How are all you new mummies doing?

I still really like my travel system apart from getting the car seat in and out is a back breaker in my mini :| I bought the mamas and papas sola and it fits in my boot so haven't even thought about another!

My stepdad has his op and curbs long story short they found more cancer they said it had spread again in the 2 weeks he waited for his op an they should have had him in sooner. He has to wear a bag permanently and has to have chemo because the 2 hours of chemo they flushed through his system after the op didn't work. He feels like crap and thinks he's going to die but I guess that's what having a major op does do you. We will be going up a few days after Xmas to stay overnight to visit and see my mam.

Apart from that I am really excited about having our first Christmas with stanley and we have Chris son overnight on Xmas eve too for the first time which the courts decided so will be lovely. Hope your all ok haven't had chance to read everyone's posts sorry x
Wow stace! Sorry to hear things Arnt great but least they found it now and can target it - chemo isn't nice but I'm sure he will perk up. Hope you all have a lovely Xmas xx
Really sorry to hear that Stacey :-( not good for you and your family but try your best to remain positive Hun I'm thinking of you I know how horrendous cancer is xxx
Also horrible what's happened in Glasgow :-( I agree since I've had Macie I worry about so much more stuff and am also very emotional :-(
Not long now until Xmas Petes broke up now until 5th n I start back on 8th so nice long break pete taking me Xmas shopping Tomo n said I can have whatever I like lol he may regret that ha ha!
Hope your all ok and babies are better and your all looking forward to first Christmas with our little ones xxxxx
Such a horrible time for your family stacey. So hard to stay positive when the bad news keeps coming.

I love our xplory! It takes up most of the boot space but it's brill when shopping because it's got such a small turning circle. Sure there's no basket to store things but I have a mummy clip & just use that. I love the attention it attracts too. People randomly stop you to talk about it! I'm on the stokke sellers fb page & some of them are mental. They start of with a stokke & sell it then get another pram then sell that to buy another stokke. Someone bought the new true black one & has practically sold it immediately because she has to use the double more. It's crazy. My hubby would kill me if I was like that!

I found the car seat group really helpful. I think I've just about settled on the Dualfix too but it's the price isn't great (obs safety is worth it!) but didn't wanna spend that much. I liked the Joie stages as they all seem to rate that but Chris put his foot down with that coz he hasn't heard of the brand before. It's basically gotta be a maxi cosi, britax or recaro because he's heard of those. I might even be able to swing a be safe given that's what the stokke car seat is.
Jealous of all these people off until January, but I also think it's silly- I hate that the world is expected to stop just because it's Christmas, although part of that could be the jealousy talking lol

Stacey that's horrible news for your family, I hope it all turns out okay - survival rates are getting better and people have a real chance these days.

Bex, I hope oscar does well at his checkup too.

Work just called and asked me to work today or tomorrow and I told them they has no chance In hell... It felt pretty good.

I'm currently across the road from
Work getting my hair dyed and cut :) hope it turns out quite red :)
Jealous of all these people off until January, but I also think it's silly- I hate that the world is expected to stop just because it's Christmas, although part of that could be the jealousy talking lol

Stacey that's horrible news for your family, I hope it all turns out okay - survival rates are getting better and people have a real chance these days.

Bex, I hope oscar does well at his checkup too.

Work just called and asked me to work today or tomorrow and I told them they has no chance In hell... It felt pretty good.

I'm currently across the road from
Work getting my hair dyed and cut :) hope it turns out quite red :)

It must be because I'd bet you'd kick off if you were told you'd have to work xmas day :)

Personally I couldn't care about other days off apart from xmas...though I do love that I have them. The in laws don't think anywhere should be open Boxing, why??
I,be worked almost very Xmas say since I was17 so I'm having this one off, I've done my share of Christmas days, plus I'm in Boxing Day and 13hours on New Year's Day.
I agree with not opening Boxing Day. It forces people to have to work. M&s never used to open Boxing Day and because everyone else does it means that for the last 3 years we've opened. I'd love to have a 2 day break at Christmas but I always have to work Christmas Eve and Boxing Day because people can't stay at home for two days!
Stacey, really hope he chemo goes well for your stepdad

Bex, hope the checkup goes ok and he's off the antibiotics soon

Jojo, I bet it felt amazing telling them no lol

Thomas has his second tooth now. We have had a difficult couple of days because of it but hopefully that will pass.
We have the icandy apple2 travel system. I do like it but it's so heavy. If I hadn't got it if have bought a peach3 as I love tr look of that. Good news with ours though is it converts to a tandem.

Still not idea on car seats. Think we're going for a joie ianchor or similar.
I agree with not opening Boxing Day. It forces people to have to work. M&s never used to open Boxing Day and because everyone else does it means that for the last 3 years we've opened. I'd love to have a 2 day break at Christmas but I always have to work Christmas Eve and Boxing Day because people can't stay at home for two days!

I guess it's easy for me to say this because I don't work bank holidays but then again I'm very particular about jobs when I'm applying for them because fortunately I'm in a position to be able to so. My main thing is flexi! If happily work bank Hols as long as I get my flexi time!
Unfortunately a lot of people don't get flexitime for bank holidays.
We don't get paid any bank holidays apart from Xmas day, Boxing Day and New Year's Eve. We work 24/7 in our job so someone has to work. I don't actually mind working Christmas Day, but I've always worked it so people with kids can have family time and now it's my turn. My mum and dad always worked Xmas. Mum worked one year (nurse) andy dad worked the next (he worked in a factory) so we never had both parents. I won't want to work next Christmas but I think it's only fair I do tbh.

I don't see why the world needs to stop for Christmas (it annoys me that there is no means of transport on a Christmas Day) but I don't see the need for shops to be open boxingn day - why do people need to shop all the time?? However, I doNt mind Boxing Day working at all- double time rocks and for me it's a normal day, back to business. Hubby is off Xmas eve (he did a shift on Sunday to do sale prep instead) Xmas day, Boxing Day (sat workers do bank holidays) and then has the weekend off... It's just the way it's fallen for him.
My cousin is pregnant again :) such lovely news that like will have a new cousin on April time :)

Now I'm all broody!!
Roll on Boxing Day sales! Next and mothercare!

Want to grab some 12-18 stuff hopefully and some 18-24 if there's anything nice for next autumn/winter :)
Hi ladies haven't been on this thread for a while, but I do try to keep up with it a bit when I can. Wanted to wish you all a merry first Xmas with ur gorgeous babies( can't believe Harry wasn't here this time last yr its crazy) n hope u have a fab New yr.
Happy Christmas all. Got a poorly bubs here. Had her to emergency docs Monday night who said it was viral. All she wants is mummy cuddles. Hope she picks up for tomorrow x
Oh no; hope she's feeling better soon x

Isabelle slept through last night! Can't remember the last time I got a full night's sleep! Bliss :-)
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Been so busy today! Up at 8am, Luke's breakfast and dressed then out at 9:30 to help sad finish his shopping then to mums house to make a baileys cheese cake and a mousse cake, then I cleaned her kitchen and tidied and hoovered her livingroom ( I'm
Nice that way) then came home and picked Luke up, then went to grandmas to
Make her lunch and wrap some gifts, took presents to my mums from her house and came home at 4:00 I got Luke his tea and having a sit before 5:30 bedtime routine starts and I go to my mums at 6:20 to help set up the toot toot tower and wrap it along with he walker and back home for pizza and some
Wine and hubby and I will do our cards and stocking gifts before bedtime to sleep so Santa comes
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Christmas Eve been busy for me too just sat down Macie now in bed and me n pete are having a fuddle! Lol merry Christmas to you all enjoy your first one with our beautiful babies xxxxxx
Is the dualafix the one that turns Toria? I got a britax - and also bought a new pram! Now have the out n about nipper - as our graco Evo was awful on the paths around here and bridal paths ! As soon as oscars in his next car seat then I'm selling the travel system :)

I'm looking forward to having some time off over Xmas and trying to catch up with you guys! I feel out the loop I don't know what's going on lol! X

Yes it's the one that goes front and back facing and swivels around. Not huge so doubt it will last more than a few years. But will make my life a bit easier till then. Easy to move between cars too if I need to. Although just bought the Max-fix II as it was on sale.

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