How are all you new mummies doing?

Kids toys are so big, it only gets worse unless you're ruthless and get rid of stuff regularly. We renovated our house about 3 years ago and have had builders back twice to get more cupboards put in. We've got a playroom, but there's still toys in every corner of this house.
Do you know if it comes with the isofix? It looks like it does but don't know if it's too good to be true!!
I baught stanley that pirate ship sand a bf water thing toria it looks wicked! Won't use it Til the summer though, we put Stanleys trike up day so looking forward to using that, he's been playing with his activity table and billys hot wheels cars the most :| he also likes the books I bought with the noise buttons that you press throughout.
I can't deal with the amount of toys/boxes/clutter in my house at the minute it's mess my toy is already full so no where to put the new toys argh!

Yeah I'll keep it till summer too. The box is huge though! We managed to wedge it through the loft hatch. Think we'll have to take it out of the box to get it out.

Haha! Yeh the box is huge isn't it ours is in the back room it's staying there til we move at the end of next month.. Hopefully we can wedge it in the loft in our new house! :lol:
Do you know if it comes with the isofix? It looks like it does but don't know if it's too good to be true!!

Yes it's isofix. It's still full price everywhere else. I wonder if there's a new version out in jan so they are having a clear out.

It's also rear facing only.
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Does it come with the isofix base with it I mean? I had to buy it separately with my last car seat x x
Its all built in. I was confused when I first started looking. Seems a lot of the group 0/1 isofix don't use the base.
Here's a pic from the boots website


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It must be included cos it mentions the bar on specifications on website. I'll order it anyway and see how it comes. I would love the dual fix one but so much money eh? My mil is paying for this for S birthday and am half tempted to put the rest myself to dual fix but just don't know if it's worth it x
I'm only thinking of the practicalities of getting my wee chubber in and out, I wouldn't have her forward facing while driving with it x
I witch, that's the one I'm getting, the inserts that you can buy are lovely and is a perfect size.

That's a turn up for the books kaedin! He would have to have changed massively for it to be worth putting you and Hayley through it again. Hope you get some answers. When are you meeting? x

He's taking me and Hayley out to lunch tomorrow. Will see how it goes.

I'm still so confused with the next stage of car seat as I don't drive (taking lessons atm) so Hayley is in my mums car very rarely (my mum works FT) so don't really want to buy an expensive one when it will hardly get used, then I may pass my driving test and get my own car and it might not be compatible ? But also don't want to buy a cheaper and less safe one.
I thought I was happy with our planned maxi cosi next stage, but I am seriously tempted by the dualfix as I love that it swivels to make getting in/out easier. Will have to take both our cars to the shop at some point to see what will fit in both!
You get some good britax ones for £80 kaedin. It's with looking in the sales just now x
Kerry, Or joie stages. I'm a member of that car seat group on Facebook and alot of people rate this, as a cheaper car seat it's about £130 so more than some of the cheaper britax seats but it lasts up to 25kg and it seems to be compatible with lots of different cars
I witch, that's the one I'm getting, the inserts that you can buy are lovely and is a perfect size.

That's a turn up for the books kaedin! He would have to have changed massively for it to be worth putting you and Hayley through it again. Hope you get some answers. When are you meeting? x

He's taking me and Hayley out to lunch tomorrow. Will see how it goes.

I'm still so confused with the next stage of car seat as I don't drive (taking lessons atm) so Hayley is in my mums car very rarely (my mum works FT) so don't really want to buy an expensive one when it will hardly get used, then I may pass my driving test and get my own car and it might not be compatible ? But also don't want to buy a cheaper and less safe one.

I hope it goes ok Hun have you been talking a lot? Xxxx
Joie stages looks good too!

Been messaging quite abit, he basically said he knows he's reacted v. badly to our break up and shouldve handled it better but if i give him one chance he'll prove to me that he has changed. Told him I'd hear him out, im still confused - not sure if i want to be with him after all this/can put it behind us but feel like i do need to at least hear him out. In our messages it's like when we were first together - he's saying how much he enjoys talking with me...which never happened near the end of our 5 yr relationship.
I was considering a britax eclipse? as it has good reviews I'm quite limited as to what I can get as I've got a Mini Cooper the seats are sculpted it's 3 door and obviously there's not a lot of room! This is the only one I've came across that will fit!

Just looked at Joie stages one which looks decent too thanks whoever it was who mentioned that
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Kerry only you know him.. The thing that sticks in my mind is when you said he punched you in the face :| he's got to be a whole new person and changed dramatically to even consider it, obviously you don't want to put you or Hayley at risk :)
I must say I really like the dualfix. Only been a day though, so will let you all know how the next week goes. The fact it goes rearward and forward facing, and also swivels to the side is what tempted me. Emma and I have to sit in the car a lot while we wait to pick up the older two. So means while we're waiting I can turn her around. Doubt it will last till she's 4 though. She's quite snug in it.
Was just writing that post. All went quiet so went to find Emma doing this!


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