How are all you new mummies doing?

I'm Envious too, although the only we will have another is if Chris's 'snip' didn't work!lol. Not to mention I'm getting a bit over the hill.
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So that's Xmas and New Years over, I've started thinking about 1st birthday now! Scary! What's everyone's plans?
I was thinking of nibbles etc

Thought doing a big first bday bash was abit excessive? X
So that's Xmas and New Years over, I've started thinking about 1st birthday now! Scary! What's everyone's plans?

We're thinking of having a party at my mums. Just family really - about 18 of us.
Yep we're thinking about just immediate family so would be 9 of us probably. Doubt we'll bother with anyone else.

I've also kicked my bad habit of worrying about what other people think and have ditched those annoying mums out of my head. I feel much happier as a result.

I've also semi befriended our next door neighbours as I popped a Christmas card through their door and we are going round for coffee soon. They have two young boys one very close to Thomas' age (slightly younger) so hopefully that will be nice
Aw that's good Kathryn. People like they mums aren't worth bothering about!

We have a soft play designed for babies near us who do birthday parties dead reasonable. There's even a wee bar for the adults so it's win win :-) I'm still planning on doing a christening in between. Do you think it's silly to do a joint christening with her birthday?
I think it's a great idea to do a joint celebration. We and Luke had a joint party for his christening and my 30th birthday.
My friend thought it would take away the specialness of her first birthday but I think it would add to it. Her bday is the sat too which is perfect for my best friend who is godmother flying over from Amsterdam and not having to rush back that night for work on the Monday x
Jen, that's the other thing. You would most probably want the same people there for christening and birthday, so why not. Your friend who's god mother may not be able to make christening, then birthday so soon after either.
I'd do it Jen! :)

My family is massive and our friends circle is big so it would have to be abit of both I reckon - not sure how I would manage so many people - will have to wait and see
Son i just got the ten month Emma's diary thing through email and it's worrying me that they say he should be able to wave goodbye and point to things and he doesn't. He says mama but not to the right person. Are everyone else's babies doing these things?
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Right that's decision made then! Your right toria it'll be the same people and the venue I was telling you about would be perfect for christening too!

S must have known I was bringing out the tough love last night and slept through. She's had so much disturbance sleeping with me at my dad's house a couple of times and my Niece staying on New Year's Eve. We were having to lift her to settle her and she was getting into the habit and up for hours in the night! I need sleep before work on Monday x
Please dont read to much into that hun, they r guidelines that r just that guidelines, every baby will develop in there own way n will focus n different things. U say he walks holding onto things which is really good for that age Maybe he is focusing on that right now. Harry doesn't point to things n he is nearly a yr. He can't clap properly n only just in the last wk really started to try. He does wave but only since about 10 months. Please don't worry they all get there in the end.

Hope all u ladies r enjoying the new yr.

Oh n Jen defo have a joint party I'm sure people would love it n will b much better n cheaper for you.

we r having a party for Harry on the 18th I think I may have give to far we r having a bouncy castle, pool ball n hoppers as well as food n cake etc all in a big hall. I'm so excited can not believe it's been a yr!!

Son i just got the ten month Emma's diary thing through email and it's worrying me that they say he should be able to wave goodbye and point to things and he doesn't. He says mama but not to the right person. Are everyone else's babies doing these things?

Dan didn't start waving and clapping until he was a year old and pointed for the very first time yesterday (13.5 months). Been waiting absolutely AGES!!! He doesn't have much speech either, still just mamama and dadada, but to the right person. They all do things so differently. If I think of it as a timeline, he's way behind where our daughter was at the same age, but is walking, whereas she didn't walk til she was 19 months.
Jojo, Thomas is doing those things but I 'practice' with him a lot, started when he first waves about 2 months ago. He babbles loads but we don't really get da dada or mamama although I know he can say it. It's this current leap where they develop the ability for most of these things so perhaps he hasn't wuite gone through it yet.

From your previous posts he seems much more interested in the physical stuff

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