How are all you new mummies doing?

I'm going out with my mum this afternoon. Leaving LO with OH for over 6 hours. Not sure who is more nervous...
Try not to worry. I leave LO work his dad for 6 hours every day I'm working and it works done, I just make sure I have all ge clothes put out and a list of to do on the fridge (not that he needs it now) it's good for them to have some alone daddy time.

I'm leaving him alone with LO for 13hours on New Year's Day, and I think I'll miss him
Loads then as I won't see him at all that day. Sunday night was the first time ever I didn't put him to bed.
Oscar was the same nat - green phlemy snot etc. Jen that Is pooh about the car and boiler :( hate it when bad luck doesn't stop!
Poor babies, hope they are all better soon.

Jen that's always the way, just as things are looking good something else goes wrong huh.

Oh is off sick today. Driving me around the bend. He looks to me like he's just feeling sorry for himself. Just sitting there doing nothing while I rush around with all the kids. Went out for 3 hours this am with all the kids to give him a rest. Come home and the house is a tip. Food out in the kitchen, crumbs on the floor. And he's sitting on the sofa just watching tv!grrrr. I feel like I spend my day trying to get the house back to how it was when we got up.

On top of that, last night I Decided I would let Emma cry when she woke in the night. Woke about 6 times, so I just left her as it never went to the frantic crying, then she would go back to sleep. Bout 15 mins each time. She woke at 5:30 and the crying went on for about 20 mins so thought I'd better go see if I could settle her. Get in there and notice she was in her summer sleeping bag and it was freezing last night! Chris put her to bed, couldn't find her winter ones so just thought that would do. What an idiot. Her winter ones were right there on the radiator in her room! No wonder she was up all night. Ended up taking her to my bed and as soon as she got under the covers, she slept for an hour. Poor thing.
Bless!! I put all the summer ones away.

I feel like I need a day where I have neither Luke or hubby around so I can reorganise the place. Hubby has a computer deal in livingroom with a computer on he hasn't used since getting his laptop 3 months ago. When he gets rid of that we will have so much more space so I've told him I'll take Luke to my mums until 4pm on Sunday (we leave the house at 9am) and he can do it then. It just makes the place look so untidy!!

We also have a huge fish tank to sell to free up space as well as the wooden highchair - house feels so cluttered.
He will be fine maud, it's good for them! :-)

That sounds about right toria! The boiler guy came at 8 I clock and fixed boiler - yay!! I didn't get back from my dad's til 11 and there was Chris lying there with the polish and duster and I was like 'great you done some cleaning while I was away' he laughed and was like 'the the sun was shining on the telly so I gave it a quick dust before I watched it!' Queue a rant haha!! Nothing worse than a sick man tho - we get on with it, they are literally dying a death!

How's oscar doing Bex? Glad the clear out is going well jojo.

Well I have a night off tonight yay! Another wee drinky poos with the baby group. I can't wait. Apart from 2 at Christmas, I haven't had a drink the whole hols and it's just been me and S mostly cos hubby has been working so defo deserve a break ;-)

What's everyone plans for tomorrow night?
I'm shattered so in gonna say sleep?! Was up from 1.15 to 4 with austin. He had the works - medicine, bottle, cuddles to get him back off! He's been alright today whilst we've been out...preoccupied people watching I suppose but since we've been home he's been so demanding. He's drinking little milk, refusing food (barely eaten his yogurt which is always finished) & spitting water out. I've added the tiniest amount of squash to water & he's drank some &. He's also had a puree ice lolly. I'm hoping what he has had is enough r keep him hydrated. He is having wet nappies but they're barely wet. He's due is 4th dose of antibiotics I hope they work soon.

I had a mini breakdown at the doctors yesterday because I was so tired & he told me to make an appt to see them for a sick note if I felt like I needed one. Thing is, I'm constantly feeling tired & I'm not sure that it would help but I must admit it sounds appealing right now
I'm taking Luke to a hog roast on New Year's Eve then coming home and having a night in- I hate New Year's Eve anyway and don't see the point in making a big deal out of it

Hubby is going I get a shock as I've just rearranged the furnature lol
We've got a table booked at Zizzis in town. About a 10 min walk from home. So going there at 6 for dinner with 2 other families. Then see how the night goes. May come home for a few more. Sure I'll be asleep before 11.

Is everyone a member of the boots parenting club? I have just assumed I was getting the 10 points for every £ I spend, but after buying the car seat last week I only got £12 worth. Rang today and they were so apologetic as they could see I've been a member since 08 and updated when I had Emma. But the points weren't adding correctly. They gave me £50 worth of points! Happy days :-)
I always seen the year in but I'll be in bed right after as I have a thirteen, THIRTEEN hour shift on new yeArs day, then just 8 hours after I have to be up for the next one. I have a 25hr contract but I'm doing 35 this week for some reason.
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We've got a table booked at Zizzis in town. About a 10 min walk from home. So going there at 6 for dinner with 2 other families. Then see how the night goes. May come home for a few more. Sure I'll be asleep before 11.

Is everyone a member of the boots parenting club? I have just assumed I was getting the 10 points for every £ I spend, but after buying the car seat last week I only got £12 worth. Rang today and they were so apologetic as they could see I've been a member since 08 and updated when I had Emma. But the points weren't adding correctly. They gave me £50 worth of points! Happy days :-)

I'll keep an eye on this because I plan on ordering the same car seat I think! I need to ring them up actually because I downloaded 2 offers to my card yesterday but only one was added at the till!
I didn't know about the offers you have to download either. Missed out on £10 of extra points for spending £40 too.
Hope all the poorly babies feel better soon.

The conversation with my ex actually went quite well. He apologised for everything he's done and just asked me to give him one chance to prove he's changed as he's realised he does love me and wants to be with me and if he messes it up he will lose me for good which he doesn't want. So we're just taking it slow as I obviously can't just forget everything he's done to me, but he has really been trying. Invited me and hayley to his house for dinner and the bells.

I told my mum & dad (i'm living at theirs) and it didn't go well. Told my mum he asked me to give him a chance, he asked if i was considering it, i said yes and she just sat there crying for like an hour. So i ignored her and continued to deal with hayley. I'm in bed now out of their way as i really don't want to sit and hear from people why they think im wrong for giving him the chance. It's not like i can justify what he's done, however; he is making the effort to fix the wrongs he's done to me
Hope all the poorly babies feel better soon.

The conversation with my ex actually went quite well. He apologised for everything he's done and just asked me to give him one chance to prove he's changed as he's realised he does love me and wants to be with me and if he messes it up he will lose me for good which he doesn't want. So we're just taking it slow as I obviously can't just forget everything he's done to me, but he has really been trying. Invited me and hayley to his house for dinner and the bells.

I told my mum & dad (i'm living at theirs) and it didn't go well. Told my mum he asked me to give him a chance, he asked if i was considering it, i said yes and she just sat there crying for like an hour. So i ignored her and continued to deal with hayley. I'm in bed now out of their way as i really don't want to sit and hear from people why they think im wrong for giving him the chance. It's not like i can justify what he's done, however; he is making the effort to fix the wrongs he's done to me

They need to understand its your choice. I think the fact that you're not trying to justify his actions shows that you're level headed & that you'll be out of there if anything similar happens again. Just make sure you're doing it for you & not just Hayley :)
I didn't know about the offers you have to download either. Missed out on £10 of extra points for spending £40 too.

My friend challenged a store once when she was spending the points in the card because she wasn't getting any additional points (still purchases after all) so she rang up customer care & they said she should be getting them but yet nothing has been done to rectify this on their systems!
Oh my days. Bloody men. So I go food shopping just after Thomas' last bottle where he falls asleep. Tell hubby to change him, brush his teethand put him to bed. Get back and Thomas is still downstairs. Which means he'll be over tired and I'll be the one dealing with it.

Seriously just because he had man flu his brain has completely gone. Pissing me off now after I had to chase the bin lorry earlier as he'd forgotten that it was Tuesday and then picking up after him constantly
Your parents will come round but now I'm a parent myself you can't blame her for being upset and worried after all the things he's done to you it's your life n you make your own decisions but if u were my daughter I would def be worried especially when he's hit your before xx
I've fallen down the stairs twice in twenty minutes lol amazing it didn't wake Luke up.
I fell up the stairs earlier.mthen I sat there crying by I blame my slippers!
I didn't know about the offers you have to download either. Missed out on £10 of extra points for spending £40 too.

My friend challenged a store once when she was spending the points in the card because she wasn't getting any additional points (still purchases after all) so she rang up customer care & they said she should be getting them but yet nothing has been done to rectify this on their systems!

My points were updated about 10 mins after I spoke to the lady

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