How soon after hcg levels drop will mc happen?


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Dec 2, 2015
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Hi ladies,

Found out I was pregnant about 10 days ago, only tested as I had 3 days of spotting which was unusual. So happy to get BFP after 8 months of ttc but because of the spotting, which carried on for 8 days, followed by cramps, I had bloods done which were 248, 304 then 178.

My EPU haven't actually told me what this means but by Googling and reading on here I'm guessing a mc is imminent :( I'm guessing I'm about 5 weeks?

I just wondered how soon will I start to bleed? I'm terrified it's going to happen at work but I don't want to take time off 'just in case'!

Does anyone have any similar experiences?
Hi Ivy, I am so sorry that this is happening to you. It is a frightening time.

All mc's are different and so no-one will be able to tell you for definite. Mine was a missed mc, my baby stopped growing at 6 weeks but I didn't start bleeding until more than 4 weeks later, and even then it was just light so I had medical management (tablets to bring it on properly) almost 2 weeks later than that.

It is likely that it will happen right away since you have already started spotting, however it could also take weeks I'm afraid.

Are you coping ok at work knowing that this may be imminent? Your work would likely be understanding if you we're too upset or worried about being there but I understand that might be difficult to decide since you will not know how long until it happens.

Sending you big hugs xx
Thank you Lyndsey :) I spoke to a (the only!) woman at my work and told her the situation, and she said if I have to rush off just text her and she can cover for me, and also I can work from home if I need to. I feel better now having told someone.

It's just so strange knowing I'm going to miscarry...I expect most women don't know until it happens but because I was spotting, I got checked. Funnily enough, I was desperate for the spotting to stop before I got the hcg results, and it did, but now I want it to start again! Irony.

I hope you've had some joy after your mc? I can't believe how common they are! I had no idea until last week!
Hi Ivy, I am very glad you have been able to talk to someone about it and have a bit of a plan in place, hopefully that will make things slightly easier for you.

I really hope it happens quickly for you as the waiting is very difficult, I felt relieved when it finally happened and then was able to grieve properly and try to get past it. That was only last month so no joy yet, maybe in a couple of days...fingers crossed.

They really are so common though, it is horrible to think how many of us have had to go through it, it seems very unfair xx
First let me say that I'm terribly sorry for your loss. *Virtual hug*

As I was searching the web for answers to my own miscarriage questions, I came across your comment. I just wanted to let you know that your story and the story of others has really helped me through my own experience.
So sorry you're going through this. It's hellish. Sending you virtual hugs.
Take time off if you need it. With my mc, I got a doctor's note even though it wasn't longer than seven days, just to make the point that it was something that can affect mental health as well as physical and it can be that you're not well enough to concentrate on work.
Take care of yourself. Xxxxx
Sorry your going through this.

I got bloods the day after passing my baby. My hcg levels were at 2400 after then bloods 2 days later had halved. I waited a week and got them done and it was 4 not pregnant.. They dated me at 5-6w so if hcg is already falling steadily good chance youv passed or midway through your mc. As Lyndsay says for some its quicker than others. I was 2 weeks but I had a week long bleed then a big gush then just spotting. Everyone is different.

Keep getting your bloods until negative as any residual can cause an infection or slow the HCG drop rate and require medical managemens but as your bleeding and hcg is falling Id say it was likely your having a natural mc.

Take some time to yourself and if your at work they should be understanding. You cannot face discipline for a pregnancy related illness including a mc. So if you need time off work take it.

Take care :hugs:

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