hcg levels


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Hey ladies, I've been having some problems with my pregnancy.

I've never experinced this in my 2 previous pregnancies so wondered if anyone could help me.

Last saturday I woke up with some spotting and was at my local hospital to be checked out, the bleeding got a little heavier over the next day or 2 and I passed a few little clots(no bigger than a 5p), the hospital told me not to worry and to come back if I started to get any pain or if the bleeding got heavier than a period. The bleeding then almost completly stopped after 3 days and now its barely there when I wipe (sorry if tmi) its more a browny colour and a little stringy if u know what I mean. I had my hcg levels checked on sunday and then checked again on tuesday 48 hours later and the number only increased by 22. I have to go back on monday to get checked again. But I'm so worried about this :(. Does anyone know if this sounds like a miscarriage?

Thanx for reading xxxxx
So sorry hun :hugs: it's an awful worry isn't it. All I know is that your numbers are supposed to more or less double every 24hrs I think xx
Yeh they r meant to double every 48-72 hours but mine haven't so I'm not sure what that means and why they want me back in to check them again. Its such a horrible feeling not knowing what's going on :( xxx
Hey honey! Its a horrible wait! As Cosmic says your levels should go up quite a bit I think in 24 hours. I wish you luck!
Got the EPU at 8.40 2moro morning so hopefully I find out more then :( xxx
Good luck tomorrow, I hope u get some answers :hugs: xx
Hope you get some answers today, everything crossed for you lovely xx
Thanx for your replies, but been for my blood tests and im still really none the wiser :(

my hcg levels have been
- 125 on 28th august
- 147 on 31st august
- 189 today (5th sept)

i have to now go back on wednesday for more bloods and they are going to do an internal scan. Anyone had an internal scan? im quite worried.

Also just wondered if anyone can help with my dates. i took a HPT on monday the 8th of august and the result was negative and probably in the few weeks before this around 7 tests were all negative but i got my positve test on the 14th of august and have done around 5 sicne i first tested and they are all still positive.

So am i pregnant still or does it sound like a miscarriage or ectopic?? had a couple of days of bleeding last weekend then it stopped and have had no pain whatsoever. im so confused and not getting answers from the hospital which is really stressing :( xxxx
Intervals are fine hun, not as bad as a smear IMO
I would have hoped your numbers would be riding quicker than that hun if I'm honest but anything can happen xx

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