How are all you new mummies doing?

Bex, Thomas only has water. I do have a bottle of flavoured baby water in the cupboard but that was for when he was pre 6 months and i still needed to boil the water. I never had to use it in the end when we were out so looks like it'll be there for a while longer.

Its amazing opinions people come out with, i honestly think it's worse once you've had children or are pregnant what people believe is ok to say to you.

The number of people at my work that have an opinion about mothers working is unbelievable, and they can be forceful to the point of offence with what they are saying. You know you are doing the right things for oscar so just take it like water off a ducks back.
on a seperate note, we've now sorted all of thomas' christmas presents and some of his birthday presents (as it's feb, waiting for jan sales for some other bits).

I'm now after some small fiddly bits for him as little presents just so that he has something that he can play with as we've bought him a trike, some ride on toys and puzzles. Anyone got any suggestions?
My bias told someone behind my back that I'd get a "shock" being back to work after my. "Long holiday doing nothing" I dare him to say it to my face once, just once! He also asked someone if she knew if I was intending on "popping another one out" soon so he could think ahead... No idea what that means but I want him to say it to my face
I think I've finished shopping for Emma's Xmas and birthday and may have enough to take us to her second Xmas and birthday! Whoops!

Kathryn. What about little push button phone or remotes or little moving toys that he can chase?

Was it you who was after a cheap pram? Just seen on that play pennies Facebook page. That argos have a joie one down to £59....
We've had a different Sunday. Normally the girls and I stay in our pjs all day till Chris and Jack get back from rugby about 1. Today I thought we'd have a shopping day. Got to Guildford (our closest big town) about 10 to find nothing opens till 11! Shows how often we do that!lol. Had hot chocolate at Starbucks, hit the shops for a few hours. Took the girls for lunch. Was a nice day itill we got to primark and Emma decided to spew everywhere. Think she might have yet another bug. She's been spewing since, not eating either :-(
I thought they couldn't use those ride on things until a year? My grandma wanted to get Luke one but I said he was too young
we got a pram but thanks Toria. I'm not looking on argos as its probably the one we bought :wall2:

phone sounds good, i'm thinking about a phone, car key and remote set thats £20 from elc. hubby wouldn't let me buy it the other day but i'm going to sneek it in.

we've already got walkers, stackers etc.. little cars sound good too.

He seems to like to fiddle with small things (like zips) and we already have a triangular toy with lots of things on it.

Im basically stumped because we've got so much already :wall2:
We've had a different Sunday. Normally the girls and I stay in our pjs all day till Chris and Jack get back from rugby about 1. Today I thought we'd have a shopping day. Got to Guildford (our closest big town) about 10 to find nothing opens till 11! Shows how often we do that!lol. Had hot chocolate at Starbucks, hit the shops for a few hours. Took the girls for lunch. Was a nice day itill we got to primark and Emma decided to spew everywhere. Think she might have yet another bug. She's been spewing since, not eating either :-(

Bless! Luke still hasn't had a big! Idk if it's because he's not at nursery so not in contact with as any kids or he's just been lucky or what, but he's yet to have one.

We were up dressed, fed and out the door by 8:50 thismorning as usual, I'd love a Sunday lie in but it's a busy family day and we don't have the luxury. When I'm working a Sunday I'll have to have him up, fed and dressed by 7:45am
Aw I hope so nat - she's not strange with people at all but that still has plenty time to come. She seems to think that on a Monday when she is off she can have her sometimes, to be all nice and push the pram about kidding on she's a good granny! Not on my life is she taking her - she knows nothing about her!

Aw no toria!! Guildford is amazing, my favourite town. We have freebie train tickets after being 2 hours delayed last year so coming down the beginning of the year.

The dental nurse in me screams - no juice!! The non dental nurse says everything in moderation. S defo won't know what juice is til she can ask for it haha.

I seen a few things in babies r us yest, wee noisy toys and stuff that I'll get S. If anyone has asked I've said vouchers for next so I can go Boxing Day and get her next size up.
We've asked for love to shop vouchers- they take them in loads of places
I absolutely appreciate everyone has an opinion - but how can someone have an opinion on somethjng they know feck all about lol

Toria I've done that before! Sat outside next for 45 mins lol!!
We were in Guildford this afternoon too Toria. Bought Isabelle a waterproof coat and bought me yet more nursing bras. Don't like to think about how much I've spent on bras since getting pregnant!
Aw I hope so nat - she's not strange with people at all but that still has plenty time to come. She seems to think that on a Monday when she is off she can have her sometimes, to be all nice and push the pram about kidding on she's a good granny! Not on my life is she taking her - she knows nothing about her!

Aw no toria!! Guildford is amazing, my favourite town. We have freebie train tickets after being 2 hours delayed last year so coming down the beginning of the year.

The dental nurse in me screams - no juice!! The non dental nurse says everything in moderation. S defo won't know what juice is til she can ask for it haha.

I seen a few things in babies r us yest, wee noisy toys and stuff that I'll get S. If anyone has asked I've said vouchers for next so I can go Boxing Day and get her next size up.

We asked for the same for next vouchers. Seeing as tho bex recommended the sale last time & the stuff we will be buying him will last for approx 6 months then i won't begrudge paying a little extra. Next staff shop has been shocking for little boys stuff so far but lots for little girls :/

We're buying austin very little for Xmas coz my parents have already got him a few bits. We've bought him a vtech nursery rhyme book, that stacking toy, a ball pit & balls. I intend on getting him a trunki. I know he won't make much use out of it yet but he can cart stuff places in it & will teach him to put stuff away :) then little presents.
I have been excited for the 12-18 and 18-24 etc sizes and you do get so much more wear out of things! I think if will ask for next vouchers off majority too - he has so many toys and because he's at nursery a lot I don't need loads - but with what MIL has at hers already plus ours and what we have already bought him we should do ok!

Only thing I am annoyed about now is I've missed the summer sales and need holiday clothes for January!! :( so may approach local selling FB pages for next summer bits in 9-12 as he will only wear a few times!
I absolutely appreciate everyone has an opinion - but how can someone have an opinion on somethjng they know feck all about lol

Toria I've done that before! Sat outside next for 45 mins lol!!

A lot of people do! It's the world we live in lol. I know I wouldn't want austin to be medicated for years without looking. For an underlying cause like I'm guessing you wouldn't Oscar. Obviously if it's necessary then that's what you go with :) I'm grateful that Austin's got better with weaning so I don't have to worry about it.

Have you considered asking for a referral to an alternative paediatrician?
I have been excited for the 12-18 and 18-24 etc sizes and you do get so much more wear out of things! I think if will ask for next vouchers off majority too - he has so many toys and because he's at nursery a lot I don't need loads - but with what MIL has at hers already plus ours and what we have already bought him we should do ok!

Only thing I am annoyed about now is I've missed the summer sales and need holiday clothes for January!! :( so may approach local selling FB pages for next summer bits in 9-12 as he will only wear a few times!

Don't you have next clearance shops near you?
Not sure ? I'll have to have a look I think? Any excuse for next shopping!!

Well the GP advised his increase and if it didn't work OR the same happens again when his weigh goes up then I will get a referral back. Because he is in himself a very blooming little man and is gaining weight and showing absolutely no signs of allergy then they say it should just be something he outgrows ? I think they reasses after a year? At the moment after a long journey and a lot of emotional roller coasters I'm happy to see him comfortable and happy. Can't put a price on that
Not sure ? I'll have to have a look I think? Any excuse for next shopping!!

Well the GP advised his increase and if it didn't work OR the same happens again when his weigh goes up then I will get a referral back. Because he is in himself a very blooming little man and is gaining weight and showing absolutely no signs of allergy then they say it should just be something he outgrows ? I think they reasses after a year? At the moment after a long journey and a lot of emotional roller coasters I'm happy to see him comfortable and happy. Can't put a price on that

They're usually at outlets.

Agreed. Comfort & happiness is key! Ask for a referral to another nearby hospital if you're unhappy. You're entitled to a 2nd opinion
We were in Guildford this afternoon too Toria. Bought Isabelle a waterproof coat and bought me yet more nursing bras. Don't like to think about how much I've spent on bras since getting pregnant!

If you saw a woman yelling for a six year old to keep up, and a baby in a pram covered in orange spew. That was me!lol

I went in to gap to get a gift for a friends baby and they had an extra 20% off everything. Well worth the spew incident :-)

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