How are all you new mummies doing?

Chuck it away jojo, guidelines are just that. S has done things at her own speed and will just suddenly start doing things. I'm like pumpkin, I concentrate on something for a couple of days and keep at her. she will wave but only if I say 'tata' to her, she won't point at things. Don't worry too much, he sounds spot on x
Son i just got the ten month Emma's diary thing through email and it's worrying me that they say he should be able to wave goodbye and point to things and he doesn't. He says mama but not to the right person. Are everyone else's babies doing these things?

I wouldn't worry either. Emma only started clapping properly a few weeks ago. And that's only cause Jack was getting fed up with her attempt to clap flinging her arms all And she only pointed for the first time yesterday. She babbles a lot, usually imitating me telling the other two off. And she calls both Chris and I mama and dada. Sometimes all at once. So still no clue there either.
He doesn't clap at all, he just bangs things, but not his hands lol.

He hit me over the head with a spoon like I was a drum on Tuesday.

He does seem more interested on physical things like climbing, jumping cruising and things, he can even tans for a second by himself but I still worry because I see all this baby pointing stuff and waving and he just can't do it yet. I feel like I should be doing more, like I'm just not very good at this mothering thing because he can't do some of hear things.

He bables a lot and says yayaya a lot for some reason.
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Lol bless him. All I've been doing is clapping like a loon or waving etc.. In front of Thomas. I can say Thomas can you clap and he will clap but if he's not interested then he won't do it.

Don't worry he will get it, Thomas isn't climbing yet whereas luke is.

He's currently dismantling the living room, taking all the DVDs off our storage unit :S
This is his favourite game right now, take everything off, or out and chuck it on the floor :(
Trust me Jojo, he's doing fine. I don't have the time to do anything with Emma other than pick her up from one spot, and put her in another. they all develop at their own rate. Some babies don't crawl at this age. But that's totally fine too.
Luke does the DVD thing took think I'm feeling low because I haven't seen him awake in 38hours. I just feel
Like crying because I miss him - silly I know
Emma's favourite thing is to push the buttons on the sky box or open and shut the flap on the blu ray player. Only a matter of time before she shoves something in there :-/ we can't move it either as the wires aren't long enough.

Have you all noticed what hand your baby favours? I think Emma is gonna be left handed. Noticed her hair is curling too.
So annoying I just wrote a big thing and it didn't respond so lost it! The jist was - do you have holidays coming up jojo? I've noticed a massive difference in S since I've been off work. When I'm working all I have energy for when I see her is cuddles and bath and bedtime, let alone teaching things x
I've noticed that she waves and stuff with her right hand toria, I wonder if she's mimicking me tho. I've been teaching her to blow kisses but we've got as far as her putting her hand up to her mouth when I say Scarlett kisses haha! Always her right too. Is it genetic? I always thought it was x
I'm left handed, and so is Chris's dad. All the other kids are right handed. When I ask Emma for a kiss, she head buts me!lol
Not sure about the hand, sometimes he uses his left but mostly right I think. We're all right handed.

Toria, Thomas loves the remote and sky box too. We've had to use the play pen to cordon off the tv as he's obsessed with it. He can do things with the remote that I have not idea how he's done it.
We've put the foot stool thingy in front, but she can almost climb on that!


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Ooh I love your alcoves and TVs set up. I'd love that in our house
Should have been cleaning, instead I had a long nap with Thomas. Oh well
I just fell arse over tit at work. Think I strained my ankle and possibly broken a toe, but I'm taking my boy out for some us time and that's that. I fell so guilty forworking yesterday
I just fell arse over tit at work. Think I strained my ankle and possibly broken a toe, but I'm taking my boy out for some us time and that's that. I fell so guilty forworking yesterday

Oh dear, that's twice in a week! Have a nice time out :-)
Ooh I love your alcoves and TVs set up. I'd love that in our house

Saw it in a magazine and had the builders copy it exactly when we renovated. Told Chris we had to pay for the wall to get rebuilt so wasn't gonna cost much. He believed me!lol.

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