How are all you new mummies doing?

Ditto that. I lasted 11 weeks before it was obvious I just wasn't keeping up with Thomas, he was so tiny.

Next time if the same happens I'll be using formula a lot earlier as I was just a mess from the pain and worry of it all. And I certainly won't feel as guilty as I did this time
I didn't untill now

Bloody earth mums / they will be dancing around a tippee and a fire next. Even if I could have continued to breast feed Oscar - the thought if doing it when he was 2 with a full set of teeth makes me feel a wee but sick! I'm all for breast feeding babies - toddlers... BLURGH
I remember it well nat :-( I defo disnt enjoy my time with S as much as I should have because of it. Sounds terrible but next time I would give bf my hardest but if it didnt work I wouldn't express as long, if at all. Look how I'll S has been anyway!

10 days is a loooong time on no sleep and stress mrsb!!

It was actually two weeks! My hind waters broke on the Friday, didn't sleep that night, went in to be induced on Saturday but didn't have him til Monday by emerceny section, then was in hospital til weds so no sleep there and the managed about a hour a night for the next few days at home, but by the time he was ten days old it was just too much, mr b got some formula, did the night shift and all was well. And ryan slept too! Hoorah! Lol x
I managed 7 weeks was horrendous she literally fed off me all day everyday I was exhausted I had bf support workers ringing me n popping in all the time making me feel even more guilty in the end. I was so exhausted my step mum offered to have her overnight and I made the decision to stop for my sanity it didn't even hurt me to stop so no wonder the poor baba was feeding off me all the time I must have just not had the milk to satisfy her! I would be so different with my second I'd give it a good go but if it didn't work I wouldn't beat myself up. All these bloody earth mums I'm sure a lot of it is just for show we don't know what happens behind closed doors! U never know they might even use the odd Ella's kitchen pouch or god forbid a JAR! Lol being a mum is bloody hard we all deserve a well done! Xxxx
It was exactly the same for me Nat and will be next time too! Haha but they'd never give them something horrendous like beans and sausages from a tin! That's just too far, who would do that? *points at self*
Osvars been sick 4 times because I fed him chilli con carne today at hospital :/
Thanks kaedin! Hope things are going ok with you and your partner ?

Thanks Bex things are going really well at the moment. Spending time together and enjoying each others company - which is lovely. Lots of positive steps to fix the things he's done wrong and move forward together.

Sorry to hear that Mrs B. Hopefully as it's small it can be dealt with quickly for him x

Hope your scan goes well toria. Well done S! Really hoping you get some answrs and good news on thursday Jen

I try to stay clear of BF or FF discussions on here as it normally turns sour. long as baby is being fed and is coping well that's all that matters.
Do u think it was abit spicy bex? Hope he feels better and u don't have an awful night xx
I BF for 2 weeks which felt like 20 weeks ha! My boobs hurt I wasn't fully prepared didn't have a pump etc and they went like footballs an give me a bad back and I was in agony! I had bf support worker who made me feel guilty for wanting to stop!

Stanley been really poorly today he's had a rash since yesterday, he's had 7 poo's today, a cold, dry lips from breathing through his mouth all the time, a sore bum which he hasn't had yet and teething! Poor thing I think he's getting some back teeth
So I tried to get him in the doctors and they were closed for training :| rang 111 and spoke to a doctor and a nurse who weren't concerened so I will get him checked over tomorrow when the doctors reopen.

Toria couldn't help but laugh at what Chris did sorry! Hope your heads feeling better. And scan results come back fine.

Sorry to hear that Mrs b we my step dad has bowel cancer and it's been such a rollercoaster so I know how your feeling.

Kaedin I'm glad things are looking up with Hayley's dad and your happy about the situation.

Bex is there anything in the Chili that he hasn't had before which could have upset his tummy. Hope it settles soon.

Jen I hope S results come back fine to fingers crossed for yas.
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Poorly babies & family members :/ hope all are well soon!

Hope S's results can progress things Jen!

I hate the whole stigma around breast is best! Sure theoretically it is but when mum is in pain, shattered or extremely down about the pressure on her etc how can that be good for both mum & baby? Everyone knows babies pick up on mothers emotions! Happy mum = happy baby. I worked in social care for many years & was completely ready to tell any professional who tried to make me feel guilty that they were there to provide me with all the info so I could make an informed decision which I am more than capable of doing! Thankfully all professionals were fully supportive of my decision
Well I just got back from my night out. Solid performance for 2.5hours with 4 encores. Amazing and xonsideringn I haven't had a proper night out in well over a year it was very good for me to have a non mummy evening.

I don't comment on hat bf thread. It angers me a little that the earth mums make you feel bad because you give your child formulA. I couldn't feed my baby and expressed milk for a month to tee point where all I did was eat, sleep and express milk - I was knackered and getting depressed - my boy is happy and healthy and that's ll that matters. Sometimes u think people who feed for so long are doing it more for themselves than heir babies.
Hope Oscar & Stanley feel better today.

For those of you back at work how many hours a week are yous doing and how do you find being away from LO? I've contacted my work to take the year off but they are that useless they were unable to confirm my return date as they didnt know how to put my mat leave through their systems so know idea what hours or shifts ill even be able to go back to and its starting to worry me
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I work 15 hours a week (I don't earn anything, payslip came through and the figure was slightly lower than I thought, meaning I'm almost paying to go to work), but the time away from my LOs is absolutely fine. Difficult to start with, but I adjusted quite quickly.

mrs b - as jojo says, prostate cancer is very common. I work in radiotherapy and we treat mostly prostate, breast and lung cancers. Unlike something like lung cancer, mn can die of old age way before the prostate cancer would have had any effect. They may go for a "watch and wait" where they'll just keep checking to make sure it's not progressing or they may offer some form of treatment like hormone therapy xx

I felt so guilty about giving up BF the first time (I literally was expressing all day, trying to get my daughter to latch and when expressing managed to get <5ml, it was heartbreaking. I once managed to get just over 5ml, tried giving it to her and she spat it straight out. I was in tears). I managed 5 weeks, but putting away that damn expressing kit was the best thing I ever did. Like a massive weight was lifted.
Thank you Ella, that's what my bump buddy said which was reassuring. He turned 90 in December so he's doing well :) I think my gran is nearly 90 and they've both only just started to get sick in these last couple of years! And despite his cancer they're still going on their three holidays this year! Crazy old people lol

I'm back to work on the 9th feb for 30 hours over 4 days with a Wednesday off. I'm not really worried about leaving Ryan at the moment, our nursery is great and he's such a happy confident baby. I was more worried about getting up and out for 7:50 everyday but iv started showering in the evening and it's loads better! With mine and his clothes laid out and my lunch made it will be fairly easy.... Lol xx
I work 4 days and I would say it's hard going, especially with a shift working hubby. It's great for childcare but hard in other ways. I have a wed off too and love it. Means I'm only away from S for 2 days at a time. I find finding time for housework and friends etc hard going and always seem to be running about like a dafty!

Question ladies - when can they drop to 2 feeds? With our appt yest S missed her afternoon one and didn't seem bothered at all!
My LO dropped to two feeds about two months ago (around 7 1/2 months) I was really concerned and phoned my HV who said as long as he was getting dairy in his diet (milk in porridge, yoghurts etc) then it was fine. I tried offering him milk but he wasn't having it. So he just gets lots of cheese now and I upped his two bottles by an ounce each. X
Thomas is still on 3 feeds and 3 meals. I'm struggling to see how I'm going to get him to drop his afternoon I was he loves his milk and goes bonkers when he sees it.

The morning one will be ok as I'll just give him more breakfast.

I'm staying away from those threads of now on before I virtually punch someone
Macie has his dropped to two feeds Jen as same as you she didn't seem bothered to not have one and it makes it easier now I'm back to work I do 20 hours full day thu full day fri n 9-2 sat it's not nice leaving lo but u soon get used to it and it's needs must I'm afraid! Tbh I think it does them good to leave you a bit it's def helped with Macie's separation anxiety xxx
Mr b works shifts too! Every other week I will have him in the morning to help but then not after work til half ten and then the opposite week he's not there in the morning to help but gets home before me. What sort of shifts does urs do Jen?

Ryan still has 3 sometimes 4 bottles, tho the day time two if he has them are very small, I think they're all different so don't worry! I think once he stops drinking the majority of the day time ones il stop offering them.

My baby friends all switched to cows milk around 11.5 months (one even did 7/8 months?!), we've got about 1/4 tin and a few cartons left so I duno what to do?! X
If she's not bothered just on 2 bottles a day I'd go for it Jen. Hayley has 3 a day but doesn't seem to want to drop she loves her milk, she'd rather drop a meal than a bottle heh.

My old contract in work was PT mornings working 8-1pm Monday to Friday so I'm not sure if that'd be better or if i could request to compress it over 3 days instead? However; i have no idea about nursery fees so don't know what would be cheaper as i can't phone around as i don't even know if my work will let me go back to part time. Urgh.

I worry about leaving Hayley as sometimes she's been getting quite shy with people she doesn't really know, but then i know by going to nursery that'll help her get used to people, as i don't want her to just cling to me

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