How many DPO and what are your symptoms?

Ooh sounds promising Fairydust! When is AF due ?

Wilma - you sound very promising too? Could you test with an early test at 28 days even with your slightly longer cycle?

PP when you testing? Hows your symptoms

Been really tired, feel like boobs sorer this afternoon at work, and tummy ache, but could be getting ready for AF!!

I got a bfn last night, as had been busy at work and had not weed in ages!
Tegsted early could be 10 day past ov or only 7 if late ov on friday going by ECWM then. It's driving me mad!!!!!

You tested!! tut tut.

I didn't eat much today again (hot dog for lunch and pringles for supper), slight sick feeling and the odd headache. BUT i can feel af twinges as I type this :wall2:

Will you be testing tomorrow or not til next week?
Well how frustrating is all this!!!
Boobs not as sore...still a little tender but not as bad as they had been last few days!

Areola HUGE and I mean HUGE....(for me anyway lol sorry TMI) and looking slightly darker at times but might just be the lighting in different rooms.... (not that I flash in EVERY room in our house....just some lol) ha ha!!!

Still got CCM....

Peeing a lot more than usual too......

Ever so slightly queasy now and again but nothing major......

Now on CD 27 and 12dpo.....have had quite a bit of lower right sided twinges/pinches...nothing that resemles IB and Ive pretty much been knicker watching just incase so not sure if its looking promising or not!!

And according to ticker (I put dates to the longest cycle I was likely to have based on MC etc and it says can test on 3rd and AF poss due on 5th I would a test still show in next couple of days?
It would mean I would be testing when I was 13/14dpo if I tested tomorrow or tues?
Arrggghhhh Im all over the place with dates etc after MC.....I know best thing to do is just wait but thats too hard lol!!

Fingers crossed for us starting the may testing and everyone still TTC.... ;-) xxx
I'm the same wilma, keep boob watching , no change tho, it is soo frustrating your so right.

PP I'm not gonna bother testing again at all. AF must be due tuesday or friday (only if OV late)
or now if this month I have a 26 day cycle like last month! Bit down an fed up with it all today, everything could be a symptom, and or nothing at all, mind playing me tricks again.

I felt sick lat night when cooking dinner, that is prob tiredness, have been knackered this week, thats my work, it builds up at quarter end as financial. Boobs are sensitive , but not doing anything else!, so pre AF boobs instead, and nothing going on inside , or I would feel it, eg implantation. no IB spotting at all!

Hummmph sick of this , when I told OH I was sure I wasn't this month, even he said , god I really hope you are as I can't go through all that again! (not what I thought he would say - like we want our little baby soon)!!

Got an automatic email today saying your 19th week of pregnancy, could'nt get rid of them and unsubscribe! Sorry to moan , just fed up now.

Hoping we all get more bfps in may than the april testing thread , as there are soo few in there X
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hey JJ.....hugs!!! I signed up to Bounty and Pampers when I found out I was pregnant and also got a reminder from Pampers yesterday...unsuscribed to them all its so hard!

I just wish we knew for def it would happen at some point soon then we could just relax until it did! If only it were that easy......

Well Im not even wanting to test atm as if going by 1st day of heavy bleeding with MC being 1st day of cycle Im not due AF till I think about 10th so thats more than a week away and PLENTY of time for the cow to arrive so im def not wanting to get my hopes up.....and as for testing tomorrow I think is it really worth it? Yeah Id be 13/14dpo....but I thought nothing would show up till arount time AF due or late??? Arrrggghhhhhh I dont know what to think or do with myself!!

This is so hard!!!

Just been talking to David also saying we hope it happens this month coz its like torture and were now also onto our 5th month of TTC and stupidly thought it was going to happen straight away....not long I know compared to some people but long enough to start feeling the stresses of it all....

Ah please please PLEASE let us get our BFP's this month!!! xxxx
Thanks Wilma, god I hope the bfps start coming for us lot soon, I think the men think they have the hard bit with TTC!

I also signed up for pampers last time, thank god I only did a couple! and you should have seen my daughters face when she got the post to find a pack of two sample newborn nappies on the mat!!! I quickly whipped them away as my eldest son was coming down the stairs , and said to her oh look lovely free nappies for baby leo , (our family friends baby,, who is two and out of nappies!! but my daughter doesn't know that!).
Shoved them behind the sofa cushion before my suspious son come in the room!. Phew !
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Well, i think the :witch: has got me. Had a rotten headache since thursday evening which still hasn't gone and very minor browny smears when i wipe since last night and most of day 2day. Some cramping aswell so i would think it will be full on af later 2day or 2mora.
So we will be entering our 5th cycle of ttc and getting rather down about it all right now. Grrrrrr. Fingers crossed for next month though and going to try and stay positive. :dust::dust:
Ah bless!!! Yeah lets hope we do too.....

Oh lucky escape with the nappys then ehh.....!!!

Ah I just wish I could fast forward ten days and see if the witch shows up again or not!!!

So if AF turns up are you going to do anything different this time?

We BD'd ever other day Jan - Feb, then every day feb - march, then every day march - april.....only BD's three times after MC when Ovd on who knows!!

Think if AF turns up this month we will try and go for it 5 days before predicted OV date...and I will 'try' for a few days afterwards too...its always me who says NO after Ive Ov'd just incase...stupid i know but I cant help it....Poor David has been pestering me for days now and i keep saying NO NO NO!!!!!!!! lol
I was thinking of giving Preseed a go to??

Dont want to get too consumed in it all again but DO want to do everything we can to increase our chances...arrrgggh this is SOOOOOO hard! xxx
Ah sorry to hear that puzzle....BUT theres a chance it could be IB?? I hope so!!!

But yes it does get you down at times....fingers crossed its not AF tho xxx
I was due on yesterday or maybe even friday so i would think would be to late for IB. I never had it wiv DD. I thought that pre-seed was just a safe lube to use wen ttc is it also meant to help wiv conceiving too then? ****Goes off to read about pre-seed****
Yeah apparently it can help so Ive read on here.....some people have siad they used it after months without it and got pregnant first time with it so its got to be worth a try I suppose!!

Ive not had any IB either that im aware of this time and at 12dpo now i also think its too late for me and its just a matter of time for AF to arrive....hope not
I'm the same wilma, keep boob watching , no change tho, it is soo frustrating your so right.

PP I'm not gonna bother testing again at all. AF must be due tuesday or friday (only if OV late)
or now if this month I have a 26 day cycle like last month! Bit down an fed up with it all today, everything could be a symptom, and or nothing at all, mind playing me tricks again.

I felt sick lat night when cooking dinner, that is prob tiredness, have been knackered this week, thats my work, it builds up at quarter end as financial. Boobs are sensitive , but not doing anything else!, so pre AF boobs instead, and nothing going on inside , or I would feel it, eg implantation. no IB spotting at all!

Hummmph sick of this , when I told OH I was sure I wasn't this month, even he said , god I really hope you are as I can't go through all that again! (not what I thought he would say - like we want our little baby soon)!!

Got an automatic email today saying your 19th week of pregnancy, could'nt get rid of them and unsubscribe! Sorry to moan , just fed up now.

Hoping we all get more bfps in may than the april testing thread , as there are soo few in there X

:hug: that must be hard jj. with 3 kids already you must be quite fertile though! so it wont be long hun :)
Thanks PP, just want to be pregnant and at least past 12/14 weeks time by the time the 28th of September when I was due - Just think I will find it easier to manage then.

i am now 8ish dpo and i have sore boobs today don't want to get my hopes up but when my lo lay on me tonight i thought owhhh that hurt , then "yeahhhh" if that makes sense

good luck ladies when is everyone testing xx
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Well, still no proper AF. Was due friday/saturday and have had just minor brown when i wipe since late saturday night, expected to see full on :witch: this morning but still just brown so far. What is going on, it's driving me nuts. Normally at most i have 24 hours of heaviesh brown, usually 12 then full on bright red for 2 days tmi.
Oh good signs Fairydust, fingers crossed X

Puzzle, thats only a 3-4 day max period you usually have - very nice! it looks like it's either running a bit late because your watching it! or you may be lucky this month, any symptoms?
JJ mum i then go on to hav another 2 to 3 days of brownish spotting after that so not quite as short.
Symptoms, no i don't think so. Have had a headache since thursday evening and had some bloating for 3 or 4 days at start of last week but other than that no. Didn't have any symptoms until wiv DD until i got my BFP when i was 3 weeks late. Then i had everything under the sun lol.
Haven't really be symptom spotting or watching out for af or anything as don't think we have done it.
Well I did POAS this morning with a HPT and OPK and NOTHING!!! I got a BFN which I suspected I would but also had very light brown streak when wiping so I think its AF on her way as I have a bit of a twisty stomach and felt a bit sick this morning as I sometimes do so Im sure Im going be out but who knows....DH reckons Ive been crabby last couple of days so prob is AF lol! However I will report back when we get home later on today....and of course will be keeping everything crossed its not....although I think I might be too late at 13dpo for
I´m 10 / 11 dpo and af not due until friday.

Symptoms so far include metal taste, pink / brown discharge when wiping for 1 day, swollen boobs, bit of bloating, a headache that comes and goes when it wants, being totally ditzy and forgetful and having a cat that will not leave me alone!

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