How are all you new mummies doing?

Jojo, the trike starts at 9 months. The ride ons are from 1 yr but we wanted things he would grow into as we already have a lot of toys from nearly new sales etc..

Bex- dont have to know anything to have an opinion!! ;)

With Luke's bday being march were holding off on the redons - I'm tempted by the trike I saw too but I think it's a birthday thing with it being winter and nit having a lot off room inside - although woukd work fir hus granny's msybe lol a- sges git long hallways
M&S! To be fair I actually love my job on the whole and we get a lot of very happy festive people in which is lovely.

It's just the odd few that ruin it

My hubby works at primark... Immagine his hell lol m&s is mental st Xmas but orimark is just... It's terrible mist if the year without crazed Xmas shoppers.

I'm most likely working Xmas day :( I haven't been there to say I want it off so I'll be working and I'm gutted... My boys first Christmas and I won't even be there :(

Hubby saw a Christmas tree up the other day - it shoukd be illegal this early
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I didn't think we could give them cows milk until 1 year?! When I give Macie breakfast I put her milk on it? Xxx
Cows milk shouldn't be given as their milk drink under 1 year, but they can have it in meals.

A bit of green will be fine Jen.

Jojo, at least if you work this year you should have a good argument for not working next year when he will be much more excited about christmas day.
I still sterilise spoons and bottles and water cup once every couple of days (hot soapy water I between) but out her bowls in the dishwasher. I figure you can cook with unsterile pots and utensils so bowls aren't as important.

Yeah as part of cereal and cooking you can give cows milk full fat.

That's what I figured, thanks ladies
You woukd think, but no. Diesnt work like that where I work. We hsve 2 Xmas celebrations - 1on 25th and 1 on 6th January so I need to get thst off too.

There a girl at ours who has twins and had t worked Xmas in 8 years! It's sickening,

Before I had Luke I would work fir oeople with kids, but the favour us never returned. I'm hoping to be on maternity leave next Christmas hopefully though lol
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I'm sterilising bottles and bowels/spoons/sippy cup /dummies

Mainly because I don't have a dishwasher :) for his foody stuff and there's no harm for what a pack of
Milton tablets cost lol

Yep cows milk is ok when cooking and with cerial - cerials just intro slowly - maybe half and half with formula to start maybe ? Blue full fat milk should always take preference - green now and then won't harm it just hasn't got all the fats in that's all :)

Kaedin - if that's all he wants with no negotiating and you feel threatened then def stick to mediation :) you know what's best and yeah foods and diet along with teething etc could be the cuprit but I'd have imagined she would have already had it and not come back with it if it was that maybe?
Oh ok! Well I don't Suppose I've harmed her by just giving her formula! Thanks ladies! Xxxx
M&S! To be fair I actually love my job on the whole and we get a lot of very happy festive people in which is lovely.

It's just the odd few that ruin it

My hubby works at primark... Immagine his hell lol m&s is mental st Xmas but orimark is just... It's terrible mist if the year without crazed Xmas shoppers.

I'm most likely working Xmas day :( I haven't been there to say I want it off so I'll be working and I'm gutted... My boys first Christmas and I won't even be there :(

Hubby saw a Christmas tree up the other day - it shoukd be illegal this early

I can imagine!!! People just rip primark apart! It's the worst thing when you've made it look good, folded everything and made sure people can get to everything easily and then someone destroys it and chucks it on floor!!

If I was at work we'd have already put christmas stuff out, decided rotas etc.. We start planning in July. 5 months of it wears you down

I hope they don't give you a raw deal with Xmas rota's.
Well I'd immagine either 8-4 or 4-10 - either way I miss a chunk of Christmas. But if I do Xmas I'm not doing New Year's Day ... Of course maybe someone has stuck up for me but 2 of the women there have got new grand kids this year and 2 others have kids so I doubt they thought of me,

If they have I'm going to kick a FUSS A little as we get to chose who is doing Xmas and who isn't as a team and I got no say in it like everyone else. I think it's kinda heartless to force me to work it when it's my baby's furst ever Christmas! Yiu don't get that back..
M&S! To be fair I actually love my job on the whole and we get a lot of very happy festive people in which is lovely.

It's just the odd few that ruin it

My hubby works at primark... Immagine his hell lol m&s is mental st Xmas but orimark is just... It's terrible mist if the year without crazed Xmas shoppers.

I'm most likely working Xmas day :( I haven't been there to say I want it off so I'll be working and I'm gutted... My boys first Christmas and I won't even be there :(

Hubby saw a Christmas tree up the other day - it shoukd be illegal this early

I can imagine!!! People just rip primark apart! It's the worst thing when you've made it look good, folded everything and made sure people can get to everything easily and then someone destroys it and chucks it on floor!!

If I was at work we'd have already put christmas stuff out, decided rotas etc.. We start planning in July. 5 months of it wears you down

I hope they don't give you a raw deal with Xmas rota's.

I work in logistics - parcel delivery ! We put what we call our 'peak strategic team' together after Easter and are well on with plans come July - madness isn't it - we sort 1.5 million parcels a night through our sort centres at christmas!!
I need a rant! So saturday night austin did his first ever sleep through! 7.15-6.15 but I was wide awake from 5.30. I've caught husbands cold & Austin's top tooth is cutting & because of that he's soooo clingy! Last night before bed hubby made too much noise disturbing & waking austin. So austin woke at 4.30 & I couldn't get back to sleep. He woke again at 5.30. I tried for 15mins & he was wide awake so I decided to give him his bottle as he'd not had much food last 2 days because of his teeth. Went downstairs to make it & to let the dog out...he's messed in his cage. Austin's started to cry so decided to feed him & leave dog as it wasn't just a straight forward clean up. Fed austin but still no sign of going back to sleep. Left him with hubby who was still asleep despite him crying! Went to sort the dog. Dog needed showering & thankfully hubby woke to do it. Gave austin his porridge around 7. He finally went back to sleep at 8. Hubby leaves for work around 8.30 making as much noise as you possibly can. Ewan thankfully stops austin from waking. 2 mins later house phone rings. Hubby. He's forgotteng phone & is ringing off the work mobile because he used my set of keys to lock the door & posted them through the letter box coz he must have left his keys at work. Austin wide awake again! ARGH!!

Is it just my oh who doesn't understand how to be quiet?!
How annoying!

I'm very sensitive to noise now. I don't think Daniel is that loud but sometimes it feels like it.

After a few disagreements he's very quiet now. It's much better now thomas is in his own room on the 2nd floor as he's away from any noise
Could do with another floor. It's a decent sized 2 bed (his room is a double too) but it's literally a small bathroom that splits our rooms. It's 2 strides from our room to his
I'd be well annoyed too! Oscars room is next to Bathroom! It can be a pain on the evening and mornings if he's still asleep!

He slept through last night for the first time in ages! We did tea at 5, then bath and pjs then play downstairs
Until 7 then bottle and bed- he didn't want his dream feed!!

Going to try the same this evening and see if it works!
I always found dream feeding made Luke's sleep worse and slept through the day I stopped doing it.

Our house is quite compact upstairs- I'm. It sure how me going back to work will effect his sleep as I'll be up and getting in the bath an 06:30

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