how did u meet?

2 and a half years ago, very very drunk!! my mates are pals with his mates, and he chased me for ages before we got together! for a start he just walked me home from the pub (some states i used to get into LOL :rotfl: ) and eventually i gave in and we became a couple!!! we have now outlastd all my mates relationships. every1 says we are like an old married couple cos we get on SOOOOOO well and hardly argue. but when we do argue, boy do we!!! :twisted:

was a bit wary cos my mate had been treated badly by james' bro, but he's my knight in shining armour!!! he's the best boyf/fiance i could ever ask for 8) gush i sound like im about 13!!!!sorry girls :oops:
I met my OH through my dad, they worked together at my OH's dad's firm. i nicked my OH's mob number out of my dad's phone when i was throwing a 'suprise' party for my dad's birthday - we started txting and when their firm went out on a night out i would join them, we became really close friends and did for a couple of years until we finally got together (after just about EVERYONE saying what a fantastic couple we made hehe) and now living with him and expecting our first baby!!! :cheer:
we met on the internet in a chat room, we lived about 40 miles apart from each other and we used to see each other every weekend.

Then after a year together he got a job in my town and we moved in together, we will have been together 4 years in August and we are getting married in 2 weeks :D

Tracey xx
J and I met through a bike chat forum which i joined when i passed my bike test. We didnt chat much online but really started chatting when I was invited to his house mate's party (his house mates were also on the forum)... that was 20 months ago and now were married :)
MissSara said:
Funny how things work out and people end up together isnt it.

it so is. me and my boyf at first were so casually dating, not looking for love at all- both far too interested in parties, clubbing and getting off our tits :oops: and i remember a few weeks into it my sister jokily saying, "i bet u end up in like a big relationship!" and i pissed myself laughing and was like "oh no, not at all!" i was attracted to him coz he's fit, he was loaded and he was exciting in a dangerous way i wont go into details but he was VERY edgy and i was a VERY immature 19 so thought that was wonderful! and he was attracted to me he says coz i seemed really popular and fun for a girl because i'd leer over other girls with him and could put away more gak than the biggest of blokes (again, we were very immature! :oops: )
neither of us expected anything long-term from it AT ALL! especially after a couple months he got a dingey flat in a bad part of salford and i moved in with him it was our lowest point we argued loads and "split up" at least once a week and everything seemed to go wrong and we were doing the big H... bad old days they were... but we were just sort of magnetised to each other we couldnt live without each other even tho we seemed so incompatible at times. im so glad we got thru that rough patch so early coz its just developed into deep true love! its really amazing but so different to what it was at the start lol
I met baby daddy at work, he acted all knowledgable and in control and cocky and funny etc and i fell for it :roll: little did i know that out side of work he was a drunken loser lol

I met Dave at something called Air cadets when i was 13, its for young people who kinda wanna be in the RAF, i went cos my friend made me, he went cos he's always been itnereted in it all. It's kinda sad thinking about it now lol but we were young
The short story: ballroom and latin dance lessons.

Long(er) story: I signed up for ballroom and latin dance lessons in January 2004 without a partner. He saw my name, e-mailed me if I wanted to be his partner, I agreed, we mailed for a bit then met up on the evening of the first lesson. I thought he was boring :rotfl: Thank goodness first impression aren't always right :wink: 5 months later we started our relationship; 3 years, 3 days after starting the relationship we got married :D
I met Sean at work, we didn't work on the same team and it's a very big company. But I happened to sit with a girl he was friends with, me and aimee got chatting and I went to lunch with her, he was there - I thought he was a tramp and looked like beetlejuice :rotfl: Anyway on 23rd December we all went to pub from work and we both ended up getting drunk and eating pizza in the snow, well that was kind of it. We got together in january and we've been together 3 years now, married in December last year.

J and I met through one of my ex. housemates. We first met in May 1997, in a bar, but didn't actually get together until our second meeting on August 12th!!! We both had flings in the months between too but I couldn't stop thinking about him and was determined that we should meet again!
id just got out of 5 year relationship with my first love.

Was on a downward spiral big time. Went to Leeds Festival (on my own!) to just get wasted. And thats exactly what i did. 3 Glasweigns camped outside my tent and i got chatting to them.
Then hung out with them all weekend. Snogged the 'fittest' one on the last night :oops: :lol: :lol: we swapped emails.

i wsas partying big time and didnt go home straight after leeds, but hung out with some 'dodgy peeps' for over a week afterwards, finally got home to my comp to find about 5 emails of the guy i snopgged. lol. I wasnt after a relationship at all. Was suffering from depression/anxierty at the time and didnt care about myself at all. But somthing kept us emailing eachother for about 3 months. Id get crazy wainting for emails of him, as did he. Then we started talikng everynight on the phone etc.
Eventually i though fook it, ill go up and stay with you. So i did.

fast forward over 3 years and here we are now, in our own house, 2 kids lol. I truely love him tho, and he is perfect for me. I really think he saved my life too... if it wasnt for him, i probably wouldnt be here now :)
Bee said:
Craig said:
Me and Finlays mum met on the internet... on a car forum to be exact :lol:

sounds so romantic :lol:

Depends what kinda car website to be fair lol...Didnt think craig would be romantic anyway (sorry craig :P)
Sarah&LJ said:
Bee said:
Craig said:
Me and Finlays mum met on the internet... on a car forum to be exact :lol:

sounds so romantic :lol:

Depends what kinda car website to be fair lol...Didnt think craig would be romantic anyway (sorry craig :P)

cheers for that sarah :lol:... i have my moments i suppose :lol:
Ewan and I met very randomly online. We had a lot in common and lived within 20 miles of each other so after a while we met up in Glasgow for the day and we've been together over 4 years now. I hate saying we met online as people assume it was through an online dating agency but it wasn't, just very random! :rotfl:
Craig said:
Sarah&LJ said:
Bee said:
Craig said:
Me and Finlays mum met on the internet... on a car forum to be exact :lol:

sounds so romantic :lol:

Depends what kinda car website to be fair lol...Didnt think craig would be romantic anyway (sorry craig :P)

cheers for that sarah :lol:... i have my moments i suppose :lol:

I've yet to witness any ;)

sarah - not a very interesting site :lol:
Bee said:
Craig said:
Sarah&LJ said:
Bee said:
Craig said:
Me and Finlays mum met on the internet... on a car forum to be exact :lol:

sounds so romantic :lol:

Depends what kinda car website to be fair lol...Didnt think craig would be romantic anyway (sorry craig :P)

cheers for that sarah :lol:... i have my moments i suppose :lol:

I've yet to witness any ;)

sarah - not a very interesting site :lol:

Hehe im sorry love!!!! :D, but by the looks of things i was right :lol: Come on man be romantic :P
Sarah&LJ said:
Bee said:
Craig said:
Bee said:
Craig said:
Me and Finlays mum met on the internet... on a car forum to be exact :lol:

sounds so romantic :lol:

Depends what kinda car website to be fair lol...Didnt think craig would be romantic anyway (sorry craig :P)

cheers for that sarah :lol:... i have my moments i suppose :lol:

I've yet to witness any ;)

sarah - not a very interesting site :lol:

Hehe im sorry love!!!! :D, but by the looks of things i was right :lol: Come on man be romantic :P[/quote:3w4r2lzp]

:lol: its ok ;)

It used to be an interesting site - gone downhill recently

yeah craig! BE ROMANTIC ;)
we met in a car park lol... no i ticked mutual friend. we had both just been to a gig but i'd turned up late so enjoyed it (not) on my own as i couldn't find anyone. met up with a mutual friend in the car park outside venue on my way home, and he was with nat so we all went to get pizza and i got talking to nat...

end of that night...

few nights later i went down to my "local", and he was in there but the mutual friend wasn't, so we got chatting lol :D
Bee said:
Sarah&LJ said:
Bee said:
Craig said:
Bee said:
[quote="Craig":21c2l2wg]Me and Finlays mum met on the internet... on a car forum to be exact :lol:

sounds so romantic :lol:

Depends what kinda car website to be fair lol...Didnt think craig would be romantic anyway (sorry craig :P)

cheers for that sarah :lol:... i have my moments i suppose :lol:

I've yet to witness any ;)

sarah - not a very interesting site :lol:

Hehe im sorry love!!!! :D, but by the looks of things i was right :lol: Come on man be romantic :P[/quote:21c2l2wg]

:lol: its ok ;)

It used to be an interesting site - gone downhill recently

yeah craig! BE ROMANTIC ;)[/quote:21c2l2wg]

look... you're gettin me into trouble here sarah :lol:

dont worry... i will be ;)

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