How many DPO and what are your symptoms?

I have given up with my ticker as there is no way i am ovulating as negative test today, no EWCM and cervix is closed.

So i am guessing that I ov on Friday thereabouts. Think i must only be 5DPO and have only had slight cramping in my back, feeling sick for a few minutes then it goes again and sore heads. But i think it could be me coming down with something. Me and OH :bd: the 4 days running up to ov and the day after (if my guessing is correct lol).

I am not getting my hopes up this month as i doubt we would have done it, again.

Ah fingers crossed for you Chelly....its hard when your just guessing isnt it....Im not even sure my ticker is correct but I know I Ovd on 20th as opk was very dark positive but hardly BD this month....we will see tho ehh xxx
Bonny just be careful though because last month my ov tests where positive but not pregnant. Ov tests measure a surge in LH so I reckon (and this is just my theory) that my LH must have surged because of my impending af. I'm just saying not to rely on them really :)

Yup how many of us have got our hopes up coz weve had a positive opk....ruddy things lol!!

yeah when you google it you see lots of info saying "dont use them as pregnancy tests, they are not accurate" but then you find someone who had positive ov tests and then got positive hpt and you home in on that for your life!!
Hi girls, I am 8 days past OV.

Well I was feeling positive and now I'm not really! Think thats the week 3, doubting stage of the cycle and the pressure of the 2WW!

1) Mild tum flutters or light pains like something is happening if you know what I mean (less than a few days ago)
2) Constipation - big time (went and got that fybogel that some of you reocomended when in Tri one section) took one todhay and it's yet to work! (I got this really bad at 5/6 weeks last time but not this early)
3) slight tender boobs (but they never recovered fully from last pregnancy in march) but yet to kick off properly.
4) Extremely tired today, but is my fulltime week at work this week and quarter end so a busy week!

Really assuming now I am reading into it all and making it all up again,as I want it badley!! There is a normal explanation for all of my symptoms too!

We must stop this SS girls !!

Really PP, and Wilma and I , we could still not have implanted and the HCG kicked off, the pregnology OV Calc says implantation due around now for us!
We wouldn't get symptoms with the HCG would we ?

Good luck everyone else in 2WW too.. lets have a batch of BFPS's at the same time as Wilma said please!
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I think its around 6-10 days for implantation? But its def not too early for symptoms, just maybe not really obvious ones lol
I am 12 DPO i believe. Not really had any symptoms except really bloated and windy for 3 or 4 days which finished 2day and the odd minor twinges in my tummy which is prob that dreaded :witch: rearing her ugly head. Think i am due AF on saturday so we will see. Fingers crossed for all of us xx

I am 4dpo today and no massive symtoms as yet but fingers crossed nipples are sore but i think it is because i keep giving them a test just to see lol dh thinks i am going mad really want this to be a lucky month for us all,

got a really strong opk on saturday and we bd fri sat sun and monday so i really hope we catch it this month,

when should symtoms start?
totally different for everyone fairy, some people get symptoms early before their af is due and others get symptoms after they found out they are pregnant :)
I only did this in Jan, why oh why can't I remember !!!! so annoyed with myself for not taking notes last time, so I am this time, just in case

If I no show at work and sleep for the next week and only wake up in 7 days to test, I would end this 2WW business and get an answer one way or the other!! What do you reackon, worth a try?

Think OH would want his dinner before then and wake me up!!
Ha like your way of thinking JJ can I join the hybernation with you??? lol

Well my SS is still pretty much the same but I am definately peeing more again but again this could poss be leading up to AF arriving! Boobs are a lot more tender round the sides....lower right side twinges again today but not as sharp as yesterday, couple of queasy moments here and there and although I dont like to eat once Ive ate dinner coz its makes me ill during the night, im starving about now and have been the last three nights....about this time!

Still feeling very wet at times and CCM is still very 'there'!!
Refrained from testing so far but ONLY becasue im scared that its not going to show anything as too early or simply that we havent managed to get pregnant this month!! Grrrrrrrrrrr.......

But so glad JJ and PP are close to me with dates and testing etc so Im not alone in this nightmare of a 2ww!!

Good luck everyone I really am praying we all get our BFP this
:witch: got me this morning.

Again, really sorry hun.

I didnt get much more spotting yesterday, but (TMI) I did have some browny CM and this morning there were a few drops of blood and thought that's it AF is here so put my mooncup in, but 2 hours later there is nothing in it. Will see how the day progresses.

If she doesnt arrive in full by Sat I will test, but I am pretty sure she will make her appearance known soon.

Hows everybody else today?
Mrs B thats good news - and at least one thing is that I can use my mooncup this time!! Although I haven't put it in yet as I'm at work! I'll do it when I get home so I can make sure its in right and is comfy!
A moon cup is a menstrual cup that is inserted when you get AF instead of using tampons or pads.
Mrs B thats good news - and at least one thing is that I can use my mooncup this time!! Although I haven't put it in yet as I'm at work! I'll do it when I get home so I can make sure its in right and is comfy!

That's probably the best thing to do. It may take a few attempts to know what is the best way to get it in and feel comfy for you. But once you get that sorted you wont look back and wont even notice it is there.

I would recommend it to everyone :)

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