How are all you new mummies doing?

He fell asleep at 9.30 which was abit better (thanks to take that lol).

His tooth seems to be ok today, as he's eaten and drunk everything normally.

How after they've cut the gum to they become a proper stubby tooth?
Lots of poorly babies, think we have had quite enough now!

S has picked up again, she just seems mega tired and grouchy. Should find out today what virus she has this time, wee chicken. As you can see from the time, sleep is not an option due to anxiety. If she's not awake I'm up checking on her :wall:
Jen youre really having a rough ride. I hope you got some sleep
Luke went to bed at 6 and woke at 7:30 and wouldn't settle so I brought him down at 7:30 until 8:30 and he went back, then woke at 11:30 and came I to our rom for 10 minutes then slept all night.

He's still a bit hitty/missy
Omg, just heard Emma's eating noise coming from the kitchen. Rushed over there and she had gotten the box of coco pops out of the cupboard - I keep them low so the older two can get their own breakfast. She dropped it on the floor so the lid opened, and she was munching away!
I hoovered up today at 3:00 - then I left a breadbun in on the table - big mistake! By 4:00 it looked like a scene from hanzel and gretel!

Baby tornado!

On top of that I had brought my duvet down to wash and it was all dry, put it on the floor in the livingroom to put the cover on and thought I'd take it up when Luke was in bed, well I was changing his nappy and he crawled away, went onto the duvet and pissed on it!

Mum is rubbing out to tesco to get me a new one now as no time to wash before bed, that said we could do with a new one as we've had it about 7 years and was washed to hell.

Toria, my cousins little girl went through a cereal obsession at around the same age and started to get them all on the floor and eat them like the cat.
They are getting so clever/naughty!! S is crawling and getting up to sitting position so you can't take your eyes off for a second, she was up pulling my frames off the coffee table and chewing on them wee monkey!

She's defo perked up today so here's hoping for a sleep. I hate doing this but hubby is going to sleep in the spare room with the monitor to let me try and recharge. Have a big Christmassy day planned tomorrow, can't wait x
Luke tipped all of the 75 Xmas cards on my coffee table and threw them around one by 1 lol
Oh no Jojo, you won't be leaving your next duvet on the floor!lol. I've given up with mine. I think each of my kids have pee'd spewed, had bleeding noses all over my duvet. Washed, but looks terrible! But cost a fortune back before I had kids, so next one won't be so nice.

Jen, glad S is on the mend. I tried Emma on calprofen today as Calpol does nothing, and she perked up a lot after. Really don't want any of the kids sick for Xmas.

And don't feel bad bout getting some sleep. If you aren't looked after, you might get Ill too, then everyone suffers.
Hayleys 2 bottom teeth cut the gum at the same time, about 4 weeks ago now. After first cutting they came through a good bit after about a week. Since then they don't seem to have grown anymore, I don't know if they are still coming through or if i was just being abit daft thinking they'd be bigger ?

Hopefully emmas feeling better tomorrow. don't feel bad about getting sleep jen, you need it too!

Hayley still isn't crawling, and has no interest whatso ever. Hates being on her tummy. She skipped her afternoon nap again today so think she's gave up with 2 naps a day heh.
Hi ladies

I've not posted for a while but do still come on to keep up to date with you all.

It made me smile about Emma & the cereals and Luke and the duvet, too funny xx

Kaedin, Summer also shows no interest in crawling too & still no teeth! I'm on constant mouth watch hoping to see a tooth pop up.

Hope you are all good, can't believe its close to our babies first xmas. I'm back to work on 5th Jan, looking forward to it in one sense but know I. Going to miss Sumner heaps xx
Kaedin she's maybe just going to go straight for walking. You hear about it a lot. As for the teeth, they can take 6 months to fully come through. S has cut hers for about 2 weeks but they still aren't coming right up. All normal.

What did you end up doing with your trees? We got ours last night so going to decorate it tonight. We are just going to put it in it's normal place and hope for the best I think!
Mines is up in the usual place. Hayleys been great, when she's in her walker she'll stop before ramming into it and will walk around it. Shes only touched a bauble twice! Unfortunately, the same can't be said for my mums cat
Mines on a coffee table in the corner of the room, between two sofas, we've always had a small tree so put it there to make it look bigger. Going to try and get one after Christmas for next year that's big enough to go on the floor.

Ryan's 7th tooth has split the gum, there's a blister hole thing and I can just about feel the top of it but can't see it yet. I think he's going to be one of those that has the full set early!... Having said that he could just stop! We all know how unpredictable they are!
Wow! A lot if teeth! Luke's top 2 are close as are the ones best u em I think. Luke keeps pulling the tree forward a bit hen looking at me and giggling. I've put glue spots underneath so he can't actually move it lol
This is Although Emma's managed to get a few bells off it. Just put all the delicate decs higher up.

Can't upload. Anyway, we have it in the playpen.
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We have a 6ft tree in the alcove stanleys not even bothered by it, he goes for the wired though but nothing on the tree..
He cut his 3rd tooth yesterday at the top! :D

Someone I knows baby just cut their first tooth the day after his 1st birthday so they can come anytime!
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Morning, we put ours up on Saturday but left it empty (it's a fake one this year until thomas is old enough to appreciate a real one). We decorated it last night and he literally couldn't be any less interested in it at the moment. So much for worrying! He touched it when the tree was empty Abit but since all the nice shiney stuff has gone on it he's barely looked at it!!
Thomas has his first tooth through the gum and some savage nappies to go with it!

Thinking I need some sort of activity table as he's pulling himself up on every toy right now but some of them aren't really for that!

So excited that I'm getting a new iPhone for Christmas. Had my phone for years and its been having a few issues recently.
Hoepfully S will be like the others then. She hasn't even noticed that the trees been sat there so hopefully will be the same once it's decorated. I'm sure it was your pic I seen on fb toria! Good plan haha.

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