how did u meet?

I meet my b/f on holidays in Spain July 2003 and moved to Holland to live with him Jan 2005
I have known my OHs best mate, Dave, for years because I walked home from school with him when I was 12! :shhh: We snogged once... it was gross!

Then one night in a nightclub when I was pissed and newly single I bumped into Dave and got chatting. Took his number so we could catch up when I was slightly more sober and John (my OH) put his number into my phone too. The next morning I couldn't remember who 'Jonny' was so I text him and met up with him... the rest is history! :lol: :lol: :lol:
we worked together on the bar in a pub!!!!
once they realised we were together they stopped us working together
we used 2 flirt all the time!!!!
Me and Finlays mum met on the internet... on a car forum to be exact :lol:
I have known OH since we were 6 years old and i hated He was always a year above me and acted really clever and a dick.

He once turned round and said to me when i was about 15 " i'm gunna marry you one day " to which i laughed and said " in your dreams ".

Funny how things work out and people end up together isnt it.
Met through a music festival at high school! LOL!
My group of friends (from my school) and his group became good friends. He then went out with one of my mates (tho it lasted only a few weeks) and set me up with his best friend. Me and his best mate were together nearly 2 years (a lot of which i spent wishing i was with my now OH).

We all worked together at one point too.

Then when my ex turned out to be a cheating *beep* Matt was there for me... and we haven't looked back since!
I liked my OH from afar for ages: then we found out we had the same political ideas, so obviously we had to thrash them out every day on the school bus for a couple of months. I was 13 at the time- bear in mind I was a precocious little sod of a 13 year old, who was already petitioning the school canteen for locally sourced food & going on anti- war marches- but anyway he asked me to come a walk down the beach one afternoon and we have been together since. He is my best friend, and we understand each other completely- I suppose because we have more or less gone through adolescence together...and supported each other through some very tough times, which most 16 & 18 year olds don't's hard to explain...but.. :D I'm very lucky
We met on Love@Lycos, in a chat room. That was 7 years ago, and we got married 3 years ago
I met peter after my best friends wedding,
I had been drinking since 11am and by 1am when everyone was leaving I wanted to head into town to an afterhours club (open till 6am) whereas my friend that i took with me wanted to go to a house party that 1 of the groomsmen was going to have at his house... she didnt even know them!!! i was determined to go into town as one of the lads that was a groomsman was doing my head in all day and night big dirty lech and if id of went back there i would of murdered him (we dont get on) so i got my own way and went into town. i met my boyfriend in one of the most sweatiest and skankiest clubs in liverpool... niether of us usually went but was both there that night. so we swapped numbers and spit haha

:oops: [/b]
I my OH when I was 17 through some guy who kept pushing for a date with me, and brought his friend along when we hung his friend is my husband. :roll: :lol:
I was just starting my second year of uni when I met my hubby. A mutual friend of ours walked with me to my department and hubby was sitting in the foyer (he'd had a lecture room change). Not liking silence as we waited for our lectures I struck up a conversation, and we instantly sparked. After 15 mins talking we swapped numbers and arranged to meet for drinks and pool the following week after an essay deadline of mine. It all stemmed from that one chance meeting! :D

:wink: I've got a video of the first time I met my OH... one of his mates filmed it on his mobile because apparantly it was the first time Jon had got on 'a fit girl' ( :rotfl: :lol: )... I was so drunk that when he stopped shoving his tongue down my throat I fell over and had to be caught!

:roll: He soooo took advantage of me!
I met my hubby through my brother. They worked together. We were mates for a few years before we got together. One day it just sort of clicked for both of us (after a lot of flirting haha) and we hooked up. Been together 4 years now and married 2 years. Have a son of nearly 3 and a daughter on the way :D
I ticked met though mutual friend cause I met him through is cousin but was also on holiday at the time wish I'd ticked that one instead now to bump the numbers up abit :rotfl:

I came down here on holiday with my friend who is DH's cousin met him then but he was with someone else and nothing happened at the time but he got my number and texted me awhile later then came up to visit and we got together then he decided to move to bristol where I was living at the time to be nearer to me and a month later we were living together :shock: 7 months later I moved back down here with him and we're still here now!
I met DH on the 1st of May...2003 :) (beltane time of new romances ;) ) in a bar called Monroes.... he had just come in from his mums birthday dinner so he was all dressed up in a nice 3 piece suit...

I was with my friend Keri at the time and she was drooling over DHs scruffy lanky mate, trying to convince me to go after him....but the suit and DH's politeness won me over... he was such a gentleman and I am a sucker for having doors opened for me, seats pulled out etc... it was another mate Ana who introduced us formally but she was wasted and ended up telling DH that I was Keri... well he didn't like Keri so was very relieved when Keri pointed him in my direction... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i voted other - it was kind of a mutual friend who introduced us, but said friend happened to be my ex-boyfriend :wink: :wink: he was on the same uni course as OH and we met when all out drinking one night.

OH asked me on a date, moved in with me on that first date, said he loved me hours later and asked me to marry him (unofficially) 2 weeks later 8) 8) :lol: :lol:

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