How are all you new mummies doing?

I'm debating the NZ trip next February/march too but not sure Ellie will manage! Wellington is so bloody secluded to get too lol!!! Be nice to see all gregs family who didn't come to the wedding so they can meet Ellie :) she will be 10 months in march x
That's our main reason for going, so Emma can meet all our family and friends. We went to Thailand when Emma was 4 months. That was hard work. Dead legs etc. she will be 13 months this time. Just hope she is walking by then so she doesn't want to crawl everywhere on the manky plane floor! Rang airline last night and have a confirmed basinette seat. She may not fit in the basinette, but the extra room will be great!
Were still very unsure what to do. I just don't know at that age!!! It's hard enough on a long car journey :( x
Currently dying my hair. It was reddish and roots were insane but can't afford the colour so I'm home dying it the only thing is I accidentally got it on my eyebrow and didn't realise so I hope I don't get plum coloured eyebrow lol

I'm hoping the plum colour will cover the lighter colour I have lol
I need to sort my hair out. Think I'm going to get a fringe again. Hope the hair dying turned out well jojo
I want a haircut - I love my hairdressers but I always end up with ye same style and I want something else - I'd actually love my shaved side bright red Mohawk but not going to happen lol
Let's see the do then jojo?

How's weaning going kaedin? Was just thinking about you yest and wondering x
Having my hair dive like this on 26th :)


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Let's see the do then jojo?

How's weaning going kaedin? Was just thinking about you yest and wondering x

Alot better! She LOVES porridge. Gave Hayley some avocado to try and she loved it. Chomping away, gagged on a massive bit but she was fine. Gave her a jar of fishermans bake yesterday and she ate half the jar! Thats the most she's ate in the one sitting.

Only think is her sickness is getting worse since having food. She had avocado firdt thing in thre morning then brought some of it up around 2pm. But hopfully once she gets used to foods itll settle down
I reckon so Kerry, thomas has always been a sicky baby and on the whole he is much better. We still have our moments though.

Just wondering when it'll ever totally stop!
Oscar has had to have his meds upped as he kept throwing up stomach acid again - sometimes mixed with food sometimes not! Whoever said reflux gets better with weaning lied in our case :(

But the meds being increased have worked which is a plus! For how long I don't know - I hope he doesn't have this for life like some people do :(

Sounds like Hayley's weaning is coming on well though!!

Kathryn did you ever attempt cooking any meals in the end?
Austin's reflux definitely got better :)

And he's also decided he likes my cooking now :D ordered the Ella's kitchen cookbooks. The reviews are pretty Good apart from the odd one of 'book is good but my child won't eat the food' helpful that people review a book based on their child's taste buds
That's good news nat !! I could do with a new book - so let me know how you find it and what the recipes are like :)
Will do! Looking forward to the baking book more but apparently a number of the recipes contain honey so I'll either have to find a substitute or it'll have to wait until he's 1
Ahh / maybe golden syrup? Not sure about weather it's suitable or not but was the first thing that sprang to mind
My thoughts too. Will have to look at how much is needed as well. Don't want him having a lot!
I use agave nectar as a substitute for honey in my diet (on a health kick lol!) but not sure if babas can have it? :/
I use agave nectar as a substitute for honey in my diet (on a health kick lol!) but not sure if babas can have it? :/

Will look at this! Thanks

LO is teething badly :( top tooth is on the verge of cutting. Wish it would hurry! I'm shattered. No rest for me either coz hubby has manflu :(

Feeling bad too because it would have been my nan's birthday today & I forgot. In addition to this, I lost one of my dogs a year ago today.
Love that look Bex. Jojo, let see yours :-)

Well we got the play pen up this morning after finding Emma chewing Chris's flip flop, and playing with the recycling that we put by the bin. Yuuuuck. She loves the playpen, thank goodness!


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Kerry, Emma loves porridge too. I've got in in various flavours, and use it as back up for lunch and dinner too if she hates what I cook.

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