how did u meet?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i met my boyf in a nightclub, 8 years ago in the old days when the internet was for nerds and work! i dont think speed-dating had been invented then either. theres loadsa new ways to find love now that i never tried! just wondered how y'all got with ur blokes? if ur single please answer for the last relationship u had. im nosey lol
I voted other as we use to work across the road from each other :D
Both working in a pub as students 7.5 years ago!

Valentine Xxx
Met my OH at school when i was 15. Been together since then. Although we did have a short break about two years ago for a couple of months. So been together nearly nine years.
we me through a school friend when i was 16 and he was 17 that was 22 years ago lol
We met in our local pub in Devon. I was out for a quick drink with my mum & he was out with a friend who was getting earache from his girlfriend. We got chatting over a London lighter - I had been up to see my friends the weekend before & he had been to see his brother. When his mate went off to resolve his problem, Mike came and sat with us. He then promptly spilt a whole pint over me and as I was watching him panic over clearing it up something in my heart went 'ping'. It has been 6 years now and we are getting married next sept/oct.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:wave: I met my OH through my brother he was & still is 1 of my brothers best friends, we have been together 12 years now.
i met my OH on the net, he sent me a msg telling me to forget about the guy i was interested in at the time, we got talking as friends and then arranged to meet up and ive never looked back, been with him for 3 yrs and 3 months now, got our house and our baby together.

We worked together for two years i left got another job and we started seeing each other a couple of months later
me and my DH met through my best friend

well we were out in the pub one night and she dragged him along and as soon as our eyes met, i knew he was the one (cheesy i know)

5 years later we are married and expecting out first baby :)
My OH lived with one of my schoolfriends at uni, and we got chatting on msn then I met him when I went to visit my friend. Chatted and texted for a few months and then he came to visit me at uni and we got together then :D
In a pub. I was meeting a friend but she stood me up :evil: I didnt want to go home and I recognised somebody a friend had introduced me to the week before so I asked if I could join them. That is when I was introduced to Dave. We didnt get together for a few weeks though because we were both really shy :oops: :lol:
My sister got me a job in the local swimming pool where she was working when I was 16. OH was a lifeguard there. It took about 18 months for us to get together, we were friends for a while first then got drunk one night (at the bowling alley!) and ended up in bed :oops: .It'll be 6 years ago this August and we're still going strong. :D
We were workmates. Worked together for two years and became very good friends, looooong before anything happened between us.
Then when I broke up with my fifteen year husband, things changed.
Been together for nearly five years and couldnt be happier :lol:

i met my bf in uni when i first got here nearly two years ago, and we've been together ever since 22nd May last year, so its nearly one year together! yay! :cheer:
I met my Dh through a friend when I was 14 :shock:

We just got chatting and one day he said "Will you go out with me" :rotfl: (so old school) and I said "Yes"

Simple as that; been together for 16 years in September; married for 4 in September and have our gorgeous lil girl.

I'm very luck that I found the right man so young :D
Richard and i have been friends for years. We first met because i was dating his best friend. We all went to the same school but Richard was two years older than me. When he left school i still saw him every so often at the pub.

We met up again properly when my aunt and his brother started dating and had a baby. We started seeing each other at family parties.

Four years after Richard left school we finally got together one very drunken night at a friends birthday party Bad chat up lines and to much alcohol :rotfl: That will be 10 years ago on June 5th.
Melanie said:
Richard and i have been friends for years. We first met because i was dating his best friend. We all went to the same school but Richard was two years older than me. When he left school i still saw him every so often at the pub.

We met up again properly when my aunt and his brother started dating and had a baby. We started seeing each other at family parties.

Four years after Richard left school we finally got together one very drunken night at a friends birthday party Bad chat up lines and to much alcohol :rotfl: That will be 10 years ago on June 5th.

Wow; great story Mel :D

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