TTC..How long?

Thanks for your replies guys, i guess their is no pattern with reguards to your 1st and subsequent children. Hoping you all get your BFP's soon. (oh..and me!x) :D
I conceived on month 2 of trying and this was also the month I started using a Persona machine, so maybe I cheated a little but I will never know if it was down to the machine or not but well worth the money in my eyes.
We are in our 4th month of TTC #1.

Charile - what's a persona machine? Is it just like a clear blue fertility monitor?
sookie said:
We are in our 4th month of TTC #1.

Charile - what's a persona machine? Is it just like a clear blue fertility monitor?

Its a method of contraception, its a machine that tells you when you are ovulating and so it would advise against sex without using any barrier around that time. You POAS 8 days out of your cycle and it then gives you a result of green or red. Green is safe to have sex, red is not safe to have sex. So when TTC the red means got at it like rabbits and teh green is if you feel like it. I got so fed up with BD'ing every other day it totally became a chore and not enjoyable, so teh machine really put the fun back into it.

You can buy them from boots online for £64.99 with free delivery. They also have their own website for more info

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