How are all you new mummies doing?

Luke slept from 6;45pm until 8:45pm today... He's getting that Saturday morning nap thing lol lovely lie in for us.
Aw poor Oscar :( hope he gets better soon Bex..

I had the oil heater on timer in Stanley's room and it stayed around 20 he only woke for a dummy at 6 so a better night x
That's good about Oscar.

Weve just woken thomas up! Today is going to be interesting as he's totalky out of routine now
Hope Oscars doing ok bex. And hope all babies are feeling well x

Hayley didn't go to bed until 8pm, then woke at 3 then again at 4 and just wouldn't settle. So brought her into bed with me and we slept until just after 7. Feeling like a tired mummy.
Get well soon Oscar!

I'm up & down nearly every night with austin. I think last night might have been a sleep through but I woke in pain at 4.30 & think I woke him when I got up to use toilet/get peptac/boil kettle for hot water bottle :(

Been to a cupcake class today & loved every minute. Feeling rather chuffed :)
I'm making my Christmas cake next Sunday :)

I just bought Luke a activity table and he's gone mad for it! Totally hyper with it! The phone rang and he picked it up which was hilarious... I wish i had been filming it.
Plain old vanilla. It was more the decorating side of things that the class was for
Much better nights sleep here. Thomas slept from 8.30 to 7.45 and he ate more of his lunch and dinner today without a fuss
Luke slept well (woke up screaming at 8:30pm though and needed calpol) then up at 7:30 screaming again - made me late for work, oops. He's put with his granny today so hopefully he isn't too bad while I'm at work
Just looking at my ticker and I find it amazing that we're nearly at the end of it now. Seems like only yesterday that I'd added it to my signature and we were right at the beginning

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