How are all you new mummies doing?

I'm going to get Thomas weighed today so think I'll ask one of the hv's there to see what they say and I'll report back!

I'd ask for a meeting or some formal contact at the very least I'd write down what you are thinking about and send it in to your work recorded delivery. That way you have a record of what you've asked for. At my work you need to give 8 weeks notice for any requests to change from your contract

No harm in approaching nurseries for info either. It's good to get an idea if they have any full days and they are always happy for prospective parents to look round
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Go see a few local nurseries. Grab prospectus and few details

Fill in an official flexi return request form or notify them in writing you require a meeting

Go from there :)
Luke sometimes has his 2:30 bottle and sometimes he doesn't. He hasn't today as we've been and he had his lunch late.

I've bee raiding sales today - got a nice pair of trpusera, jacket and a shirt from boots half price and raided primark. He's almost done for 12-18 now, he just needs some vests and things
Oscars 12-18 is done apart from swimming suits and hats for holiday and a pair of sandals :)
I hunk were going to switch to normal vests instead of bodysuits but we're not sure so haven't got anything for vests yet. His 12-18 is huge because it has to cover February- aug /slept - I held off because I knew he'd get money for Xmas. I do need Subhatfir him too. He's already in some of his 12-18m clothes lol
Yeah we're nearly finished for 12-18 and 18 to 24 I'm holding out on summer stuff though as I don't know how hot it will be and how big he'll be so going to get it nearer the time
So I spoke to hv. Feel like banging my head against the wall. Basically she said I should already be giving him cups for his milk not bottles and this is recommended from 6 months. Said I was already using cups for water by apparently that's not good enough. She said that from 12 months they can have cows milk to drink and that you can either swap instantly or do half and half so he gets used to the taste and then slowly go to more cows milk. I asked about vitamin drops and she said that up to the age of 5 vitamins are recommended for children now so I've bought some from sainsburys!!

Hate health visitors they always seem to be telling me I'm doing things wrong when clearly Thomas is happy and healthy so I'm obviously not!

Oh and Thomas is 21lb 10oz now
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Should just say you don't need the vitamins while they are still in formula above about 20oz a day
Yeah we're nearly finished for 12-18 and 18 to 24 I'm holding out on summer stuff though as I don't know how hot it will be and how big he'll be so going to get it nearer the time

I've got few pairs of shorts and tshirts,trousers and jumpers - oscars 12-18 runs march - August /September so I know he will probably be in all of it at some point what with our holiday too :) may try catch a cheap deal in summer aswell somewhere
So I spoke to hv. Feel like banging my head against the wall. Basically she said I should already be giving him cups for his milk not bottles and this is recommended from 6 months. Said I was already using cups for water by apparently that's not good enough. She said that from 12 months they can have cows milk to drink and that you can either swap instantly or do half and half so he gets used to the taste and then slowly go to more cows milk. I asked about vitamin drops and she said that up to the age of 5 vitamins are recommended for children now so I've bought some from sainsburys!!

Hate health visitors they always seem to be telling me I'm doing things wrong when clearly Thomas is happy and healthy so I'm obviously not!

Oh and Thomas is 21lb 10oz now

She sounds fun! Loads of mums post on here saying their LO still drink milk from a bottle and so do all my 'real life' baby friends. When we switch to cows milk I think I will try Ryan's day time milk (if he's still having them) in a beaker but il probably carry on with first thing and last thing milk in bottles xx
So I spoke to hv. Feel like banging my head against the wall. Basically she said I should already be giving him cups for his milk not bottles and this is recommended from 6 months. Said I was already using cups for water by apparently that's not good enough. She said that from 12 months they can have cows milk to drink and that you can either swap instantly or do half and half so he gets used to the taste and then slowly go to more cows milk. I asked about vitamin drops and she said that up to the age of 5 vitamins are recommended for children now so I've bought some from sainsburys!!

Hate health visitors they always seem to be telling me I'm doing things wrong when clearly Thomas is happy and healthy so I'm obviously not!

Oh and Thomas is 21lb 10oz now

They talk a load of crap sometimes. I'll give Luke vitamins but I don't see why they need them if they're on a good balanced diet like they always were before. Sometimes it feels like you're judged on people who don't know how to feed their children healthy balanced diets.

Luke has a cup for his drinks but refuses milk out of anything other than a bottle... He actually stole my milk the other say and deank it from
My beaker ( well before he tipped he rest over himself) so I think he'll be fine.

He also tied to drink out of a vase of flowers at a cafe today lol
I don't see why they push for a cup so soon. If a bottle works, why not stick with it. What's the reason behind it? My older kids had a morning and bedtime bottle till they were almost 3. No harm done.

Emma's been in her 12-18 month clothes for a while now. I need to get some summer clothes for Australia in March. Just hope they all still fit her for our summer. Or maybe I'll just take the basics and try and grab sale stuff over there.
We've been recommended to be switched over at the age of 1? I'm not pushing him tho. He throws beakers about all over & I can't monitor his milk intake so he can have milk in beakers once he stops faffing. He is getting better tho
So today the cheque arrived from homebase for the exploding lightbulb incident. He rang the other day and said they normally ask for receipts or quotes etc, but on this occasion he would just send the cheque. Just read the letter and it's basically an ex Gracia payment. So their saying take the money and we don't admit liability for a fault. So annoyed, what if the same thing happens to someone else and their house burns down! I ended the call the other day saying to make sure it's investigated. Make sure none of you buy the homebase branded gu9 bulbs!

Also had the car seat arrive from mothercare that they said was out of stock and cancelled. No wonder I'm getting
I've bought a beaker which I'm not going to try for his milk. Going to see if he can switch to this while on formula and then slowly change to cows milk. If it doesn't work I'll go back to the bottles
I don't see a HV very often, but she'd probably have a fit at my soon-to-be 3 year old drinking her bedtime milk from a bottle!!! She can drink from a normal cup, but just likes the reassurance of a bottle at night. I don't see what the harm is. Daniel still drinks all his milk from bottles and he's just turned 15 months.

As for the switch to cow's milk, you have to be careful. We switched over straight away when Daniel was a year old and he got dreadful diarrhoea and vomiting from it. He's back on formula at the moment and we're slowly introducing it (i.e. just with cereal, it's still causing a few problems but nothing like a couple of months ago).
Ella, mine were the same. As long as they can use a cup for everything else. What's the issue huh.

Has everyone done their nappy stock up? I got the tescos baby event brochure with £5 off, also had a £1.50 off voucher they sent me, and had a £1 off voucher from pampers. So got 224 (4 big packs) nappies for £22.50. Thought that was pretty good.
I have the vouchers too. I buy tesco brand nappies and they're almost always on a 2 packs for £10 deal Sonora cheap but going to take advantage of toiletries and things on offer and wipes etc.

Clothes are hard for Luke because he's got log legs, longish boy but skinny arms, legs and waist so often the clothes we buy for true bottom just fall down when he's walking around. He's in his 12-18m pyjamas now and I'm putting him into his long tshirts 12-18 soon too as randomly the others are getting tight which is weird because the waistlines for trousers are really loose even with the buttons that make them tighter. He's in 12-18m shoes and 18-24m hat for his big head lol
I think the thinking behind not using a bottle is to do with the sucking action affecting the development of their teeth? Well the bottle isn't even in Ryan's mouth for any time at all so I think it's garbage. Maybe abit different if babies are given their bottles to feed themselves and just sit with it in their mouths? I sometimes see toddlers in pushchairs just holding a bottle in their mouth? Maybe it's more aimed at that?

Absolute bargain with the nappies! I'm going to get more tomorrow! X

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