How long TTC?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
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I feel a bit like an idiot really cuz i know some of u have been ttc for over a year. if AF comes next week then i'll be on my 3rd cycle TTC. i know this sounds really pathetic but im getting really impatient and down hearted cuz last time i caught the egg on the 1st attempt. i guess i was very lucky then turned out to be very unlucky. How long have u all been TTC? And are u relaxed about it or totally obsessed?
With my son, I fell pregnant on my 3rd month of ttc, and this time this is literally my first month so id be highly amazed if I did fall on the first attempt.

They say only 25% of couples fall on the first month trying, 60% of couples are pregnant after 6 months and that 10% are still trying at a year, I read this in my ovulation kit!!!!!

It really does just boil down to catching that little eggy!
awwww darling, it doesn't matter how long u have been trying you get months where u feel like u are, I know I did....

we were trying from march and I got my BFP in July so not long in the grand scale of things but every cycle that went by made me feel more and more down hearten so I know exactly how you feel.

I became quite obsessed after the first cycle to be honest and was buying OV sticks etc!
I had 2 accidental pregnancies (1st and 4th) :wink: and 2 conceived on 2nd cycle (2nd and 3rd) :D so I know I've been very lucky.

But I was obsessed the second we started TTC with numbers 2 and 3 and totally understand when you say you feel impatient and downhearted cos that's how I felt when AF arrived, even though it was my first true one after coming off the pill.

I'm sure it'll happen soon for ya, after all you know you can do it! :)
I have been ttc 16 months now. :( I suffered an early M/C back in October so that would of been about 6 months into TTC. I have good days when I am thinking positive but also down days when I think that I will never be a mum but deep down I know I will be one day. It hit me really hard when I was diagnosed with pcos but I am hoping with treatment that I will get my sticky BFP :pray: The last month or so I have been more relaxed then before not even been charting :shock: If I am not lucky this month then at least I get to try out my CB monitor that DH got for me :cheer: One thing that has not changed at all is that I am a POAS addict :D :rotfl:
this is my 2nd cycle but offisaly 1st cas of mc last cycle
5 months TTC, 3 cycles

I agree with everybody else, if you are obsessed (which most of us are being on here!) then every cycle is as exciting and potentially heartbreaking - right from the start
On our 17th cycle now :cry:
It's hard yes and sometimes I panic that it'll never happen and then other days I'm okay.
TTC is a big rollercoaster hun and you just have to ride it out.
3mths isn't so long hun :hug: :hug:
When I 1st went to the fertility clinic I was told that that the 14mths we'd been trying wasn't long and it can take up to 18 mths :o
With DD I fell first month. This time round it took us 4 months. Because I fell so quickly first time I found things really hard this time. But really 4 months is no time at all.

A&J good luck using your new monitor, I used my one for the first time this month and got my BFP. Turns out FF was cocking up my Ov day :twisted: I was having a slight rise about CD16 and then a bigger one at CD20ish. FF was saying I was OV at CD16, when I was really Ov about 4 days later!! so no wonder I didn't get a BFP :wall:
easy to say i know, but try not to get too worked up about how long you have been trying, especially those who have only been trying a oouple of months. I know its hard each month when it doesn't happen and you see all these BFPs cropping up, but getting upset and stressed about it doesn't help.

wish you all loads of luck

This is our 7th Cycle TTC, we caught on our 4th but that wasn't meant to be...
it took us about 6mnths to conceive with summer and i must admit i was getting worried but i think its only natural
What does it mean 5 months TTC but 3 cycles ? Can someone explain please - Thanks :)

Oh and im still TTC and its been one Negative soo far but im due to test early Septmeber time so hoping its a BFP

I cant believe how many of you are still TTC after soo many months - Thats long ....... I couldnt be that patient i just want to get pregnant - It sounds soo easy to get pregnant but when you really want a baby its harder to conceive. :roll:

I only started trying for a baby last month and knew nothing about when the best time was to try - well, i still dont but the only reason i prob aint pregnant by now is cause i were trying everyday of last month and this forum said it isnt the best way to try and conceive so i have cut down this month.

If im not pregnant by next month im gonna be ever soo mad !!!! :shock:
This is my first month ttc. Last time it took me 28 months so hoping this time will be a lot quicker! I'm a bit miffed at the moment as I'm on day 49 of my cycle and still no AF just BFN :think:
iloveanimals said:
I cant believe how many of you are still TTC after soo many months - Thats long ....... I couldnt be that patient i just want to get pregnant -

Do you think the ladies who have been trying for months don't want to get pregnant?

FFS thnk about what you type before you say are a silly little girl, if you carry on like this I will just ban you, your comments are just immature and insensitive to our members, I really can't be bothered to keep explaining this to you, grow up or get lost. :roll:
With our 1st and 2nd almost straight away. We then decided ttc from dec 06 had 4 cycles got pregnant but that ended up in a chemical pregnancy. We then started ttc again from dec 07 had 2 cycles fell pregnant but sadly it ended in a missed miscarriage in june this year.Had 1 cylcle in between that and fell pregnant again so hopefuly this little bean will stay a sticky :pray:

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