eat in the living room on the sofa at the moment but as soon as Jack has meals at the same time as us we'll all be in the kitchen every night!

The one thing I will be teaching Jack (apart from good table manners) is how to use his cutlery properly! The amount of 4 year olds who can't use a knife and fork and cut their food when they're at school (or after school in my house) is unreal! They eat like animals! x
^^^ I know exactly what you mean!! If there is a tough piece of meat I don't mind other than that if they want to eat they will learn my kids can use a knife and fork since 2yrs - my son is better now coz used to favour his hands! And we can't exactly say well no food for you then otherwise he wouldn't eat but after much encouraging he uses his cutlery from 2yrs and he is now coming 3 and they have great manners :)
Oh i'm all for Jack using his hands while he's learning about food and learning how to feed himself etc, the messier the better in my opinion! lol x
I do at chloe's age but even now I give her a fork it's her choice to use r not but I encourage as much as possible she is great at yoghurt and spoon already <3
but I think that's more watching the other two lol x
yeah morgan loves trying to use his spoon and hes just had a new fork too <3

Ive never made him, he just wants to do it cos he sees others do it. he usually gives up after a while and uses his fingers but fair play, hes hungry and he hasnt really got the coordination. On the weekend he was watching my friends kids eat with their cutlery and he couldnt do it, so hed pick a piece up and put it on his spoon, laugh to himself that hed done it, then pick it off his spoon to go in his mouth with his finger :rofl: bless them, theyre so cute learning!
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Paige will only use her fork. If I dont give her cutlery she just stares at me really confused. She always ate with her hands learning but over the last 2 months she wont use her hands. She just refused lol. Metal spoons and forks really encourage them I think. I need to stock up really as I seem to have lost a spoon so only have 1 spoon and 2 forks and sometimes I just dont keep up to date on the washing up :blush:
Emily eats ONLY on her highchair at mealtimes. It's all she knows. If she doesn't eat her tea she gets no alternative. Unless I can tell she genuinely doesn't like it! She Is allowed snacks in the living room though.
We sit up at the table as a family, Reu in his highchair, trouble is we tend to have the TV or music on in the other room (which can be seen from highchair) at lunch time as just me and him and i potter getting different things from kitchen.

But the evenings i make sure we are all at the table together even if the music or Tv ends up on again!

Really want to stop the TV when Reu is in a big chair and old enough to understand a little better but for now it works really well and he understand meal / eating times :)

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